
Tax Deferral, Online Penalty Notice Screening and Prohibiting Fireworks

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

City of Mississauga COVID-19 Response Continues: Tax Deferral, Online Penalty Notice Screening and Prohibiting Fireworks

COVID-19 | May 6, 2020

Today, Council approved further actions in response to COVID-19 including, tax deferral, allowing online administrative penalty screening and prohibiting the sale and use of fireworks.

“Mississauga continues to run efficiently and deliver key services in the face of this pandemic,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “That includes continuing to take measures to keep Mississauga safe and provide cash flow relief to our residents. Prohibiting fireworks is the right thing to do at this time to help discourage large groups from gathering, keep our City safe and ensure our firefighters and enforcement teams are focused on the task at hand, that’s fighting COVID-19.”

Tax Deferral
To provide further financial assistance to taxpayers and help ease financial pressures as a result of the impacts of COVID-19, Council agreed to postpone regular final tax instalments and eliminate late payment charges and fees related to tax payment requests for changes. The City is requesting that landlords pass the tax deferral on to their tenants. Details

Virtual Fireworks Only
Council voted to prohibit the sale and use of fireworks until further notice to reduce the potential for large crowds and continue to promote resident safety for the duration of the emergency related to COVID-19 as declared by the Province of Ontario and ensure existing resources are available and used for resident safety.  While fireworks are currently banned in Mississauga, please enjoy a virtual display this year with highlights from previous Mississauga firework events presented by Tim Hortons:

Three by-laws were amended to prohibit the use and sale of fireworks in Mississauga:

  1. Fireworks Residents By-law – Regulating the use of fireworks by the public including restrictions on dates, times and permit requirements.
  2. Fireworks Vendors By-law – Regulating the licensing for the ownership and operation of portable firework display units within the City.
  3. Business Licensing By-law – Regulating the licensing and sale of fireworks from inside a building (not portable).

Online Screening Reviews of Administrative Penalties
Council voted to amend the Administrative Penalty By-law and Licencing Administrative Penalty By-law to allow for written submissions for online screening reviews of administrative penalties. During the current Provincial Court closure period, the by-law amendments allows the screening review process to continue as an option for anyone seeking a review of their penalty notice, which was previously only allowed in-person.

This online option will be available later this spring for the following administrative penalties related:

For those who have already submitted requests for screening reviews, a notice will be mailed to the address that the court has on file providing the opportunity to have their dispute heard by way of online written submissions.

For those who chose to continue with an in-person review, their matters will be dealt with once the Court offices re-open. For all new penalty notices, the defendant will be given the option of paying the penalty, or choosing an online submission or in-person review of their penalty notice.

To stay informed on COVID-19 impacts on City services, please visit:


No fireworks are allowed in #Mississauga until further notice. As #VictoriaDay approaches, do not light or buy #fireworks. With emergency orders in place due to #COVID19, we want to do our part to keep our community safe. Report non-compliance to 311.


.@CityMississauga #COVID19 response continues keeping #Mississauga safe & providing cash flow relief: tax relief, online Administrative Penalty Screening & prohibiting the sale & use of Fireworks.


Link to eCity:


Rise Up Mississauga – Concert of Hope – Friday, May 8, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.

By Covid-19, Events, Resources, Uncategorized

An entrepreneur in  his own right, Ron Duquette, has taken the initiative to put together  an amazing concert of outstanding local performers from all around Mississauga.   

His message is below and I hope you will enjoy it!                                          Stephen


Hi Folks,

I hope you are all safe and sound and COVID-19 free in your homes, practising all the things we’ve been

told to do by our leaders across the country.

I’ve been working on a special project to stave off boredom during the COVID-19 pandemic lock down.

Recently, great talents from around the world and across Canada have performed to thank health care

workers and people in food supply, along with our essential service heroes, in this unprecedented time.

After watching Andrea Bocelli deliver his magnificent live performance in the Duomo in Milan on Easter Sunday

I got to thinking….why not here in Mississauga. That was my inspiration and “AHA” moment.

Teaming up with my colleagues at the Mississauga Arts Council, the result is “Rise Up Mississauga” – Concert of Hope, a 40-minute virtual concert featuring some of Mississauga’s finest home grown musicians, along with our local politicians, all coming together with a message of solidarity. Two of the artists wrote original songs for this production.

If you aren’t doing anything on Friday, May 8th at 7:00p.m. (EST) I hope you can tune in and enjoy the show.

Stay safe everyone.



List of locations within the Region of Peel that have Free Public Wi-Fi. 

By Covid-19, Resources

Free Public Wi-fi resources:

East Avenue Paramedics Station, 938 East Avenue **Ward1**

Tall Pines LTC, 1001 Peter Robertson Blvd, Brampton

Malton Village LTC, 7075 Rexwood Road; Mississauga

Peel Manor LTC, 525 Main St N; Brampton

Davis Centre LTC, 80 Allan Dr; Bolton

Sheridan Villa LTC, 2460 Truscott Dr

Mississauga-Fairview Clinic, 325 Central Parkway West

Mississauga-Meadowvale Clinic, 6975 Meadowvale Town Centre

Brampton-Bramalea Clinic, 150 Central Park Drive, Brampton

Mississauga-Malton Clinic, 7205 Goreway Drive, Mississauga

Lynch Ambulance, 55 Trueman Street, Brampton

Streetsville Reporting Station, 2492 Thomas Street

Tedlo Paramedics Station, 2355 Tedlo Street, Unit 4

Mavis TransHelp / Paramedics, 3190 Mavis Road

Rising Hill Paramedics Station, 25 Rising Hill Ridge, Brampton

Sheridan Park Paramedics Station, 2230 Sheridan Park Drive

Lorne Park Paramedics Station, 1188 Lakeshore Road West

City of Mississauga COVID-19 Response Continues: Keeping our City Moving and Safe

By Covid-19

Roads and Stormwater Projects Proceed, Temporary Bike Lanes Added, MiWay Protective Measures Expanded and Noise by-law Suspended for Call to Prayer

COVID-19 | April 29, 2020

Today, Council discussed further actions in response to COVID-19 including, proceeding with essential roads and stormwater projects, installing temporary bike lanes and protective barriers on MiWay buses and suspending the noise by-law temporarily for call to prayer.

“Mississauga continues to respond to the COVID-19 crisis and a changing environment. City workers continue to deliver essential services to residents, despite this pandemic. While there are physical distancing measures in place, work on roads and stormwater projects will continue to ensure Mississauga is safe and accessible. As well, new, temporary bike lanes are being opened to allow people to stay physically active. This is critical work that keeps our City running and our residents healthy. While people are home, now is a good time to do this work and minimize disruption,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “Federal and provincial case projections are promising, but we need to remain vigilant and stay home. We have begun planning for recovery, including new measures to keep transit drivers and riders safe, but we will only get there if everyone remains strong and does their part.”

Roads and Stormwater Capital Programs

Council voted to proceed with construction projects in the Roads and Stormwater Capital Programs report as they are an essential service under Ontario Regulation 82/20 – Closure of Places of Non-Essential Businesses.

The projects noted in the report have approved capital budgets and involve repair and maintenance of critical infrastructure, including roads, bridges and stormwater management ponds.

Under the Regulation, contractors are to comply with all applicable health and safety laws, including the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the advice and instructions of public health officials, including physical distancing. Notices will be distributed in the communities impacted by construction with contact information and to advise residents and property owners of the COVID-19 precautions that contractors are required to comply with.

With pot hole filling, sidewalk and curb repair and spring clean-up efforts already underway, the City is now moving forward with its busy road construction season.


MiWay will be adding temporary biohazard barriers on buses to provide additional protection for operators in advance of a return to front door customer boarding. The barriers are expected to be installed by end of June. MiWay transit operators, maintenance and administration staff are receiving reusable face coverings and disposable gloves to use where physical distancing is not feasible. The use of face coverings and gloves is a personal choice by the employee.

The barriers and face coverings are in addition to the following protection measures which have been in place since March on all MiWay buses:

  • rear-door boarding only, unless use of the ramp is required
  • restricted access to the front of the bus
  • no fare payment
  • select seats on MiWay buses taped off to encourage physical distancing

MiWay patrons are being asked to continue to practice physical distancing at bus stops and on the bus. For more information visit MiWay.

Bike Lanes

The City is installing temporary lanes for cycling in response to COVID-19 to promote physical activity in a way that allows for physical distancing.

King Street was the first location that the City installed temporary bike lanes. City staff continue to investigate other locations with the safety of residents as the top priority.

General criteria for temporary walking and cycling lanes includes:

  • Areas with higher density
  • Road corridors parallel to trails
  • Areas that have lower access to or nearby available parkland or open spaces

These temporary lanes are not recreational amenities and are intended for use by local residents to address needs based on the criteria outlined above. Enforcement of Emergency Orders is in effect for the lanes.

Wireless Mississauga Available to those in need

Wireless Mississauga is a city-wide network of free wireless hotspots available for public use. These locations are helping provide internet service to those in need, who may not have easy access, while allowing for physical distancing.

To view a map of free wireless hotspot locations, visit

The City is enforcing four Emergency Orders under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. This includes enforcement around gatherings larger than five people and closures of recreational facilities in City parks including playgrounds, benches, parking lots, sport courts and picnic areas. Emergency Orders and physical distancing guidelines – staying a safe distance of two metres away from other people – apply and must be followed at all Wireless Mississauga hotspots.

Noise Control By-law Suspended – Evening Call to Prayer

Council passed a resolution that the enforcement of the Noise Control By-law be suspended to allow for the broadcasting of the evening call to prayer from local mosques and other non-residential buildings regularly used for worship. This resolution is for the period of Ramadan, up to May 24, 2020, provided the ‘call’ is broadcast only once per day in the evening for a maximum of five minutes and that it is not a call for people to physically gather in contravention of Emergency Orders and physical distancing guidelines.

Tele Town Hall on Tuesday, May 5 beginning at 6 p.m.

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

April 28, 2020

The City of Mississauga will provide important updates to residents on the latest COVID-19 news via a Tele Town Hall on Tuesday, May 5 beginning at 6 p.m.

The City continues to address pandemic concerns and will inform the public and local businesses about what the City is doing to protect their health and safety.

Residents will be able to listen and ask questions to an expert group of panelists from the City, Peel Region Public Health, Trillium Health Partners, Peel Regional Police and Peel Regional Paramedic Services. City Councillors and senior staff will also be available.

Panelists will include:

  • Mayor Bonnie Crombie, City of Mississauga
  • Janice Baker, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, City of Mississauga
  • Tim Beckett, Fire Chief and Director of Emergency Management, City of Mississauga
  • Dr. Lawrence Loh, Medical Officer of Health, Peel Region Public Health
  • Michelle DiEmanuele, President and CEO, Trillium Health Partners
  • Nancy Polsinelli, Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Region of Peel
  • Chief Nish Duraiappah, Peel Regional Police
  • Peter Dundas, Chief and Director, Peel Regional Paramedic Services

Residents who wish to participate in the session can do so in the following three ways:

  1. Pre-register: residents who wish to participate in the session are encouraged to register their telephone number in advance at the following link:
  2. Participate online: to participate live online, simply click the following link:
  3. Join by telephone: a random selection of residents will receive a telephone call to participate. If you don’t wish to participate, simply hang up. If you don’t receive a call and would like to participate, dial 1-877-229-8493 and enter ID number: 115911.


City of Mississauga Tele Town Hall to update the community on COVID-19


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

6 to 7:30 p.m.


To learn about the latest updates on actions taken by the City of Mississauga, visit or follow @CityMississauga on Twitter.

For health information, please visit

City of Mississauga Invites Residents to COVID-19 Tele Town Hall

By Covid-19, Uncategorized

April 28, 2020

The City of Mississauga will provide important updates to residents on the latest COVID-19 news via a Tele Town Hall on Tuesday, May 5 beginning at 6 p.m.

The City continues to address pandemic concerns and will inform the public and local businesses about what the City is doing to protect their health and safety.

Residents will be able to listen and ask questions to an expert group of panelists from the City, Peel Region Public Health, Trillium Health Partners, Peel Regional Police and Peel Regional Paramedic Services. City Councillors and senior staff will also be available.

Panelists will include:

  • Mayor Bonnie Crombie, City of Mississauga
  • Janice Baker, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, City of Mississauga
  • Tim Beckett, Fire Chief and Director of Emergency Management, City of Mississauga
  • Dr. Lawrence Loh, Medical Officer of Health, Peel Region Public Health
  • Michelle DiEmanuele, President and CEO, Trillium Health Partners
  • Nancy Polsinelli, Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Region of Peel
  • Chief Nish Duraiappah, Peel Regional Police
  • Peter Dundas, Chief and Director, Peel Regional Paramedic Services

Residents who wish to participate in the session can do so in the following three ways:

  1. Pre-register: residents who wish to participate in the session are encouraged to register their telephone number in advance at the following link:
  2. Participate online: to participate live online, simply click the following link:
  3. Join by telephone: a random selection of residents will receive a telephone call to participate. If you don’t wish to participate, simply hang up. If you don’t receive a call and would like to participate, dial 1-877-229-8493 and enter ID number: 115911.


City of Mississauga Tele Town Hall to update the community on COVID-19


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

6 to 7:30 p.m.


To learn about the latest updates on actions taken by the City of Mississauga, visit or follow @CityMississauga on Twitter.

For health information, please visit

An Appeal from The Compass

By Covid-19, Issues, Resources
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It would be an understatement to say that a lot has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic first affected our lives.

But, at The Compass, what has not changed is our commitment to our community and our dedication to helping those in need. We continue to prepare custom, pick-up food orders for our clients, as requested over the phone or online. For drop-ins, we are distributing hampers at the door to help them until their next visit. We also have a volunteer working remotely to assist clients with CERB applications.

The kind of change we have experienced in the last six weeks has made many of us feel stressed and anxious. Stress and anxiety can affect our physical and mental health, and our relationships. Can you imagine what it would be like to go through this time without money to buy food or pay rent? That is the uncertainty a number of our clients are facing.

The Compass is grateful to be here to support the vulnerable in our community, and we can only do that with your help. Our volunteers are our biggest supporters, and right now many of our volunteers are playing an important part in the fight against COVID-19 by staying at home. We are all in this together.

A core team of volunteers is working on site at The Compass, with the number of volunteers in the market reduced from 15+ to six, so we can maintain physical distancing. A number of volunteers are working remotely, helping with pick-ups, sharing our social media messages and letting the community know how people can support The Compass at this time.

Our hours have also been extended, so we are now distributing food Mondays from Noon to 7:30 p.m., and Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Clients schedule their weekly pick-up time, and place orders for custom hampers on our website. On arrival, clients are greeted outside from a safe distance and called by name to pick up their hamper. We have taken many steps to ensure everyone’s safety.

We are also grateful to the many businesses across the city that are working hard to keep us going. We have received meals from Paramount Fine Foods, Park Royal Fish & Chips, Pump House Grille and My Secret Kitchen to name a few. And we have received food donations from Loblaws, Sobeys, Winners, HomeSense and more.

Our greatest need right now is for financial donations, which allow us to immediately buy the most-needed supplies at lower-than-retail prices. With hard work and communication we can all get through this together. Lucie Zima, a long-time Compass volunteer, is hopeful that, “when the dust settles, our core values as a society—kindness, gentleness, patience, mindfulness and generosity of spirit—will prevail. What a wonderful result from an unprecedentedly tumultuous time that would be.”



Make a Secure Donation Online
We want to give a shoutout to a new local initiative called Masks For Meals. Inspired by the growing need for food banks as people have lost their jobs, some people in the Mississauga/Oakville area are now sewing masks to help slow the spread of COVID-19, and distributing them in exchange for donations to local food banks like The Compass. The goal is to expand this program across Mississauga and Oakville.



This newsletter was prepared by volunteer Content Manager John Wilson, a Toronto-based freelance writer with On the Danforth and Broadview Magazine. For inquiries, contact John at




Copyright © 2020
The Compass
310 Lakeshore Road West
Mississauga, Ontario
L5H 1G8The Compass is a registered charity: Charitable Registration Number 86235 2754 RR0001
(Registered as The Lakeshore Community Outreach Centre Inc.)

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Ward 1 Ratepayer Associations, The Compass & BIA – Information

By Covid-19, Issues, Resources, Ward 1
  1. Applewood Acres Association




North – Queensway

South – QEW

East – Dixie Road

West – Cawthra Road

  1. Cranberry Cove Ratepayers Association



North – Lakeshore Road

South – Lake Ontario

East – Esso Imperial Oil Property

West – Rhododendron Gardens

  1. Credit Reserve Association (CRA)




North – QEW

South – CN Tracks

East – Cooksville Creek/Trotwood Avenue

West – Credit River

  1. Lakeview Ratepayers Association




North to the QEW

South to Lake Ontario

East to Dixie Road and the Etobicoke Creek (south of the CN tracks)

West to Cawthra Road, Enola Road to the Adamson Estate (south of the CN tracks)

  1. Orchard Heights Homeowner’s Association




North – South Service Road – QEW

South – Toronto Golf Club

East – Etobicoke Creek

West – Dixie Road

  1. Sherway Homeowners and Recreational Association




North – Queensway

South – QEW

East – Etobicoke Creek

West – Dixie Road

  1. Town of Port Credit Association (TOPCA)




North – CNR tracks

South – Lake Ontario

East – Seneca Avenue

West – Shawnmarr Road

  1. Port Credit Business Improvement Area (BIA)

Address: Port Credit Lighthouse – 105 Lakeshore Rd W,




North – CNR Tracks

South – Lake Ontario

East – Cooksville Creek (west side)

West – Benson/Pine Avenue

  1. Lakeshore Community Outreach Centre Inc. operating as “THE COMPASS”.

Address: 427 Lakeshore Rd E



Contact Number: 905 274-9309

Boundaries, as defined by our agency agreement with the Mississauga Foodbank:


South-Lake Ontario

East-Etobicoke Creek (Toronto Border)

West-Winston Churchill BLVC.

Outreach center and food bank serving the vulnerable in our community.

Virtual Activities Online or by Phone – Mississauga Seniors’ Centre

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

During this time of social isolation we all need some connection.  We would like to invite you to join us for some activities.  All you need is a phone or computer to join in the fun.  Anyone 60+ years of age is welcome.  Each activity will be offered on a weekly basis.


Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Activity and Time Yarn Crafters

1:30 pm –

2:30 pm



11:00 am – 12:00 pm



11:00 am – 12:00 pm



1:00 pm –

2:00 pm




Yarn Crafters 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Join us for some time to connect and show off your current projects or start a new one. We would love to see and chat with you. Even if you don’t have a project, join us.

For phone in Meeting number is 475 670 876



Coffee Talk 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Bring your steamy cup of coffee and let’s chat.

For phone in Meeting number is 478 227 408


Coffee Talk Topics:

  • Tuesday April 8th – Favourite movies
  • Tuesday May 5th – Favourite recipes


THURSDAYS – starts May 7th

Hot Topics 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Each week we will present a new topic of interest.  We will have a guest speaker to speak on things that matter.  Watch for weekly hot topics.

For phone in meeting number is 479 444 995


Hot Topics:

  • Tuesday May 7th – Library news – A librarian will join us to show you how you can utilize the City of Mississauga library while still under social isolation




Fit Break 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Join a certified fitness instructor who will lead you through an exercise class. No equipment required. Materials in your home will be used.

For phone in Meeting number is 474 862 476


Fit Break Session:

  • Friday May 1st – Sit Fit
  • Friday May 8th – Low Impact Fitness– can be done standing or seated chair options




  1. Please call 1-647-484-1596
  2. It will prompt you to punch in the meeting number
  3. Use the meeting number noted for your activity



JOINING ONLINE (computer, ipad/tablet or phone app)

For more detailed information on how to access these online activities, please see the attachment.



If you require support to either join by computer or by phone, we will be available up to an hour before the program start time to help walk you through the process.




Do you have a topic you would like to see us present?  Let us know.