Councillor Dasko’s Position on Excessive Vehicle Noise Issues

By November 16, 2020Issues

I could not agree more with you that street racing and excessive vehicle noise has plagued our community for far too long. This year especially during COVID has only added to the situation.

This Summer I, along with fellow Councillor Karen Ras, had certain parts of Lakeshore Road speed limits reduced.  Other speed deterrents in the community have been undertaken but leadership at the Provincial level is needed as well.

For example, The Highway Traffic Act has to be amended and regulations enacted to control the sale of modified muffler systems that exceed a sound level of 80 to 85 decibel range.

During this Summer Councillor Ras brought forward a motion, that we unanimously supported, Notice of Motion to Call on the Province to Clamp Down on “Noisemakers”.  In 2019 there was provincial legislation that was put in to place that was called Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, S.O.  2019 c.14.  It mentioned prohibiting the sale of tampering devices that creates excessive noise on our streets and neighborhoods.  The Notice of Motion asked the Province to have the provisions in the legislation be brought into force immediately.

The elimination of the Provincial Drive Clean Program also removed some aspects that did not encourage excessively loud muffler systems.

At the City of Mississauga the current By-Law is applicable to stationary vehicles only through By-Law Officers who are not Police.  The new City Noise By-Law as brought forward this Summer will include decibel levels for the first time.

The City will begin Automated Speed Enforcement in 2021, starting with school zones. More information about its implementation will be available soon.

This Summer, with my full support, the Peel Regional Police implemented New Program called “Project Noisemaker” which was designed to identify and reduce the number of motor vehicles with modified and/or excessively loud exhaust systems on our roads. The Peel Regional Police are tasked with working within the Province’s Highway Traffic Act.  I interact with the Peel Regional Police regularly and call for increased presence and enforcement as I know the toll this type of activity takes on our community.

Also, I advocated for Peel Regional Police to have Project ERASE (Eliminate Racing Activity on Streets Everywhere) which has been operating since 2015 be implemented in Ward 1.

This Summer also saw the pilot project to a few community initiatives such as Quiet Streets. One example could be seen at St. Lawrence Drive and Port Street, and another was a traffic calming program for Port Street and Mississauga Road South.

I also held a telephone town hall this Summer as well which included Peel Regional Police, Mayor Crombie, and City Staff including those from the Transportation and Works Department.

It is critical that leadership and a partnership from the Province come together as our way of life depends on it.  We need to stop the sale of and ban these types of noise making mufflers that also promotes speeding, as they have been terrorizing our community for far too long.

I believe that the Peel Regional Police and the Ontario Provincial Police need more enforcement tools such as was done with the Street Racing Act the Province implemented in 2006.

I have had discussions with other levels of government stressing what needs to be done. I will continue to push hard for real change to be made to restore a sense of order to our community, and other communities across the Province.

Should you wish to speak further please do not hesitate to call me at any time.


Stephen Dasko