By May 16, 2023May 26th, 2023Resources

• The lands south of Little Etobicoke Creek surrounding Dixie Road, referred to as “Dixie-Dundas” for this project, are subject to flooding as a result of spilling from the creek during high flow conditions. This urban area consists of a variety of commercial, industrial, residential, and park land uses.
• The study area of this Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) has been broken up into the “Dixie Area” and the “Dundas Area” for identifying flood mitigation solutions. An expansion of the study area was required to include the Dundas Street
East crossing areas to seek flood mitigation solutions for the Dixie-Dundas area.


• The City of Mississauga has an interest to protect flood-vulnerable residences and businesses as well as to intensify Dixie-Dundas area to fulfill the vision of growth expressed in the Dundas Connects Master Plan.

• In consultation with the public and agencies, the alternative solutions for both the “Dixie Area” and the “Dundas Area” have been evaluated to identify preferred alternatives for each.
• The preferred solutions are aimed to mitigate the risks of flooding, to the extent possible, to people, property, and infrastructure. At the end of the EA, a report documenting the process will be available for public review.

• Consultation is an essential part of the EA process. We want to ensure that anyone with an interest in the project has the opportunity to provide input at this stage.
• Public engagement is an important part of the project allowing local residents and interested members of the public the opportunity to review project information and provide input.
• A narrated presentation and downloadable information package discussing the project and flood mitigation solutions will be available online at the website below from May 16 to June 23, 2023. Please provide us with your comments by June 23, 2023 using the comment form available online. Previous information, including PIC No. 1 and the study area expansion bulletin, is available on the same webpage.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the project or wish to be placed on the project mailing list, please contact:

Anthony Di Giandomenico, P.Eng.
Project Manager
City of Mississauga
300 City Centre Drive Mississauga, ON L5B 3C9
(905) 615-3200, ext. 3491

Amanda McKay, P.Eng., PMP
Consultant Project Manager
Matrix Solutions Inc.
3001-6865 Century Avenue
Mississauga, ON L5N 7K2
(289) 323-3780


This project is being undertaken in accordance with the Municipal Class EA process (MEA, 2000 as amended in 2007, 2011, and 2015). Results will be documented in an EA, which will be submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks for review. At that time, the public, Indigenous communities, and other interested persons will be informed when and where the EA can be reviewed. For details on this process, please refer to the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment website or contact the City Project Manager.

This notice of Public Information Centre No. 2 was first issued on May 16, 2023.