City Launches Online Survey to Gather Resident Feedback for Urban Agriculture Strategy

By April 7, 2021May 5th, 2021Issues, Resources, Ward 1

City of Mississauga staff have begun work towards creating an Urban Agriculture Strategy that will identify the City’s role in supporting local food production  efforts across Mississauga. In doing so, they have launched an online survey to gather resident feedback on priorities for the strategy.

Urban agriculture is the practice of growing, processing, sharing, and distributing food within a city.This can include growing fruit, vegetables and herbs for personal consumption, for commercial sale, for educational purposes and to promote community health and wellness.

Examples of urban agriculture practices include:

  • Communitygardens
  • Residentialgardens
  • Urbanfarms
  • Hydroponics
  • Farmers’markets

The strategy will aim to support individuals, communities and local businesses to develop creative ideas to expand local food initiatives and improve food security in Mississauga.

For more information about the City’s Urban Agriculture Strategy and to complete the online survey by 11:59p.m. on Sunday, May2, 2021,please visit the project webpage: