Child Isolation Recommendations

By March 1, 2021Covid-19, Issues, Ward 1

Public Health Direction Regarding Child Isolation Following Exposure to COVID-19

  • Anyone exposed to COVID-19 is directed to self-isolate at home, away from others in the home as much as possible.
  • For children, we know that a caregiver may need to isolate with any child if they require help with daily living, such as bathing, feeding, clothing and emotional support.
  • This direction, which was set by the Province of Ontario, has been in place since before school started in September.
  • Detailed information on isolation with a caregiver is on our web site, but was not provided in detail on the flyer that was circulated to schools in late December.
  • We are fixing that omission and will provide our school board partners with a new handout for distribution to parents/guardians this week.

Caregiver Steps to Support a Child in Isolation
If you are caring for a child, it is important to follow precautions to protect yourself and others in the home. This guidance has been adapted from the Public Health Agency of Canada and is provided on our web site:

  • Only 1 healthy person should provide care for and isolate with the child.
  • People at higher risk for severe illness (seniors, those with chronic medical conditions or who are immunocompromised) should not care for the child at any time.
  • A non-medical mask should be worn by the child at all times, if possible.  If the child cannot tolerate a mask for long periods, they should be encouraged to wear a mask any time they are within 2 metres of their caregiver.
  • The caregiver should wear a mask regardless of whether the child is able to tolerate one.
  • Both the child and the caregiver should continue to wash their hands with soap and warm water as often as possible.
  • If you have contact with the child’s saliva or other body fluids, wear a medical mask, gloves and eye protection (goggles or face shield) and follow appropriate precautions for disposing these items.
  • Both the child and the caregiver should stay 2 metres apart from all others in the household, which includes sleeping arrangements.

Supportive Links for Parents/Guardians

What happens if there is a COVID-19 exposure in your child’s school

How to care for a child sent home from school because of exposure to COVID-19

When can your child return to school

What to do if your child fails daily screening for COVID-19