

Have your say on services in the community

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Mississauga is planning for the future of community services like libraries, parks, community centres and more.

Based on residents’ input from last year’s surveys, we developed focus areas and recommendations.

Before finalizing plans, the City is reaching out once again to encourage residents to provide feedback.

Take the survey before December 15.

National Housing Day in Mississauga

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On November 22, the City will mark National Housing Day, a day that recognizes the important work by housing partners across Canada to improve access to housing for all.

Housing affordability continues to be a major issue in Mississauga. The average price of a single-detached home is $1.5 million and the average monthly rent for a 2-bedroom apartment is approximately $3,000. The City is working to tackle the issue by implementing Growing Mississauga, our action plan for new housing.

“National Housing Day provides an opportunity to reflect on housing affordability in our City,” said Acting Mayor and Ward 3 Councillor Chris Fonseca.  “As a municipality, we’ve made progress in protecting rental stock and requiring more affordable units, but there is more work to do. We are committed to using all the tools we have – and working with all of our partners – to make Mississauga a place that everyone can afford to call home.”

City taking action on housing

The City’s housing plan includes a number of actions to increase the supply of housing and to help improve affordability. Here are some of the actions the City is taking right now to get more housing built:

  • Increasing missing middle housing in residential neighbourhoods by allowing more housing types such as triplexes, fourplexes, garden suites and garage conversions to be built without special zoning permissions
  • Creating opportunities for homes in new mixed-use, transit-friendly communities
  • Overhauling the City’s development application review processes to streamline and expedite approvals

To help make housing more affordable, the City is:

  • Rolling out the City’s affordable rental incentive program
  • Working with the province to ensure rental housing is protected and expanded
  • Continuing to negotiate affordable units through the development application process
  • Implementing our new Inclusionary Zoning policy which requires affordable housing units in new developments in major transit station areas

The City is also making it easier to track housing data with the launch of our new online dashboard. As of October 31, the City has:

  • Approved 4,946 new residential units (through Official Plan Amendments and Rezoning applications)
  • Issued building permits for 3,495 new residential units

Mississauga currently has almost 11,000 new units under construction and more than 33 cranes dotting our skyline.

To learn more about the City’s housing action plan, visit

Photo of buildings under construction in Mississauga

Mississauga will be an independent city in 2025

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The Peel Region is dissolving and the City of Mississauga is becoming an independent, single-tier municipality by January 1, 2025. This means that there will no longer be a Region of Peel and those services provided by the Region will be delivered by the City of Mississauga.

Why is this important to you as a resident?

Being independent helps puts the needs of Mississauga residents first. It will help us make better decisions and focus on our city exclusively. It will eliminate duplication of services and create efficiencies while providing seamless customer service. This means you will have a single point of contact for all municipal services.

We remain committed to exceptional customer service, transparency and a seamless transition. By focusing on Mississauga specifically, we can better address the unique challenges and opportunities we face as a growing city and invest in the things that matter most to our community, without interference. The City currently provides 60% of the funding to the Region. Your property tax dollars will no longer be sent to another level of government, but will stay right here, in Mississauga.

The City is working closely with the province’s Transition Board during this process. As the Transition Board makes decisions, more information will be shared with Council and residents in the upcoming weeks and months. You can stay up to date at

Learn more

Feelin’ gourd about harvest season? Lettuce know what you’ve been growing!

By Food for thought, Uncategorized
From pumpkin patches to apple picking, cool weather and cozy sweaters, Fall is one of our favourite seasons! It’s also the time of harvest, when food and crops are gathered, picked and stored for winter months.

During the season, you can harvest and enjoy in-season fruits (raspberries, blackberries, apples, pumpkins and pears), vegetables (squash, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, eggplant, corn and beans) and herbs (basil, chives, dill and parsley).

Nothing tastes better than homegrown produce! If you’re interested in growing your own vegetable or herb garden, start with what you’re interested in growing, determine how big of a space you have to plant and do a little research about the best approach and timing.


Digital Main Street Helping Small Businesses in Mississauga go Digital!

By Food for thought, Uncategorized

The Digital Main Street (DMS) program continues to support brick-and-mortar small businesses in Mississauga. Through a Digital Main Street grant awarded (to the City) by FedDev Ontario and the Province of Ontario, in partnership with the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA) and the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA), the City of Mississauga is proud to be part of providing the Digital Main Street program.

In the past, the Digital Main Street initiative has helped more than 15,000 main street small businesses across Ontario build greater resilience and increase their revenues. The Digital Main Street initiative is also part of Mississauga’s Economic Recovery Plan that outlines opportunities to help the Mississauga business community build back to better.

What is Digital Main Street (DMS)?

Digital Main Street is a program that helps brick-and-mortar businesses achieve their digital transformation goals. This program is built around an online learning platform, structured training programs, and our Digital Service Squad, a team of digital experts who help brick-and-mortar businesses grow and manage their operations through digital tools and technologies.


Free Digital Help is Here!

Mississauga’s Digital Service Squad (DSS) is here to help your business achieve your digital transformation by building your online brand, helping to market and sell your products and/or services online, and to be competitive globally all through the use of digital tools and technologies.

Mississauga is home to over 90,000 small businesses. Our digital specialists work directly with your business to review your digital footprint and provide guidance and support through digital tools and technologies.

Our DSS can provide one-on-one assistance with:

  • Completing a Digital Assessment of your business
  • Help complete the Digital Transformation Grant application ($2,500)
  • Provide you with a free 360 degree image of your place of business. (value: $300)
  • Teach owners how to enhance their existing web presence through tools such as Google My Business, social media, e-commerce, etc.
  • Provide guidance, resources, and recommendations on growing digitally.

To learn more and apply, click here.