As of March 1, 2023
Sketch below outlining the areas of work for the JJ Plaus Construction project. This lifecycle waterfront project is made possible through the City’s successful application for funding under the “ICIP: COVID Stream – Local Government Intake”.
The work has been contracted and is scheduled to begin in spring within the contract areas as shown in the sketch. The lifecycle work involves concrete promenade repairs, finger pier boardwalk replacement in areas highlighted in blue and the replacement of safety ladders along the sea wall. Targeted completion is prior to summer.
Update as of March 15, 2023:
Our contractor will mobilize next week on Wednesday, March 22nd.
Staff will prioritize the section beside the restaurant and commit to having this section completed and open to the public before May.
We will then move on to replacing the wood deck on the pier and completing the concrete walkway replacement at the end of the park.
Our current schedule targets the project’s substantial performance in July 2023.