

Mississauga City Council Stands Against Anti-Black Racism, Systemic Racism and Discrimination

By Events, Issues, Resources

June 24, 2020

Today, Mississauga City Council took a strong stand against anti-Black racism, systemic racism and discrimination in all forms.

“We are in a pivotal moment right now and it is incumbent on all institutions, including the City of Mississauga, that we take action to address racism and discrimination,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “To be good on the outside, we must be good on the inside. It is important that our institutions are representative of the people they serve and that everyone is treated fairly and with respect, free from bias and discrimination. Today’s motion commits the City as a corporation and a community to confronting racism and discrimination, and in particular anti-Black racism and discrimination, and take meaningful action. Our work to confront these challenges is never done, but I am confident that by working with Council, city staff, and the broader community, we can take significant steps forward.”

The City recognizes that racism and in particular, anti-Black racism and discrimination is a crisis that requires immediate action. The City reaffirmed its strong commitment to addressing systemic racism and discrimination by supporting policies and programs that address the inequities that racialized groups, Indigenous Peoples, and in particular Black communities continue to experience in Mississauga and committing to the safety and livelihood of its Black residents naming anti-Black racism as a pervasive threat to the safety and enjoyment of life in the city.

The Mayor’s Office in consultation with the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee will:

  • Convene a series of community-led consultations on systemic racism, anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism and discrimination using an intersectional lens, and identify areas for systemic change in the community;
  • Convene a Black Caucus to advise on the equity issues and priorities identified by Black communities in Mississauga, and report back to Council publicly in six months;
  • Review the terms of reference for the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee to ensure it is fulfilling its mandate and that it focuses in part on anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism; and
  • Review the  City and Region of Peel’s consultation and communications strategy with respect to racism and discrimination and the reform of our institutions; and
  • Work with the Region of Peel carry out the Region’s anti-racism public education/awareness campaigns at the City level.

The City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer will:

  • Name, condemn and stand against anti-Black racism in all its forms;
  • Review on an ongoing basis, internal policies and programs to ensure all are free from racial bias and do not negatively impact racialized groups;
  • Ensure continued implementation and progress of the recommendations from the City’s Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, including proceeding with the planned Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Survey when business returns to normal and build public accountability and commitment to bring to life recommendations from the Strategy;
  • Engage our Black employees and their allies in a series of conversations on anti-Black racism to understand their experiences in the workplace and build a plan to address systemic inequities; and
  • Continue to educate all new and existing employees on the City’s Respectful Workplace Policy and Respectful Workplace Statement of Commitment, as well as staff’s daily commitment to the compliance with the Respectful Workplace Policy. 

“We are listening and learning. There is work to be done and we must do better. We must ensure that our organization’s values, programs and policies are free from systemic racism and discrimination of any kind. I want our Black employees to know that I am committed and our Leadership Team is committed to addressing racism in the workplace and that racist and anti-Black sentiments have no place at the City of Mississauga. I want all employees to know and understand they have a shared responsibility in preventing and addressing anti-Black racism and discrimination in all its forms,” said Paul Mitcham City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer. “We must continue with the implementation of our Workforce and Diversity Inclusion Strategy which will help ensure we are creating an equitable work environment that values and respects individuals for their talents, skills and ability. One that recognizes the uniqueness of all employees and is accessible, equitable and fair for all.”

Resolution 0207-2020 – Anti-Black and Indigenous Racism




City of Mississauga Moves Forward with Residential Road Safety Initiatives

By Events, Issues, Resources

June 24, 2020

Today, City Council received an update on Mississauga’s Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) program, an automated system that uses a camera and a speed measurement device to detect and capture images of vehicles travelling in excess of the posted speed limits. Council also approved several recommendations in the corporate report about speed management initiatives. Together, these projects will implement several safety actions in the Transportation Master Plan and advance the City’s commitment to Vision Zero.

“We continue to take action to make our roads safer for everyone. Mississauga is taking a thoughtful and planned approach to implementing Automated Speed Enforcement in Mississauga to ensure it is aligned with new provincial regulations and effective for years to come,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. Our goal is to keep our City safe and have zero deaths on our roads to achieve Vision Zero. To do this, we need to continue to lower speed limits in our neighbourhoods and implement speed reduction initiatives to create safer communities for our families to walk, cycle and play in. Given the recent rash of deadly speed-related accidents on roads across the GTA, we will be exploring how we can fast-track the implementation of ASE on major arterial roads.”

In addition to the ASE update, Council also received an update on the Neighbourhood Area Speed Limit Project. Before beginning the ASE program, a number of speed limit initiatives within the Neighbourhood Area Speed Limit Project need to be completed. This includes lowering speed limits to 30 km/h in neighbourhood school zones, implementing school area community safety zones, and lowering speed limits on residential streets to 40 km/h. The next step is to identify and implement these zones.

“We have heard repeatedly through the City’s Road Safety Committee that residents want lower speed limits in their neighbourhoods,” said Ward 9 Councillor Pat Saito and Chair of the Road Safety Committee. “A key piece to reducing speeds in our neighbourhoods is to first lower the speed limits followed by implementing Automated Speed Enforcement. This combined effort will be an important step forward in advancing Vision Zero in Mississauga.”

The report highlights the steps and processes required to implement ASE:

  • Establish a Task Force to create court capacity for ASE
  • Delay Phase 1 of ASE until January 2021 to allow necessary lowered school zone speed limits and community safety zones to be identified and signage installed
  • Authorize staff to enter into agreements with the ASE vendor Redflex Traffic Systems (Canada) Limited, the City of Toronto Joint Processing Centre and the Ministry of Transportation
  • Establish the City’s preferred method for dealing with ASE charges – issuing tickets under the Provincial Offences Act (POA) or through the Administrative Penalty System (APS) – a system of administering penalties used by a municipality to regulate by-laws

Once the above agreements are reached, the City can begin the ASE program six months later.

“The City has identified speeding as a problem on its roads and Council’s support of the implementation of these important speed initiatives will deliver on the actions in our Transportation Master Plan,” said Andy Harvey, Director, Traffic Management and Municipal Parking. “It is unfortunate that the COVID-19 pandemic has delayed the implementation of both our Neighbourhood Area Speed Limit Project and ASE. However, we are continuing to position the City to deliver ASE in an efficient, yet co-ordinated effort.”

Harvey added that provincial-wide closures including the court system, due to the coronavirus pandemic, has impacted the delivery of Mississauga’s ASE program.

For more information on ASE, visit


The Ontario Government amended Bill 65 – the Safer School Zones Act in 2017. This Act amended the Highway Traffic Act to introduce the use of ASE in school zones and community safety zones across the province. Ontario municipalities worked jointly with the Ontario Traffic Council to plan the implementation of ASE. In October 2019, Mississauga City Council approved amendments to the Traffic By-Law that will gradually lower speeds on residential streets from 50 to 40 km/h. To-date, 11 neighbourhoods have received 40 km/h signage at the entry and exit points.

Tweet: .@citymississauga moves forward with initiatives to lower speeds on residential streets to 40 km/h & school zones to 30 km/h, positioning us for Automated Speed Enforcement, a program using cameras to enforce speeds in school zones & advance #VisionZero.



Mississauga’s Preliminary 2021 Budget

By Covid-19, Events, Resources

Local government | June 24, 2020

City Staff introduced the preliminary 2021 – 2024 Business Plan and 2021 Budget at today’s Budget Committee meeting.

An update regarding the impact of COVID-19 was included.

Seven Financial Recovery Principles are in place to provide guidance in making financial decisions throughout the pandemic recovery:

  • Public Health is the first priority
  • Preserve the long-term strength of the property tax base
  • Comply with legislation
  • Allow other levels of government time to fulfill their mandates
  • Use reserves appropriately to manage financial challenges
  • Deviation from the financial plan should not be permanent
  • Assess approved and future budgets and business plans to reconfirm priorities, including service levels

“The City of Mississauga is facing huge financial impacts in 2020 and 2021 as a result of COVID-19,” said Mayor Crombie. “This is not business as usual and will force us to make some tough decisions. All cities, including Mississauga, need assistance from the federal and provincial governments to help us recoup the non-recoverable losses we are facing, that have put us in a $60M deficit to date. Cities are engines of the economy, but we lack the financial tools of other levels of government to weather a storm like COVID-19. We continue to deliver essential programs and services throughout recovery, including public transit to libraries, snow clearing and fire and emergency services and much more. Council will continue to work to ensure our residents can access quality services while keeping property taxes competitive, but without assistance, we will be forced to examine the services we deliver. As in previous years, there will continue to be several opportunities throughout the budgeting process for residents to get involved, have their voices heard and help shape the future of our city.”

Staff will continue to refine the budget and look for ways to trim the proposed increases. Early numbers show the equivalent of a 9.2 per cent budget increase to the City’s 2021 Operating Budget due primarily to a 5.7 per cent increase from the COVID-19 impacts on revenue and costs and a 2 per cent infrastructure levy to help the City maintain existing roads, bridges and buildings and plan for their upkeep in the future. Foregoing the 2 per cent infrastructure levy would result in a loss of $90 million in revenue over ten years, slowing the City’s ability to renew and build new infrastructure.

This would be the equivalent of a residential property tax increase of 3.24 per cent while businesses would see a 1.98 per cent increase on their bills for the city portion of the tax bill.

“Clearly this is not a normal Budget cycle for Mississauga and other communities across Canada,” said Gary Kent, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer. “While continuing to provide essential local services, an estimated deficit in 2020 of $100 million has been reduced to $60 million due to spending decisions made including temporary layoffs of over 2,000 part-time staff during the closure period, a hiring freeze, deferral of capital spending and a discretionary spending review. The Federal and Provincial Governments have not given any commitment to financial relief for municipalities and so cities across the country continue to wait to hear. Time is running out and now we need to face the “echo effects” into future years. For Mississauga, that is another $80 million over the next three years. In total, the COVID-19 pandemic is estimated to cost Mississauga taxpayers approximately $140 million. Even a well-run city like Mississauga does not have the fiscal firepower to fund this. Staff will continue to assess several options to address this deficit, using the strategies outlined in the Financial Recovery Plan, including deferral of master plan investments and no increased service levels. There is much more work to be done. Staff will continue to innovate with Council and with the public being fully engaged.”

For details, view the staff report, Update on the Financial Impacts of COVID-19.

The next Budget Committee meeting is on October 7, where staff will discuss Fees and Charges. Detailed discussions continue on November 23, 24, 30, December 1 and 2. Following committee discussions and public input, Council is scheduled to vote on the proposed budget on December 9.

Budget Committee meeting dates are subject to change.

Fees and Charges 

  • Wednesday, October 7 at 1:30 p.m.

Service Area Presentations 

  • Monday, November 23 at 9:30 a.m.
  • Tuesday, November 24 at 9:30 a.m.
  • Monday, November 30 at 9:30 a.m.
  • Tuesday, December 1 at 9:30 a.m.
  • Wednesday, December 2 at 1:30 p.m.


  • Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 9:30 a.m.

Visit to learn how the City invests your tax dollars to provide services or follow the conversation on social media using #SaugaBudget.



City of Mississauga Hosts First-Ever Virtual Canada Day Celebration

By Events, Issues, Resources

June 22, 2020

Each year, thousands of residents and visitors come together on July 1 to celebrate Canada Day at Mississauga Celebration Square. This year, the City of Mississauga is inviting the community to gather virtually to celebrate Canada’s 153rd birthday, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the City’s top priority of keeping people safe.

Good Morning Mississauga is a virtual event that will allow residents and online guests to mark this national holiday safely from the comfort of their homes, yards and patios.

Global News’ Farah Nasser and ET Canada’s Sangita Patel will host the online event.


This virtual celebration presented by Tim Hortons will begin at 10 a.m. on July 1, and will feature interviews and musical performances by some of the biggest names to come from Mississauga, including Johnny Orlando, Mia Martina, Fito Blanko, RJ Barrett and Mark Pelli (of award-winning band, Magic!). The program will include Mayor Bonnie Crombie and Members of Council hosting a modified official ceremony, where residents will be invited to take the oath of reaffirmation virtually, as well as recognition of other Canada Day events from across the city. To mark the 40th anniversary of O Canada becoming our national anthem, the Mississauga Children’s Choir and Mississauga Symphony Orchestra will join the celebration through recorded performances of O Canada.

City-Wide Art Project 

Throughout the day, residents are invited to show their Mississauga spirit by decorating their windows for Canada Day using our online Celebration Kit. This interactive community initiative is a partnership with the City’s Public Art program. Local artist DaHye Kim created artwork that you can print and colour for this city-wide public art project. Residents will be able to download the artwork here.

Virtual Fireworks

The City’s Canada Day celebration will be punctuated with augmented-reality fireworks presented by Tim Hortons in collaboration with snapd. Residents are invited to share in this experience anywhere in the city – physical distancing rules apply.

Any time after 7 p.m., point your device of choice to the sky and watch the remarkable firework show unfold. To participate, viewers will need to download snapd’s HUB app.

Virtual Meet and Greet Contest

As another Mississauga Canada Day celebration first, residents have the opportunity to enter a contest to win a virtual meet & greet with award-winning artist, Johnny Orlando. To take part, fans are invited to enter at where they will find additional contest details.

Together, in a virtual environment, Mississauga can celebrate and share their pride in being Canadian!

Additional Information:
Details on the City’s Canada Day celebration can be found here.

Special thanks to our presenting sponsor Tim Hortons, supporting sponsors Bell and Alectra, and our media partners ET Canada and Global News. This virtual Canada Day event has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada through the Canadian Heritage grant.


[Download Hi-Res Photo]


New Lakeview Farmers’ Market Launches in Mississauga on Father’s Day 10:00-12:00 p.m.

By Events, Resources




Pre-Order Here


New Lakeview Farmers’ Market Launches on Father’s Day


Fresh produce will now be available from the new Lakeview Farmers’ Market starting Sunday, June 21st. The new market offers an online pre-order and curbside pick-up program.

Organizers have sourced vendors with organic or sustainably grown local produce and small batch products found within a 150 km radius of Mississauga. Vendors who re-sell produce purchased at food terminals or wholesale outlets will not be allowed.

According to Lakeview Farmers’ Market organizer Ian Raymond, “Our focus is locally grown and sourced healthy food, organic and artisanal products that provide an income opportunity for local farmers, producers and artisans. We are a small market that will evolve over time, selecting premium producers who meet our market guidelines and standards of Farmers’ Markets Ontario.

To ensure health and safety, Peel Public Health officials have approved a pre-order and curbside pick-up program. We look forward to a walk-up market in the near future.” said Diane LaPointe, interim Executive Director with CreativeHub 1352.


Pre-orders required



Operates from

June 21 to October 11

on Sundays

(Pre-order, pick-up only)



10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Learn More
Pre-Order Here




For more information and new Vendor Inquiries:


Curbside pick-up from Army, Navy, Airforce Veterans Canada


Parking lot at :

765 Third St. (Cawthra and Lakeshore Rd. area)



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CreativeHub 1352 (formerly Small Arms Society) | Small Arms Inspection Building, 1352 Lakeshore Road East, Mississauga, ON L5E 3B2 Canada
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Preparing for Phase @ Recovery Plans

By Covid-19, Events, Issues, Resources

City of Mississauga COVID-19 Response Continues: Additional Amenity Reopenings, Preparing for Stage 2 Recovery with Economic Resiliency Task Force, Summer Camp Update, Temporary Zoning By-law and Fireworks Restrictions Lifted

COVID-19 | June 17, 2020

Today, Mississauga City Council reviewed and approved initiatives in relation to COVID-19 including: additional amenity reopenings, lifting restrictions on fireworks as well as preparing for stage 2 of recovery with an Economic Resiliency Task Force and changes to the Zoning By-law allowing businesses to expand their outdoor patios spaces and seating.

“I know many residents and businesses are frustrated by the province’s decision to keep Mississauga in Stage 1 for now. While Mississauga has made significant progress with an average of 13 new daily cases last week, there is still more to do in terms of a sustained decline across all cities in the Region of Peel,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “Every day our Medical Officers are reviewing the data, and if the trends continue positively, I’m confident we will reopen soon. I know that our businesses, especially our small businesses, including restaurants and bars are feeling this the most. Please get ready. Council continues to do what we can to help with recovery and voted today to allow businesses to easily expand their patios into public areas and parking lots. As part of our economic recovery plan, we are striking an Economic Resiliency Task Force to listen to and assist local businesses with recovery, including how we as a City can make life easier. We also continue to reopen city amenities safely and responsibly and have a plan in place to proceed with Stage 2 reopening as soon as we are given the green light by the province. I know it’s hard but please stay patient, we are almost there.”

Economic Resiliency Task Force                                                                                

The City of Mississauga’s Economic Resiliency Task Force will oversee and offer Council advice on sector specific economic recovery plans including industry, small business, creative industry, and land development and is a refreshed version of the Economic Development Advisory Board (previously formed to provide input into the City’s Economic Development Strategy). The Task Force will coordinate with Tourism Mississauga’s Board of Directors on review of a tourism recovery plan. It will include Mayor Bonnie Crombie as Chair, Councillor Stephen Dasko, Councillor Dipika Damerla, Councillor Pat Saito, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer Paul Mitcham along with a wide range of business sector representatives, educational partners including the Greater Toronto Airport Authority, Mississauga Board of Trade as well as representatives from Peel Public Health, land development, business improvement areas, small business, creative industry and more.

Stage 1 Amenity Reopenings

The following amenities will be reopening on June 19, 2020 as allowed under the Province’s Stage 1 recovery currently in effect for Peel Region:

  • City of Mississauga and School Board track facilities
  • Bocce courts
  • Beach volleyball courts

These reopenings are in addition to amenities already reopened including community gardens, marinas and Lakefront Promenade public boat launches, golf courses, leash-free zones, BMX and skateboard parks, public and community tennis courts, benches, shelters and shade structures and seasonal washrooms.

Temporary Zoning By-law
The City of Mississauga has introduced a temporary zoning by-law to allow patios in Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) and other areas where restaurants have direct street frontage and at restaurants located at malls that have their own access. The bylaw allows strip mall based restaurants to use parking areas to accommodate patios, where mall management permits. Restaurants who wish to use the city sidewalk or a public street would need city approval and obtain a modified minor encroachment permit. A patio design guideline and minor encroachment permit application will be available soon. Patios will only be permitted upon the Province providing approval for Mississauga to enter into Stage 2 recovery meeting all COVID-19 guidelines from Region of Peel Public Health. Fees with respect to temporary patios will be waived during this time.

The final step will be to hold a Planning and Development Committee meeting on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 9 a.m. prior to the Council meeting. The meeting will focus on the temporary zoning by-law to permit outdoor patios accessory to all types of restaurants on adjacent private and public lands and ensure the City meets its statutory notification requirements under the Planning Act regarding the zoning changes.

Fireworks Restrictions Lifted
Council approved ending prohibition of the sale and use of fireworks that came in effect on April 24, 2020. In order to sell fireworks, stores require a vendor licence which requires a fire safety inspection. In Mississauga, fireworks may be set off only on the following holidays:

  • Victoria Day
  • Canada Day
  • Chinese New Year
  • Diwali

To set off fireworks on private property on any day other than these holidays, please apply for a fireworks permit.

Celebration Square Update
The start date for the Lions Farmers Market is Wednesday, July 8, 2020 and will continue weekly 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., every Wednesday, until October 21, 2020.

The Lions Farmers Market will be barricaded off, with attendants controlling the flow of customers into the Market. Within the Market, vendors will be separated from each other by at least 12 feet/ 3.66 metres and 6 feet/2 metres. Markings on the ground will help customers maintain the proper physical distance when in line. Vendors at the Market will accept both cash and contactless payment. Visitors to the Market are strongly encouraged to wear a face mask.

The start date for Food Trucks will be Friday, July 3, 2020. The trucks will be in place seven days a week with hours between 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Food Trucks will be required to be spaced out between one another by at least 12 feet/3.66 metres. To allow for contactless ordering and payment, customers will be required to use the Ritual App.

Mississauga Celebration Square has removed tables, chairs and picnic tables but will create 48 physical distancing circles painted on the artificial lawn. The circles will be 10 feet/3.05 metres in diameter and will be spaced 12 feet/3.66 metres apart. Hand sanitizer will be available at all vendors as well as entry and exit points into the Market. Public washrooms and parking elevators will be cleaned prior to opening, and twice during operating hours.

Summer Camps Update
To support families with working parents, summer camps will be offered starting July 6 and will run for 9 weeks from 8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. The Summer Fun Camp will run for children ages four and half to 10 years at all 11 community centres as well as Meadowvale Village Hall and Port Credit Arena. Spaces are limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Registration starts on June 22 at 8:30 a.m. Residents can register online at  If camps are full, residents are encouraged to select the waitlist option. Customer Service support is available at 905-615-4100 (Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.).

Safety is a Priority

The City is following the guidelines laid out by the Ministry of Health’s Summer Day Camp Guidelines which include physical distancing, small group sizes only, screening protocols and staff wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when physical distancing of 2 metres/6 feet cannot be maintained.

Each camp will see:

  • 9 children and 1 facilitator for each group
  • groups will not mix or co-mingle with other groups
  • children must bring their lunch
  • no swimming, pizza day or field trips

To stay informed on COVID-19 impacts on City services, please visit: or call 311.

Tourism Mississauga Announces New Board of Directors

By Events, Issues, Resources

June 15, 2020

Tourism Mississauga, the City’s new destination marketing organization, held its first meeting today with its new Board of Directors. The board is made up primarily of members from Mississauga’s tourism sector who will provide strategic direction to tourism activities and initiatives in Mississauga.

I’m delighted to work with my fellow colleagues on Council and especially excited to work together with the various stakeholders.  

The committee will implement and execute tourism to help make a difference for our City’s tourist industry as well enhance a social and cultural environment.” says Councillor Dasko.

“As we begin our recovery efforts and start to slowly reopen our city, we will be focusing on helping our key sectors like tourism bounce back and galvanize our economy. Our new Tourism Mississauga Board of Directors will focus on how to best drive tourism to our City and encourage people to support ‘Mississauga Made’ in light of our new reality,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “On behalf of Mississauga City Council, we thank these industry representatives for stepping up to take on these roles and for being ambassadors for all that our city has to offer.”

The board consists of three City Councillors, as well as external stakeholders representing Mississauga’s tourism sectors:

City Council Members:

  • Ward 1 Councillor Stephen Dasko
  • Ward 5 Councillor Carolyn Parrish
  • Ward 9 Councillor Pat Saito

 Members representing the accommodation/hotel sector:

  • Terry Mundell, Greater Toronto Hotel Association
  • Toni Frankfurter, Waterside Inn
  • Peter Eriksson, Hilton Hotel
  • Frank Russo, Four Points Toronto Airport Hotel

Members representing other services/organizations/venues sector:

  • Lorrie McKee, Greater Toronto Airport Authority
  • Sam Kohli, BIA/Business Center/Appraiser
  • Brad Butt, Mississauga Board of Trade

Members representing the retail/restaurant/culinary sector:

  • Lesley Boughen, Oxford Properties Group

Members representing the attractions/festival/event sector:

  • Eileen Keown, Mississauga Symphony Orchestra
  • Ron Duquette, Retired Corporate Filmmaker

“The new board brings together the right mix of sector-level representation and experience that reflects Mississauga’s growing tourism industry,” said Shari Lichterman, Commissioner, Community Services and Chief Executive Officer, Tourism Mississauga. “I look forward to working with these highly-experienced individuals to promote Mississauga as a tourism destination and to plan the recovery for this hard-hit sector.”

For more information about Tourism Mississauga, visit

In 2017, the Government of Ontario introduced a regulation permitting municipalities to implement a Municipal Accommodations Tax (MAT). On February 7, 2018, Mississauga City Council approved the implementation of the MAT. This law went into effect on April 1, 2018. Government of Ontario legislation requires 50 per cent of the MAT funds collected by a municipality be directed to an eligible non-profit organization.

In July 2019, City Council approved plans to create a Tourism Municipal Services Corporation now known as Tourism Mississauga. It is the destination marketing organization for Mississauga with a mandate of implementing the City’s Tourism Master Plan.


Changes to fees at Peel’s Community Recycling Centres and extended summer hours  

By Covid-19, Events, Issues, Resources

 June 12, 2020

BRAMPTON, ON (June 11) – Peel’s Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) continue to assess and respond to the waste needs of our community during the challenges of Covid-19. Effective today, CRCs will allow visitors to drop off up to 100 kg of excess waste, once per day, with no fees; however, standard fees will apply to anything over the 100 kg limit. Payment can only be made using debit or credit. Cash will not be accepted.

No fees will apply to loads of only scrap metal and blue box recyclables.

For the safety of the community and employees, CRCs have implemented measures of physical distancing and have limited the number of vehicles allowed into the CRCs at any one time. As such, residents should be aware that there may be delays.

Residents are reminded to dispose of only what they need to during this emergency. If working on any home renovation projects, please note that ceramic, porcelain and other renovation material are not recyclable and should be brought to a CRC for disposal. In addition, batteries are considered household hazardous waste and should also be taken to a CRC for safe disposal. Do not place batteries in the garbage or recycling bin.

At this time, our reuse drop-off locations are closed.  Any reusable goods brought to the CRC will be put into garbage and sent to landfill.  CRCs are not accepting tires, electronic waste, large appliances or bulky items until further notice.

In order to manage the waste needs of Peel residents and continue providing reasonable waste disposal options, extended summer hours from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm have started at the following CRCs:

  • Fewster and Heart Lake CRCs – Thursdays only
  • Battleford and Brampton CRCs – Mondays only


Residents are also encouraged to visit for all affected changes, operating hours and applicable standard fee amount.

For the latest updates on all services and facilities temporarily affected in Peel, please visit