
Stephen’s Initiatives

Community Virtual Meeting – Lakeshore Corridor Transportation Improvements – May 3, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.

By Events, Issues, Stephen’s Initiatives, Ward 1

Lakeshore Corridor Transportation Improvements

Infrastructure projects designed to create a more complete and connected Lakeshore Corridor

Lakeshore Transportation Studies

The Lakeshore Transportation Studies include three infrastructure projects in the Lakeview, Port Credit and Clarkson communities that build from the 2019 Lakeshore Connecting Communities Transportation Master Plan. Each project requires a specific type of environmental review.

1. New Credit River Active Transportation Bridge Study

The City is developing the preliminary design and completing the Schedule B Class EA for a new Active Transportation bridge over the Credit River north of Lakeshore Road. This bridge will enhance mobility across the river for people walking, rolling and cycling.

Learn more about the Credit River Active Transportation Bridge and the Schedule B Class EA.

The map below shows the study areas for each of the three projects that make up the Lakeshore Transportation Studies.

This study area map highlights three infrastructure projects, New Credit River Active Transportation Bridge Study, Lakeshore Complete Street Study and Lakeshore Bus Rapid Transit study.
This study area map highlights three infrastructure projects, New Credit River Active Transportation Bridge Study, Lakeshore Complete Street Study and Lakeshore Bus Rapid Transit study.

Active Transportation (AT) Bridge Design Workshop

A virtual AT Bridge Design Workshop will be held on May 3, 2022, beginning at 6:30 p.m. A recording and summary of the design workshop will be included on this page shortly following the workshop.

Click here to register for the meeting. 

Here to Stay – Repairs Planned for Port Credit Library

By Issues, Resources, Stephen’s Initiatives, Ward 1

I have worked over the last several months, on your behalf, to ensure that we were able to keep the Port Credit Library in our community. Today, I am pleased with the decision that this quintessential structure’s future was passed on consent. I would like to thank you for your patience and understanding on this matter. For further details, please see the release below.


February 9, 2022

A plan to repair the foundation of the Port Credit Library was approved in principle at today’s General Committee meeting. This will enable the library to reopen in the same location once the work to rehabilitate the building is completed.

“Over the past several months, I have been working extensively to ensure that Ward 1 is able to have a library in the Port Credit community. I am so pleased it will be able to stay in its present place – it’s a popular location that means so much to library customers and the Port Credit neighbourhood,” said Stephen Dasko, Councillor, Ward 1. “Thank you to everyone for your patience as staff, Council and I worked to develop a viable, long-term plan for the library.”

The building has been closed to the public since June 28, 2021. The library and Port Credit Memorial Park are built on landfill that over time has impacted the stability of the building’s foundation and supports.

Since that time, City staff researched and reviewed several options that include:

  • – building a new library at the same location
  • – relocating to another location in the Lakeshore area
  • – maintaining the existing 8,200 sq. ft. library by repairing the existing concrete foundation

The report recommended that the City proceed with the repair option and keep the building in its current location at a cost of approximately $6 to $8 million.

The repair work involves a process the City first tested in 2016 as a pilot project, whereby helical piles (steel pipes) were installed onto three piers to stabilize the foundation. This was found to be an effective long-term solution and will be used to repair the entire foundation.

The foundation repair is expected to extend the building’s life for another 50 years.

“Rehabilitating the foundation is a benefit for everyone. It is the most cost-effective solution, it allows the library to stay in the neighbourhood and it extends the life of the building for many years to come,” said Shari Lichterman, Commissioner, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer.

The construction timeline is approximately 20 to 24 months, with the library expected to reopen in late 2023 or early 2024.

The recommendation to repair the Port Credit Library foundation will be before Council for final approval on February 16.

“The Port Credit Memorial Arena Pop Up Library will continue to serve the community as the library building undergoes rehabilitation,” said Jodi Robillos, Commissioner, Community Services. “Customers can also access any of our other 17 locations or our wide range of ebooks, audiobooks and other online services.”

Visit: Port Credit Library web page