
Stephen’s Initiatives

Port Credit Library Re Opening August 15, 2023!

By Announcement, Resources, Stephen’s Initiatives, Ward 1
Join Councillor Stephen Dasko for the Re-Opening of the Port Credit Library on August 15!
Open House Celebration
August 15 at 9:30 am at the Library
Ribbon cutting and refreshments

All are welcome

Councillor Dasko is excited to announce that the Port Credit Library will be re-opening ahead of schedule!

Starting from August 15, our doors will be open once again to all book enthusiasts, knowledge seekers, and eager learners in our community.

The Councillor had this to say, “I am so pleased to be able to announce that this significant part of our community is re-opening ahead of schedule! Through the power of community collaboration and the unwavering dedication of our hardworking City staff, we proudly announce the re opening of our library. ”

To learn more, click here.




By Events, Issues, Stephen’s Initiatives, Ward 1

With the support of local ratepayers and community neighbours the following motion was unanimously approved by Council –

Moved by  Councillor Dasko

Seconded by Councillor Fonseca

Whereas the residential community activity along Dixie Road from Lakeshore Road to Queensway in the City of Mississauga has increased over the years;

And whereas, the number of cyclists along Dixie Road and the intersecting streets has also increased;

And whereas, a number of residents have raised concerns over vulnerable road users safety due to the traffic speed in this area with concerns escalating following a pedestrian fatality in 2020;

And whereas, reduced speeds can reduce the risk of serious injuries and fatalities in collisions;

And whereas, the posted speed limit on Dixie Road is currently set to 60 km/h between 260 meters north of Lakeshore Road East to 300 metres north of Hickory Drive, as stipulated in the Region of Peel Traffic By-law 15- 2013, as amended;

Therefore be it resolved:

  1. That the posted speed limit on Dixie Road between 260 meters north of Lakeshore Road East to Queensway be reduced from 60 km/h to 50 km/h effective immediately; and
  2. That a by-law to amend the Region of Peel Traffic By-law to reflect the decision of Council on this matter be presented for enactment; and
  3. That the Region of Peel coordinate with the Ministry of Transportation to install the required advance notification signs advising of the revised 50 km/h posted speed limit for motorists along Dixie Road, as required by the Highway Traffic Act; and
  4. That a copy of the by-law be provided to the Peel Regional Police, the Ontario Provincial Police – Mississauga Detachment and the City of