The Cured In Place Pipe (CIPP) relining process involves the use of a plastic resin impregnated fibre within an existing pipe to create a new pipe. The process allows for the repair of sewer pipes without extensive excavation that can be disruptive to local communities and businesses. As part of the lining process, the effected sanitary sewer service will be out of service (plugged) for approximately (7) hours. This temporary interruption allows for the pipe to be repaired without digging up the street. We ask residents: Read More
January 13, 2021
Today, General Committee discussed the 2021 Property Tax Deferral program as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. The application-based program will allow eligible residential and business property owners to apply to defer their property tax payments in 2021. As of January 1, 2021, all regular property tax billings, collections, application fees and charges have resumed to the normal schedule, including late payment charges. If eligible resident or business property owners need more time to pay their property taxes, they can apply to the deferral program to have their payments deferred to December 15, 2021. Read More
January 13, 2021
This week, the Government of Ontario declared a second Provincial Emergency and will be issuing a stay-at-home order and enhanced public health and workplace safety measures for all of Ontario. The combination of measures will come into effect between Tuesday, January 12 and Thursday, January 14, 2021. Read More
The Ministry of Transportation, in partnership with Infrastructure Ontario, achieved the Financial Close stage with the private consortium (“EDCO”) selected to design and construct the QEW Credit River Improvement Project on December 15, 2020. EDCO has released a notice that the Design and Construction Report (DCR) #2 for the Project has been prepared and will be available for a 30-day public review period between January 4 and February 3, 2021, in accordance with the approved planning process for a Group ‘B’ project under the MTO Class EA.
Cooksville Creek – QEW to Elaine Trail Construction Notice
This is to provide an update on Cooksville Creek Erosion Control program, which is to perform stream restoration and erosion protection work to the Cooksville Creek from South of QEW to Elaine Trail. Please see the Construction Notice above.
The successful bidder is R&M Construction who performed similar creek rehabilitation work at the City previously. The construction is scheduled to take place in January, 2021. We anticipate the project will take about 6 months.
Planning & Development Meeting Reminder
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Online Video Conference
In Ward 1:
1381 Lakeshore Road East – File:0Z20/018
Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications to permit an 8 to 15 storey
apartment building containing 242 units with 3 levels of underground parking and ground
floor retail
1381 Lakeshore Road East, east side of Dixie Road, north side of Lakeshore Road East
Owner: City Park Homes
File: OZ 20/018 W1
Planning & Development Meeting Tonight
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Online Video Conference
Ward 1:
Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications to permit a seven storey rental apartment building with 151 units
958-960 East Avenue, southwest corner of Lakeshore Road East and East Avenue
Owner: Peel Housing Corporation
File: OZ 20/005 W1