Want a free pollinator garden? Blooming Boulevards is now accepting
applications for free boulevard (and right of way) wildflower pollinator gardens
for spring 2022. Read More
The City of Mississauga and Metrolinx are working together to complete environmental assessment approvals for the Dundas Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Mississauga East Project. The project will have an impact on the look, feel, and operation of Dundas Street in the future.
Residents are invited to have their say and give their feedback on the Mississauga East portion of the BRT that will run from Etobicoke Creek to Confederation Parkway. Read More
January 18, 2022
The Region of Peel will be implementing a temporary road closure in order to perform valve maintenance on the watermain at the intersection of Primate Road and Dixie Road. Read More
January 14, 2022
Happy New Year Presidents, Board Members and Neighbours!
The past year continued to be very challenging. I’m looking forward to 2022 with energy and optimism.
With the limitations and restrictions in 2021, I wanted to ensure we had a variety of outdoor community events and our office continued to have community (virtual) meetings on a variety of issues; such as the concerns regarding traffic calming issues, development applications, ensuring the Ward gets its fair share with the “Slow Street” program and the “Slow Down” sign program, to name a few. The majority of the streets throughout the Ward have reduced speed limit signage reducing the speed to 40km.
You may recall, I asked for the reduced speed in sections along Lakeshore Road East last year and it has proven to be very successful. Another important initiative I have been working on for our community as an Advocate is against vehicle noise and speed.
The Lakeshore East Corridor Study, the Marina and the Dundas BRT study were reviewed and continue to be modified. These initiatives are critical to our Ward for safe and proper planning. I look forward to continuing to work together on the concerns and aspirations of the community. There will be a number of exciting initiatives in 2022 for our community and I look forward to sharing them with you.
Our community is our home! Shop Local!
Stephen Dasko, Councillor – Ward 1
January 10, 2022
Dear Resident,
Re: Community Virtual Meeting
170 Lakeshore Road East
The City of Mississauga has received an application from Lightpoint Inc. to redevelop their existing plaza at the northwest corner of Lakeshore Road East and Elmwood Avenue North with a 15 storey apartment building containing 149 residential units and ground floor commercial space.
In order to implement their plans, the applicant is proposing to amend the Official Plan and rezone the property. I am hosting this community virtual meeting to provide residents with more information and to have a transparent discussion on the proposed development.
Due to the COVID pandemic, we are not able to have an in-person meeting. Therefore, we have arranged a Community Virtual Meeting on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. If you wish to attend and participate in the discussions, please find the call in details below:
When it’s time, join your Webex meeting here.
Meeting number (access code): 2301 693 7783
Meeting password: 5AjKWXBMc62 (52559926 from video systems)
Should you have any questions prior to the scheduled meeting, please contact Paul Stewart, Development Planner for this application at 905-615-3200 ext. 5813, or by email at paul.stewart@mississauga.ca.
Stephen Dasko
Councillor, Ward 1