Dear Resident,
Re: Ward 1 – Community Virtual Meeting
800 Hydro Road and 1082 Lakeshore Road East
In November of 2021, the City of Mississauga approved the Lakeview Village development. While technical work will continue over the next year regarding the engineering and servicing of the land, Lakeview Community Partners Limited has submitted site plans for four (4 ) of the blocks which will form part of the initial phase of development. The site plans illustrate the concepts for the residential buildings proposed on these blocks.
Due to the COVID pandemic, we are not able to have an in-person meeting. Therefore, we have arranged a Community Virtual Meeting on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. If you wish to attend and participate in the discussions, please click the following link to join:
Meeting number (access code): 2302 315 7548
Meeting password: j43Xyff76us (54399337 from video systems)
Should you have any questions prior to the scheduled meeting, please contact myself or David Breveglieri, Development Planner for this application at 905-615-3200 ext. 5551, or by email at
Stephen Dasko
Councillor, Ward 1