

Notification of Ecological Restoration work at Cawthra Woods

By Events, Issues, Ward 1

Please be advised that contractors working on behalf of the City of Mississauga are forecasted to perform invasive plant removals starting the week of November 27, 2023 at Cawthra Woods. It is anticipated the work will take about two weeks to complete. All work is weather dependent and may extend into the following weeks as necessary.

Non-native woody invasive plants will receive herbicide treatments. The herbicide that will be used for non-native woody invasive species is called Garlon (active ingredient: Triclopyr). Non-native woody invasive shrubs will be cut down and herbicide will be directly applied to the cut stumps. As per provincial regulations, a notice of upcoming herbicide application will be posted on-site at least 24 hours in advance of the work and will remain at least 48 hours afterwards.

Residents, 311, and the parks supervisor will also be notified of the work.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact 3-1-1 (or 905-615-4311 from outside Mississauga).

Reduce, Upcycle and Repurpose: Celebrate Circular Economy Month and Waste Reduction Week

By Events, Resources

Did you know that almost 50 per cent of garbage sent to landfill can be reused, repurposed or upcycled? October is Circular Economy Month. In a circular economy model, nothing is wasted. Products and materials are reused, repaired, refurbished, repurposed or recycled. This can include items like clothing with rips, electronics that can be repaired or glass jars that can be recycled or reused for storing items or are great as flower vases.

Residential waste is diverted from landfills through recycling, green bin, yard waste and other diversion initiatives. However, we all need to work together to reduce, upcycle and repurpose items to further help divert waste from landfill, help conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions in Mississauga.

In addition to Circular Economy Month, the City is also celebrating Waste Reduction Week. From October 10 to 22, join us at various events to practise waste reduction by donating clothing or by learning to sew at a Makerspace.

Event details:


Donate to the recycling collection drive

The City is again participating in the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s Partners in Project Green’s collection drive for clothing, textiles and electronics. From October 10 to 22, you can drop off unwanted clothing, textiles and electronics in bins located at various City facilities.

You can donate things like hats, bags, belts, ties, footwear, bedding, pillows, linens, curtains and sleeping bags. Electronics will be collected in a separate bin and accepted items include laptops, computers, printers, keyboards, mice, and handheld devices. All clothing items will be donated to Diabetes Canada and all electronics will be recycled by Electronic Recycling Association.

Drop-off locations include:

Learn to sew at a Makerspace

Looking to learn how to repair your clothes? Using one of the Library’s handicraft programs at Burnhamthorpe LibraryCourtneypark LibraryMeadowvale Library and Woodlands Library, you can learn how to sew by hand or with a sewing machine to avoid purchasing new products.


All Mississauga residents interested in learning more about repurposing, upcycling and waste reduction.


Events take place throughout October.


All events are in-person at various locations in Mississauga.

Register to be a Repair Hub volunteer

Have experience in repairing bikes, household items, appliances, jewellery, electronics or clothing?

The City is looking for volunteers to help repair broken items as a way to extend the life of products. Learn more about this opportunity to give back to the community and bring awareness to waste reduction and the circular economy. Apply now.

Other ways to reduce waste at home

Extend the life of items like clothing, appliances and electronics by repairing them when possible.

  • Fruit and vegetable scraps, eggshells, coffee grounds and napkins can all be composted. Place these items in your Peel Region green bin for curbside collection or in your backyard composter.
  • Remember to bring your reusable bags for shopping and reusable bottles and mugs for drinks.
  • Consider borrowing or renting less frequently used items like tools, party supplies and board games. In addition to borrowing books, the City’s libraries offer movies, video games and sewing machines
  • Prioritize reusing, recycling or donating furniture, household items, office supplies and other materials to reduce carbon emissions and save expenses.

Learn more about how Mississauga is leading climate change efforts and other environmental sustainability initiatives through the Climate Change Action Plan.

ANNOUNCING Mississauga 50th Anthem Competition – Deadline Extended until November 13th!

By Announcement, Events, Music, Stephen’s Initiatives

Leave your mark on Mississauga’s music history!

Mississauga songwriters, submit an original anthem about Mississauga to Mississauga Arts Council and SoundsUnite in honour of the City’s 50th anniversary for your chance to win a recording and mixing session from Metalworks Studios and have your song named “Mississauga’s 50th Anthem”! 

“On the upcoming 50th anniversary of the City of Mississauga, I had a vision to create an anthem for Mississauga,” Ward 1 Councillor Stephen Dasko says. “My initiative was received with open arms by Metalworks Studios, Mississauga Arts Council and the creative industries at the City of Mississauga, who collaboratively came together to host this song contest for the most unique and fitting song to help celebrate the City of Mississauga’s milestone.”

“Mississauga’s 50th anniversary is a milestone that should be celebrated and what better way than recording a new city anthem,” mentions Gil Moore, Founder and CEO of Metalworks Studios, “Metalworks and SoundsUnite are excited and proud to record the winner and share the joy of music with our community.”

“A winning local singer-songwriter can make themselves a part of our history. Write the anthem heard across the city in 2024, and be part of every celebration of our City’s 50th Anniversary. The legendary Tommy Hunter wrote the first one, now who will write the next one?” asks Mike Douglas, Executive Director of MAC

The deadline to apply is Monday, November 13 at 11 AM.

Get More Details and Apply

Experience the Magic of the Festival of Trees this Holiday Season!

By Announcement, Events, Ward 1

Experience the magic of the Festival of Trees this holiday season!​

The third-annual Mississauga Festival of Trees is a celebration of the winter season, art, food, and community. With twinkling displays of seasonal lights, artist-created tree and woodpile art installations, artisan and culinary markets, workshops, live entertainment, and more, join us to make memories you’ll treasure for a lifetime.

The Festival of Trees is held at the Small Arms Inspection Building, a restored heritage treasure in Mississauga, to be transformed once again into a winter wonderland of art, food, and fun this holiday season. 

Vendor applications are open for the Mississauga Festival of Trees!

Learn More

Mississauga Celebrates 50 in 2024

By Announcement, Events

In 1974, the Towns of Streetsville, Port Credit and the Township of Mississauga incorporated to form the vibrant and diverse City of Mississauga. In 2024, the City will celebrate the 50th anniversary of this milestone. It will be a time to reflect on our past, celebrate the present and envision the great things that are to come in the next 50 years.

The City and community will be hosting year-long activities, events and celebrations starting with this upcoming New Year’s Eve.

Learn More

2024 Budget: Get Involved!

By Events, Food for thought

Did you know the City of Mississauga delivers more than 200 services including public transit, fire and emergency services, libraries, recreation programs, snow clearing and parks?

In addition, the City also invests in building, maintaining, rehabilitating and remodelling infrastructure such as roads, bridges, trails, stormwater facilities, sidewalks and more.

Watch the City’s social media channels to stay informed about upcoming Budget Committee dates to review the proposed 2024 Budget.

Here are some of the investments made in the 2023 Budget that are already underway:

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The 22nd Annual Lakeshore Art Trail

By Events, Ward 1

An artist-run collective art show that will be held in one location at the Small Arms Inspection Building on

October 21-22, 2023
Saturday 10-5 pm, Sunday 10-4 pm

The Trail has historically featured local visual artists exhibiting their artworks out of their studios or local businesses located throughout the scenic Mississauga villages of Clarkson, Port Credit and Lorne Park. This highly anticipated art show has changed its venue, but remains true to the spirit of the show.

Find out more at