About the Study
The Region of Peel has completed the Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Port Credit East Water and wastewater Servicing Optimization Strategy.
The purpose of this project was to develop an integrated and optimized servicing strategy to meet the needs of the existing community and provide for future growth.
Preferred Design Concept
Your Input is Important
You are invited to review the final draft Environmental Study Report (ESR) for the Port Credit East Water and wastewater Servicing Optimization Strategy, to provide the project team with any feedback and comments. This ESR documents the planning process undertaken, potential impacts and mitigation measures, and the following recommendations:
- New Deep Trunk Sewer on Lakeshore Road,
- New Sub-Transmission Watermain on Lakeshore Road,
- Replacement of Existing Rosemere SPS and associated Twinned Forcemains, and,
- Decommissioning of Elmwood and Hiawatha SPS and associated new Gravity Sewers.
Subject to comments received following this Notice and the receipt of approvals, the Region intends to proceed with construction of the recommended project as outlined in the ESR.
The ESR will be available for a 30-day public review period from November 16 to January 4, 2024. An electronic copy of the ESR will be available for public review on the project website.
Visit the project website
Comment Submissions
If you wish to submit comments and/or concerns on this study, please contact the Project Manager listed below. If you have concerns related to Indigenous treaty rights which cannot be resolved, you may send your Section 16 Order request to the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks and the Director of the Environmental Assessment Branch at the addresses listed below. A copy of the request should also be sent to the Region’s Project Manager.
All requests must be received by the Project Manager within the 30-day public review period by January 4, 2024. If you require accommodations to provide comments and/or feedback, please contact the Project Manager.
Ministry Contacts
Hon. David Piccini, Minister
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
777 Bay Street, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2J3
Email: Minister.MECP@ontario.ca
Director, Environmental Assessment Branch Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
135 St. Clair Avenue West, 1st Floor
Toronto, ON M4V 1P5
Email: EABDirector@ontario.ca
Project Contacts
The Region of Peel is committed to ensure that all Regional services, programs, and facilities are inclusive and accessible for persons with disabilities. Please contact the Project Manager if you need any accommodations to provide comments or feedback for this study.
Italia Ponce, P.Eng., Project Manager
10 Peel Centre Drive
Brampton, ON L6T 4B9
(905) 791-7800 ext. 4583
Email: italia.ponce@peelregion.ca
This notice was reissued November 16, 2023
With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record of the study.
The study is being conducted according to the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, which is a planning process approved under Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act.