

Peel Regional Police Update: Project OFFRAMP

By Announcement, Resources

This year, Peel Regional Police led a Joint Forces Operation called Project Offramp, targeting street racing and stunt driving with officers identifying and actively patrolling hotspot locations across the Greater Toronto Area.

Working with neighbouring agencies, they investigated 933 vehicles and issued 2,140 Provincial Offence Notices, including:

  • 96 Stunt Driving Charges
  • 246 Improper/No Muffler Charges
  • 24 Criminal Code Charges Related to Impaired and Dangerous Driving

Curbing illegal street racing and stunt driving remains a top priority. They have several ongoing strategic and targeted enforcement initiatives designed to address this type of behaviour, as they know it can have tragic implications for our community. Despite consistent efforts to enforce and raise awareness on the dangers of street racing and stunt driving, Peel Regional Police recognizes that these activities continue to be a public safety concern across Peel Region.

PRP are always looking to identity additional measures and initiatives to deter and curb this type of behaviour on our roads, to keep our roads safe for everyone.

Please see Chief Duraiappah‘s social media post here:

Art Gallery of Mississauga – Across Latitudes

By Announcement, Events

Across Latitudes examines the intricate realities of moving between cultures and across generations in the process of forging identities and locating our place in the world. The distinct art practices of Soheila Esfahani, Heidi McKenzie, and Zinnia Naqvi all draw from experiences of diaspora to explore the complex terrain of cultural migration and commodification.

This exhibition highlights the artifice of sites and objects that are intended to represent national identity—images in postcards, gift shop trinkets—and how they simplify and misrepresent the realities of lived experience. The works shown here consider the uncomfortable impact of such commodities on the process of shaping personal identity and aim to unravel the stereotypes they perpetuate. By holding these objects up for examination, and by integrating a diverse range of culturally significant markers of personal identity, such as traditional motifs, family and archival photographs, and mementos from childhood, these three artists engage in creative acts of revisiting, reworking, and reclaiming to offer new interpretations and meanings.

The artists in this exhibition inscribe, in different ways, their experiences of belonging amid the construct of what it means to be Canadian. Turning to their uniquely individual paths of migration—with diasporic roots in Iran, the Caribbean, and Pakistan—their works counter the limitations of myth-making and foreground the multi-dimensionality of intercultural experience.

16-2300C1 Road closure Notice – Mattawa Avenue – July 17,2024

By Announcement, Resources, Ward 1

Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Replacement and Improvement
Mattawa Avenue

Peel Region has been working in your neighbourhood to replace the watermain and install a new sanitary trunk sewer along Mattawa Avenue. This work is required to maintain and improve existing water and wastewater services. At this stage in the project, a temporary road closure will be required to complete this work.

Traffic impacts
• Mattawa Avenue will be closed to all through traffic from Dundas Street East to Loreland Avenue. This temporary road closure is expected to occur from July 17, 2024 until June 27, 2025. A detour route will be clearly marked with road signs. Please see the attached map for the detour route.
• Access to businesses will be maintained. No through traffic will be allowed and there will be no on-street parking.
We apologize for any delays or inconvenience resulting from these traffic impacts.

Keeping you informed
Weather and other unpredictable events may change the date of these traffic impacts. Receive timely project updates right to your inbox by signing up for e-notices. Visit to start signing up.
Information on this construction project can also be found at

Safety during construction
Construction zones require extra caution to keep everyone safe – pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, and construction workers. When driving, walking, or biking through the construction area, please be aware of your surroundings, watch for construction crews and other road users, slow down, account for delays, and consider other routes if possible. To learn more about how to stay safe in construction zones, visit

Thank you for your patience as we complete this necessary work. This work will allow us to continue providing you with high quality tap water and wastewater services. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Water Linear Engineering & Wastewater Collection and Conveyance
Engineering Services Division
Public Works, Peel Region
Phone: 905-791-7800 ext. 4409

Important Update – Upcoming NAV CANADA Flight Checks: Second Semi-annual Test

By Announcement, Events

NAV Canada regularly conducts instrument landing system (ILS) check at Toronto Pearson. This is a routine operation that ensures the accuracy and safety of the country’s navigation aids and instrument approach procedures. The ILS is a precision approach system that provides navigational guidance signals and information on a cockpit display to guide pilots accurately to the point of landing in periods of poor visibility.

The second semi-annual test of 2024 will take place for two nights during the week of July 22-26 from approx. 12:00AM to 4:00AM and will involve all runways at Toronto Pearson. It will take approximately 20 minutes per runway.

Pre-approved flights do operate in the overnight hours in accordance with the Night Flight Restriction program in effect between 12:30 am and 6:30 am. However, given that the flight checks will involve flight patterns of repeated approaches for the runways at varying combinations of height, speed, and direction, we wanted to inform you that there might be noise impacts in your riding.

We have already posted the information on our Noise Advisory Calendar, and will also be posting a message on WebTrak.

Affected residents can feel free to reach out to the Toronto Pearson Noise Management Office directly if they have any questions or wish to submit a noise complaint:

  • Online using WebTrak or the complaint form
  • By phone 416-247-7682


Starter Company PLUS Program

By Announcement, Events, Resources

Are you over 18 and want to START, EXPAND, or BUY a business in Mississauga? The Starter Company PLUS Program is for you.

Participants receive:
➡️Free training and business skills development
➡️Free mentorship and guidance
➡️Opportunity to apply for a program grant of up to $5,000

To learn more about the program, and how to apply, please register for one of the following Starter Company PLUS MANDATORY information sessions.

  • Option A In-person: Thursday, July 25 (6:30pm – 7:30pm)
  • Option B Virtual: Tuesday, August 6 (1:00pm – 2:00pm)
  • Option C Virtual: Thursday, August 8 (6:30pm – 7:30pm)


NOTICE OF PRE-DESIGN FIELD INVESTIGATION Beach Street Sewage Pumping Station Diversion Aviation Road, Caven Street, East Avenue, Hampton Crescent, Lakeshore Road East, and Lakeside Avenue

By Announcement, Resources, Ward 1

Beach Street Sewage Pumping Station Diversion Aviation Road, Caven Street, East Avenue, Hampton Crescent, Lakeshore Road East, and Lakeside Avenue

Peel Region is undertaking investigations related to the installation of a new sanitary sewer system in your area. Sanitary sewers are underground pipes that carry wastewater from your home to a wastewater treatment plant. Wastewater is created when water goes down the drain or is flushed down the toilet. As pipes age and our population grows, we need to repair and replace older sewers to keep providing high quality wastewater services to you.

As we plan for future construction, we will be in your neighborhood conducting field investigations along Aviation Road, Caven Street, East Avenue, Hampton Crescent, Lakeshore Road East, and Lakeside Avenue.
• We will survey your street and use temporary spray paint or flags to mark the location of underground gas, hydro, and cable on roads, driveways, and lawns.
• We may drill holes to collect soil samples, determine ground conditions, or confirm utility locations. These holes may be drilled in the road or the municipal right-of-way, the land owned by the municipality between the street and your water service box. (A water service box is a small, round metal valve in your driveway or lawn that typically marks your front property line.)
• We will take pictures and record video to help ensure that we restore the area as close as possible to its former condition, after construction takes place.
We expect these activities to take place between July 2024 and May 2025.

Contractor and working hours
The work will be completed by various contractors under contract to Peel Region. The contractors normal working hours are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday to Friday. These hours are consistent with the City of Mississauga bylaws.

Traffic impacts
There may be minor traffic disruptions during these activities. If we must reroute traffic, we will place signs giving directions.

Staying informed
To receive updates on Peel Region construction projects in your area, sign up for e-notices at to start signing up.

Information on this project can be found at

Thank you for your patience during this work. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Wastewater Collection and Conveyance
Engineering Services Division
Public Works, Region of Peel
Phone: 905-791-7800 ext. 4409

Delegation from Kariya, Japan Visits Mississauga

By Announcement, Events

Mayor of Kariya City along with Chair of City Council of Kariya City and President of Kariya International Friendship Association, pictured below with Mayor Parrish and members of Council.  This delegation was in town to participate in celebrations of  Mississauga’s 50th year and Canada Day ceremonies during June 30th to July 4th, 2024.

Launch of Project Lantern

By Announcement, Resources

In Peel Region, there are currently over 30,000 persons living with dementia, and of these, an estimated 21,423 persons suffer specifically from Alzheimer’s. According to ASP, 60% of all persons living with dementia will become lost at some point and approximately 50% of those with dementia missing beyond 24 hours will be located injured or deceased.

By partnering with ASP through a Memorandum of Understanding, PRP’s Community Safety and Well-being Command has established a reciprocal referral process to connect persons living with Alzheimer’s with the support they need from ASP. When persons living with dementia do go missing, a process is in place to more effectively deploy resources for significantly safer outcomes. Through our Divisional Mobilization Unit (DMU), officers will conduct in-person visits to people and their families experiencing dementia. Their focus will be on offering support, making referrals, assisting with completing the Vulnerable Person Registry, and providing safeguarding information to help prevent incidents of individuals going missing.


Councillor Dasko at the launch of this initiative that will create safer outcomes for our vulnerable community members.

Peel Regional Police Update: Road Safety Initiatives

By Announcement, Resources

Road safety is a top priority for Peel Regional Police (PRP) and over the course of the summer, we will continue our efforts to curb illegal street racing and high-speed driving. These efforts aim to change poor and aggressive driver behaviour and those who compromise road safety will be subject to charges and penalties.

Since the start of 2024, 15 people have lost their lives in Peel Region due to road-related incidents – all of these deaths were preventable and we are taking increased action. In the first half of this year, Peel Regional Police has issued over 20,000 Highway Traffic Act charges, including:

  • 3800+ for speeding
  • 400+ for careless driving
  • 1200+ for mufflers causing unnecessary noise
  • 1300+ for stunt driving and racing

We encourage you to join us in helping promote safe driving by re-sharing this post:

The community is also encouraged to report concerning aggressive driving or street racing activities by contacting PRP at 905-453-3311 or through the Online Reporting Portal. For more information, visit:


LRT Upcoming Construction Impacts

By Announcement, Hurontario LRT, Ward 1

Metrolinx work related to the Hazel McCallion Line that will impact your community.

As work progresses on the Hazel McCallion LRT project, crews will be doing road widening works between Inglewood Drive and Indian Valley Trail along the west side of Hurontario Street. These works are scheduled to take place from as early as July 5 to July 31, 2024.

To safely accommodate these works, driveways for properties within this stretch will be intermittently and partially impacted between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday for up to four hours. To accommodate motorists needing to enter and exit driveways impacted during working hours, a flag person and steel plates will be used to provide immediate access to the property once the curb machine passes through.

During this time, asphalt and concrete curbs will be removed, followed by excavation, curb preparation, concrete pour, and paving. Once the roadway has been widened, guideway construction in the area can begin later this year.

Immediately impacted property owners were informed over email and hand delivered a physical notice last week. This notice has also been included in our upcoming newsletter and on