

YMCA Summer Work Student Exchange Program

By Announcement, Resources

Here is what this program offers to youth:

– The opportunity to live and work in a French-speaking community in Québec for 6 weeks

– Paid, full-time summer employment in the non-profit sector (camps, child care, museums, etc.)

– A reciprocal homestay – youth are hosted in each other’s homes to deepen the cultural exchange

– The support of local YMCA staff, who also coordinate weekly group activities

– New relationships and friendships that continue beyond the duration of the program

– More information can be found at

Update – Action Plan for Stormwater and Flood Mitigation

By Announcement, Resources, Ward 1

Councillor Dasko is happy to share another update, as promised.  Resulting from the last report and Councillor Dasko’s advocacy for his residents councils direction was to staff to come back to Council.  Yesterday, on September 25, 2024 with Corporate Report: 10.2. entitled “Council Update – July and August 2024 Extreme Rainfall Events” (attached). This report, which was passed by Councillor Dasko and his colleagues unanimously, is an action-oriented approach to accelerating flood mitigation initiatives, inspection enhancements and increased maintenance and operation activities. Councillor Dasko has also attached his motion for your perusal which was again unanimously passed by all of council.

Watch Council Sept 25, 2024 Item 7.4 (running from 31.03-1.11) Emma Calvert sharing Corporate report 10.2.

View the report 

The following items were passed and are to be actioned:

  • A Residential Compassionate Flood Relief Grant Program to provide a one-time grant of $1,000 to Mississauga residential property owners who incurred damages as a result of basement flooding following the weather events on July 16, 2024, or August 17 and 18, 2024, as a result of Councillor Dasko’s motion on September 11, 2024.
  • A basement flooding prevention rebate program to provide up to $6,800 to make basement flood prevention improvements more affordable.
  • With the number of staff meetings with Councillor Dasko he was pleased to see that staff were convinced to step up the timeline of new and accelerated stormwater projects, as outlined in the Project-based action plan includes accelerating the Design and Construction of the Dixie-Dundas Flood Mitigation Project by 6 years, including infrastructure improvement projects in 2025, 2026, 2027, with a completion year of 2028.
  • Enhancements to routine maintenance of stormwater infrastructure
  • City staff will work further with local authorities like the TRCA, Alectra, and the Emergency Management Team to identify opportunities to enhance public alerting to residents during localized flooding.
  • Staff have been directed to prepare and submit applications to the Municipal Housing Infrastructure Program – Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund (second intake- November 1, 2024) and Housing-Enabling Core Services Stream programs to support the Dixie-Dundas Flood Mitigation Project.

Furthermore, at the Region of Peel, Regional Council passed a motion on September 12, 2024 to have an increase in the Sanitary Backwater Valve Rebate Program. The program is available to property owners in priority areas in Peel who had experienced sanitary flooding because of a storm event in the past 10 years. Residents living in neighborhoods outside the priority areas can also apply for a subsidy if they have reported flooding to Peel Region in the past or have an insurance claim. Subsidies are 60% of the invoiced cost, up to a maximum $1,500. Residents are asked to call Peel Region at 905-791-7800 to confirm eligibility for the backwater valve subsidy before proceeding with an installation. For more information please visit

Please note that there will be an upcoming City-wide Public Information Session for 2024 Flood Events.  Councillor Dasko will share more details when they are announced.

Peel Regional Police Update: Warning of Blackmail, Extortion Scam Demanding Bitcoin

By Announcement

Peel Regional Police are warning the public about ongoing scams impacting residents across Peel Region and other jurisdictions.

Victims have reported receiving email correspondences from a perpetrator claiming to have acquired intimate images or personal information of a compromising nature such as evidence of adult content in your internet browser. The perpetrator(s) then demand the victim send funds to them via a Bitcoin wallet or other means or their images and information will be sent to the public or to their family.

The emails often includes personal information, such as name, address, phone number, and street-view images of your home. This information has likely been obtained via other phishing methods where perpetrator(s) send emails, texts, or other messages purporting to be from legitimate companies to induce an unsuspecting person to share personal information such as financial information or passwords.

Investigators from PRP’s Criminal Investigations Bureau (CIB) and Fraud Bureau are reminding the public not to share personal information or information about your computer or electronic devices:

  • Do not open emails, files, or links from unknown sources.
  • Be mindful when sharing information on social media.
  • If you have received an extortion email, do not comply with the threat. Do not continue communication.
  • If you have transferred funds, check to see if they have been collected, if not, cancel the payment.
  • Keep any and all records of any correspondence including usernames and account information.

We encourage anyone who has been a victim of this scam and incurred a financial loss, to please report it to their local police agency.

The news release, including an example of an extortion email, can be found here:

Zero-emission transit: Mississauga launches innovative hydrogen-powered bus initiative

By Announcement

Mississauga is on track to acquire hydrogen fuel cell electric buses.

September 18, 2024

The City of Mississauga is set to become Ontario’s first municipality to pilot hydrogen fuel cell electric buses within its transit fleet. MiWay, Mississauga’s transit agency, is launching a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Bus project to move towards more sustainable public transit. Backed by the Federal Zero Emission Transit Fund (ZETF), which granted approval for funding in December 2022, the City is on track to meet the project deadline of December 31, 2025, and is looking to purchase 10 hydrogen fuel cell electric buses.In July, the City issued a Request for Information (RFI) for Hydrogen Fuel Supply Options, to secure a reliable hydrogen fuel supply. The “Hydrogen-as-a-Service” (HaaS) model aims to minimize operational risks by outsourcing hydrogen production, distribution, and dispensing infrastructure operations. There were nine submissions are under review from organizations interested in supplying hydrogen to the City. These proposals are currently under evaluation. The cost of hydrogen fuel will be requested and covered within the 2026 Operating Budget.

Sourcing and funding for the new buses

New Flyer Industries, from Winnipeg, is the only manufacturer in Canada that produces hydrogen fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs). A Council request has been made to ask for approval to source these buses from New Flyer, exclusively.

Around $20 million is being set aside to purchase 10, 40-foot hydrogen fuel cell electric buses. Up to $10 million is expected to be reimbursed through the ZETF, which covers 50 per cent of eligible project costs.

MiWay has requested an extra $500,000 to upgrade important facilities, including the Malton Transit and Central Parkway Body sites to support the new hydrogen buses.

Climate mitigation through MiWay’s transit fleet

If Council approves the initiative, it will support the City’s Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), to reduce corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40 per cent by 2030, and 80 per cent by 2050. It will also showcase Mississauga’s dedication to reducing carbon emissions and furthering Mississauga’s role as a leader in sustainable transit solutions.

MiWay is Ontario’s third-largest municipal transit service provider. Nearly 60 per cent of MiWay’s buses are hybrid-electric. These buses resulted in a 30 per cent reduction in diesel fuel consumption per year and 5,134,000 kilograms (5,134 tonnes) of avoided GHG emissions per year.

Recently the City became an associate member of the Canadian Hydrogen Association. This a national, non-profit association that represents industry, academia, end-users and other stakeholders in Canada’s hydrogen sector. The City is also working to establish a hydrogen network (hub) that will bring together key players to promote and create a local hydrogen ecosystem (e.g. fuel, fuelling infrastructure, equipment, trucks and buses) to reduce GHG emissions reductions. The hub will also drive technological advancements, increase local jobs and grow the economy.

Hydrogen is a cleaner fuel option that offers a better alternative to diesel. Hydrogen-electric technology is one option that can work towards a zero-emission bus fleet. With Council’s approval, MiWay will become the first transit agency in Ontario to pilot this innovative hydrogen FCEB technology, setting the stage for transit fleet decarbonization and positioning itself as an industry leader.

The corporate report will go to Council next week, on September 25, for final approval.

“MiWay is taking big steps towards transitioning to a zero-emission transit with major investments in our fleet. Since 2019, MiWay has been working to replace its diesel buses and bring lower emission vehicles in addition to now piloting and investing in new vehicle technologies like hydrogen fuel cell electric buses to meet the targets set out in the CCAP.”– Eve Wiggins, Director, Transit, City of Mississauga/MiWay

A green and white hydrogen fuel cell electric bus with "xcelsior CHARGE FC" branding and the slogan "Welcome to cleaner, smarter mobility.
An example of a hydrogen fuel cell electric bus.

Two bats test positive for rabies virus in Peel Region 

By Announcement

Peel Public Health reminds residents to avoid touching wild or unknown animals

BRAMPTON, ON (August 29, 2024) – Peel Public Health has confirmed two positive cases of rabies found in bats in Peel Region, one in the Professor’s Lake area of Brampton and one in south Mississauga. There were no resulting cases of rabies in humans.

Rabies is an infectious viral disease that affects the central nervous system of warm-blooded animals, including humans. It is spread through the saliva and mucus membranes of infected animals. Humans and their pets can become infected if they are in contact with a rabid animal.  Symptomatic rabies infections in humans are almost always fatal.  Treatment with rabies vaccination and antibodies injection can prevent rabies if they are given before symptoms appear.

The risk of running into an infected animal and contracting rabies in Ontario is very low. The virus can only be contracted through bites or scratches from an infected animal.

Wild animals such as foxes, raccoons, skunks and bats can spread rabies. Below are some tips from Peel Public Health to avoid rabies exposure.

  • Avoid touching, approaching or feeding wild or unknown animals, even if they look healthy.
  • Ensure pets and livestock are up to date with their rabies vaccinations.
  • If you find a bat in your home, call Animal Services at 311. Don’t attempt to remove the bat yourself.
  • Stay away from animals that are acting strangely, are injured or are sick.

If you have been bitten by or scratched by a wild animal, speak to a healthcare provider as soon as possible. Rabies is preventable through prompt medical care.

If you see a sick or wounded animal, contact Animal Services by calling 311. Do not touch or handle the animal.

More information on preventing rabies can be found on Peel Region’s website.

Mississauga launches callout for 2025 Culture and Community Grants

By Announcement, Resources

The 2025 Culture and Community Grants program is now open for applications.

August 26, 2024

The 2025 Culture and Community Grants program is now open for applications. Not-for-profit community groups can apply for the following grants:

Guidelines featuring eligibility requirements and application directions are available on the grants webpage. All applications must be submitted no later than October 11, 2024 by 4:30 p.m. online.

Interested applicants are invited to attend an information webinar to learn more about the grants and ask questions about the application process. Grant information webinars are scheduled for the following days:

Arts and Culture Grant and Culture Project Grant

Community Grant and Small Project Matching Grant

Cultural Festivals and Celebrations Grant

For additional support, please contact to arrange a meeting with City staff to discuss your application and verify eligibility.

For more information, visit the grants webpage.

2025 Culture and Community grants are now open!

Start the school year off right: Stay alert and be aware while using Mississauga roads

By Announcement

With students heading back to school, our roads will get busier. Help prevent collisions and ensure that everyone arrives at their destination safely.

August 22, 2024

Starting Tuesday, September 3, thousands of students in Mississauga, from pre-school to college and university, will go back to school. Mississauga roads will get busier once again with students walking, riding their bikes, using scooters, taking school buses or MiWay buses, or being driven to and from school. The City reminds all road users to be mindful of road safety to help prevent collisions and ensure that everyone arrives at their destination safely. Continuing to keep students safe is part of the City’s Vision Zero Action Plan, which works towards the long-term goal of zero traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries.

Road safety around school zones

This year, the City will install nine traffic calming projects near school zones to help reduce speeding and aggressive driving. The City uses design features like speed humps and raised pedestrian crossings to slow down vehicles.

The City also has automated speed enforcement cameras in 50 school zones to help combat speeding on streets near schools. These cameras are already in place and will rotate to other school zones throughout the school year. These cameras support the 30 km/h speed limit in school zones – an initiative that was completed in 2022.

Crossing guard program

The City has more than 215 school crossing guards at more than 160 locations who will be ready on the first day of school. Crossing guards help school children from kindergarten to fifth grade cross the road safely.

The City’s Mississauga School Traffic Safety Action Committee conducts site inspections and safety reviews at or near schools on request to help find opportunities to improve student safety and safety for all road users.

School Walking Routes program

The City has a School Walking Routes program that promotes active travel, such as walking or travelling by bike, wheelchair or other mobility devices, to and from school. School Route signs installed around the neighbourhood guide students on their way to school and alert drivers to watch for children.

Drivers driving to their destination

When driving, remember to:

  • Stay alert and obey posted speed limits.
  • Pay special attention near schools for pedestrians and cyclists, especially when turning and in areas with many stopped cars.
  • Always follow a school crossing guard’s stop sign.
  • Never proceed through crossings until students have completely crossed.
  • Stop for school buses with flashing red lights, and never attempt to overtake them.
  • Tune your playlist, fix your GPS and sync your Bluetooth before you leave. Once you’re behind the wheel, your attention should only be on the road.

When driving your student to school:

  • Follow signage and rules, especially at drop-off and pick-up locations.
  • Never pick up or drop off your student where they must cross the road between stopped cars.
  • Reduce congestion and improve safety in front of the school by only driving partway to school, and walking or biking the rest of the way.

Students and families walking, cycling or taking a bus to school

Stay safe while travelling to school by:

  • Planning your route in advance.
  • Crossing streets only at designated crosswalks or crossrides, where possible.
  • Always following your crossing guard’s instructions if they’re on your route.
  • Ensuring your helmets are worn when biking, scootering or skateboarding.
  • Walking your device across roads when no crossrides are available.
  • Making sure to follow all railway-crossing safety rules if your school route is near a railway crossing.
  • Standing back from the curb and not approaching the bus until it comes to a full stop when waiting for a school bus or MiWay bus.

For more road safety information and additional safety tips, visit For more information about Vision Zero, visit

Students and parent walking across road from a driver's point of view.

Student and parent crossing road with crossing guard.

Stormwater and Flooding Information

By Announcement, Issues, Resources

In July and August of 2024, Mississauga faced an unprecedented rainstorm, with the city receiving more rainfall in a short period than ever before. I know such storms can bring significant stress and inconvenience, impacting our homes, properties, and lives.

From August 17 to 18, our city saw varying amounts of rainfall from 6.2 mm up to as much as 170 mm in some areas – leading to high water levels and major disruptions on roads, creeks, and highways. This only serves to show the unpredictability of these types of storms and range of impacts our city can see.

This is what’s called a “100-year storm”. Unfortunately, we had another 100-year storm on July 16th and many will recall the storm in July 2013, as well.

We are taking stormwater management seriously. In 2024, we have allocated $33.7 million for stormwater improvements, focusing on projects along Cooksville Creek, Etobicoke Creek, and erosion control initiatives. Since 2016, we have invested over $231.5 million in stormwater infrastructure. Our 10-year plan includes an additional $340 million for ongoing upgrades and maintenance to enhance our resilience against future storms. And, we remain committed to continued investments in further enhancing our stormwater infrastructure to withstand future weather events like this one. These investments include stormwater ponds, new pipes in the ground, and repairs to creek and river banks to prevent erosion.

As an example, Lake Saigon – a critical stormwater management facility in the City’s system within the Cooksville Creek watershed, held back 250,000m3 of stormwater, and therefore and therefore reduced the risk of flooding downstream. This one pond held back the equivalent of 100 Olympic-sized swimming pools of water from flowing downstream to homes and businesses.

As Ward Councillor, I am working closely with my colleagues to urge the province to activate the Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians (DRAO) program.

We are asking those whose property was impacted by the recent rain event this weekend, to please contact 311 to provide your name and address. This information will be shared with the Government of Ontario to support our efforts in urging them to activate their DRAO program for Mississauga.

Additionally, please be sure to document any damage with photos or videos and inform your insurance provider as soon as possible.

City cleanup efforts are underway, including debris removal and park restorations. We understand how challenging this situation is and truly appreciate your patience as we work with local and regional partners to address repairs and assess the damage.

We remain committed to supporting our community during this difficult time and will continue to invest in improving our stormwater infrastructure.

For more information, please visit our website at

Mississauga crews continue clean up after the weekend storm

Clean-up efforts continue, including the removal of debris from sidewalks, roads and trails.

This past weekend, Mississauga experienced another severe rainstorm which resulted in a large amount of heavy rain within a short period of time. From August 17 to 18, rainfall amounts varied across Mississauga with some areas of the city seeing as little as 6.2 mm and the hardest hit areas receiving 170 mm. Heavy rainfall caused high water levels and localized flooding on roads, along creeks, rivers and streams.

Some areas near Dixie Rd. and Dundas St., Cooksville Creek, Streetsville, Malton, Lisgar, highway stretches of the 401, 403 and 410, and the Airport were heavily impacted. From road closures and increased traffic, the effects were felt widely across the city.

Experts in meteorology, climate change and environmental science are pointing to these events as evidence of how global warming is changing our weather patterns, suggesting such storms could become a common occurrence.

Residents are reminded to take precautions in flooded areas and to respect all posted signs, and barricades that have been put up for safety reasons.

Mississauga’s stormwater system

While some parks and roads flooded, and trails experienced erosion, some residents faced property damage, basement flooding or water pooling in their backyards. Without the City’s stormwater infrastructure being in place and staff actively managing the situation, the situation could have become much worse.

Separate from the sanitary wastewater system, the City’s stormwater system collects stormwater from properties and carries it to a receiving waterbody. Maintaining this system lessens the risk of flooding, reduces creek erosion and protects water quality.

Currently, Mississauga has more than 1,900 kilometres of storm sewer pipes in its drainage system. If laid out end-to-end, these pipes would connect Mississauga to Winnipeg. The stormwater drainage system also includes more than 51,000 catchbasins, 270 kilometres of ditches, 150 kilometres of creeks and 81 stormwater management facilities (including ponds, underground storage and Low-Impact Development facilities) that help collect, drain and clean the City’s rainwater runoff before it enters Lake Ontario – the source of our drinking water.

In 2024, we have allocated $33.7 million for stormwater improvements, focusing on projects along Cooksville Creek, Etobicoke Creek, and erosion control initiatives. Since 2016, we have invested over $231.5 million in stormwater infrastructure. Our 10-year plan includes an additional $340 million for ongoing upgrades and maintenance to enhance our resilience against future storms. And, we remain committed to continued investments in further enhancing our stormwater infrastructure to withstand future weather events like this one. These investments include stormwater ponds, new pipes in the ground, and repairs to creek and river banks to prevent erosion.

The need for continued infrastructure funding

Over the next 10 years, the City’s Stormwater Program will continue to expand and be maintained, in order for our stormwater system to remain fully funded – due to the stormwater charge. However, there is still a need to appropriately contribute to the Pipe Reserve Fund to allow for the future replacement of the City’s aging stormwater pipes.

The City is seeking a commitment from federal and provincial governments and is advocating for additional funding to help bridge the infrastructure gap. This is crucial for underlining priorities, such as stormwater infrastructure, that are vital to the safety of our community.

Flooding on your property

If your home or basement has flooded and you’re in immediate danger or require assistance, call 911.

  • If you’ve suffered damages due to a basement flood, call 311. The City creates a record documenting these type of calls.
  • If you think there’s a problem with your sanitary sewer pipe, you can request emergency help with a sewer backup.
  • Record the details of the flood damage by taking photos or videos. Register the amount of damage to your home with your insurance provider immediately.
  • Don’t attempt to shut off electricity if any water is present. Leave your home immediately and don’t return until authorities confirm it’s safe to do so.
  • After you have evacuated your home or if water has risen above your electrical outlets, baseboards or furnace, call Alectra at 1-833-253-2872 to report it.

Clean up continues

Clean-up efforts continue, including the removal of debris from sidewalks, roads and trails. The City is still assessing the financial impacts to the Corporation and is working alongside its local and Regional partners, like the Region of Peel and Credit Valley Conservation, to collect data and insights about the severity of this weekend’s flooding.

Parks and trail closures

Residents are asked to take precautions in flooded areas and respect all posted signs and barricades that have been put up for safety reasons. Residents are asked to use caution in all parks and trails, creeks, rivers or watersheds.


Most sportfields have been able to re-open across Mssissauga with the exception of the following:

  • Courtney Park Cricket Pitch
  • All fields at Meadowvale Sports Park (Major Soccer, Major Baseball, both Major Softball)
  • Lisgar Fields Major Baseball Field
  • Dunton Fields, Major Softball Fields 1&2
  • All secondary fields in the Malton area
  • Quenippenon Major Baseball Field


MiWay all routes are operating in normal condition.

To assist City crews effectively during this period, please consider the following guidelines:

  • Use extra caution when navigating near areas where construction or maintenance activities are taking place.
  • Follow all posted signage and barriers around work sites, showing respect for the guidelines in place.
  • Make sure to give workers and their equipment the necessary space to safely conduct their tasks.
  • Practice patience and kindness towards the crews as they work to repair and restore essential services and infrastructure.

Additional information about flooding:

Stormwater investments


Stormwater Infrastructure Investment:

City Wide Notable Projects
Spent to Date
$        92.7 M – Lake Saigon SWMF

– Cooksville Underground Storage Facilities

– Lisgar Pumping Station

Works In-progress (2016-23) $      105.0 M – Dixie-Dundas Flood Mitigation Design

– Little Etobicoke Creek Drainage Improvements

– Malton Drainage Improvements

Budgeted (2024) $        33.7 M  
Total $     231.5 M  

 Note: values shown are since the Stormwater Charge was established (2016).

2024 Capital Funded projects

Approved 2024 projects funded at $33.7 million, which include:

  • Mississauga LRT Storm Sewer Improvements
  • Malton Drainage Improvements – Etude Dr. to Justine Dr.
  • Design for Dixie Dundas Drainage Improvements by Little Etobicoke Creek

2024 Planned construction projects: Creek, erosion control work and stormwater management facility projects

  • Construction of a pumping station at the south-east corner of Doug Leavens Blvd and the Lisgar channel
  • Etobicoke Creek erosion control and rehabilitation (Ponytrail Dr. to Bloor St.)
  • Sawmill Creek erosion control and rehabilitation (Folkway Drive to Erin Mills Parkway)
  • McKenzie Park Storm Water Management Facility
  • Sheridan Creek erosion control and rehabilitation (Lushes Avenue to behind Fletchers Valley Crescent)
  • Cooksville Creek improvement and flood protection and replacement of King Street Bridge
  • Dredging and rehabilitation of Dixie Road Bus Rapid Transit pond
  • Dredging and rehabilitation of Tomken Road Bus Rapid Transit pond

10 -Year Capital Plan

2024–2033 projects to be funded at $340 million and include:

  • Design and Construction of Pond Dredging and Rehabilitation at Lake Wabukayne & Aquitaine (2025)
  • Malton Flood Relief Project (Etude Dr. to Justine Dr.), including construction of a stormwater box culvert beneath the pedestrian walkway, full reconstruction of the walkway to safely create an overland flow route, and an upgraded outfall structure and channel in Derry Greenway Park (2025 – TBD)
  • Dundas & Lakeshore BRT Storm Sewer Improvements (2025)
  • Design and Construction of Cooksville Flood Storage Facility – Greyshale Park (2027) and Heritage Hills Park (2028–2030)
  • Dixie and Dundas Drainage Improvements (2025, 2027–2033)
  • Construction of Sawmill Creek Erosion Control–Erin Mills Parkway to The Collegeway (2029)

2024-2027 Business Plan and the 2024 Budget for Stormwater

Why is the City experiencing this level of flooding?

During severe storm events, like those experienced recently, the City’s stormwater system, as well as other municipalities in Ontario, will exceed its design capacity.  The City’s underground storm sewer system is designed to a 1 in 10 year event capacity.  Once that capacity is reached, excess flows are then conveyed along the roadway or another overland flow route to a creek or other body of water. However, the recent rainfall events exceeded the design capacity of the overland flow system.  The City continues to invest in stormwater management improvements throughout the City such as Lake Saigon along with underground storage facilities in the Cooksville Creek watershed, the City’s largest watershed, to reduce the risk of flooding.  Also, the City is currently undertaking design to address a spill point on Little Etobicoke Creek where flows can onto Queen Frederica.   This project can be found at

How has the build-out of the City contributed to this?

The urbanization of Mississauga is similar to other North American cities.  A consequence of which is the hardening of lands due to development.  The development of the City to accommodate population growth is based on planning policies and the City’s stormwater infrastructure is designed and constructed in accordance with accepted industry engineering standards of the day.

What actions has the City taken to date to respond to the changing climate?

The Build Beautiful Stormwater Master Plan was a key takeaway in regard to stormwater management from the City’s Climate Change Action Plan. This plan was endorsed by Council in June 2023 and sets out the vision for ‘building value in water resources through collaboration, to protect and enhance the quality of our built and natural environment.’ A series of actions, some already underway and many ongoing from years past, are framed to collectively address issues associated with stormwater for the immediate and long-term future.

Projects stemming for this vision are reflected in the City’s Capital Plan and include, for example, flood mitigation projects within the Cooksville watershed, the Lisgar community and Malton.  Since 2016, nearly $200 million of stormwater charge revenue has been invested in projects and studies (like those above) to maintain and improve the City’s stormwater system.  With a vast stormwater network, valued over $7 billion, staff continue to assess and prioritize the most effective improvements to this aging infrastructure built over the last 75 years.

What plans are there in the future to continue to build resiliency?

Flood mitigation capital projects are continually being implemented by the City as highlighted below.  Additionally, resilience is built into the City’s Stormwater program through a lens beyond flooding in a manner that speaks to the robustness and comprehensive nature of the vision. The Build Beautiful Stormwater Master Plan actions speak to ongoing asset management, as espoused and implemented through the City’s Asset Management Planning.  For more information, please refer to the Stormwater component of the City’s Business Plan and Budget.

  1. Flood mitigation project to address a spill point on the Little Etobicoke Creek where flows can come out to Queen Frederica . This is documented in the Flood Mitigation Study found at
  2. Flood mitigation project underway in Malton. The project file can be found at
  3. Pumping stations being constructed in the Lisgar community



TRCA Public Resources

(1) Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has created digital flood handbooks with information to help residents understand and prepare for flooding if you live in a flood vulnerable area within TRCA’s jurisdiction. The Dixie-Dundas Digital Flood Handbook was developed to help residents and businesses understand and prepare for flooding specifically within the Dixie-Dundas Special Policy Area (SPA), within the City of Mississauga.

(2) TRCA operates a Flood Forecasting and Warning Program. If flooding is possible or about to occur, TRCA issues flood messages to designated individuals within municipalities, local agencies, school boards, the media, and members of the public who self-subscribe.

Location of active flood messages

What to do if a flood message is issued

  • Read the entire flood message when issued.
  • Follow the safety recommendations in the action section of the flood message.
  • Be prepared to follow the instructions of emergency response officials.

(3) As part of the Flood Forecasting and Warning Program, TRCA operates a flood monitoring gauge network spanning the GTA, which continually monitors in-stream water levels at TRCA dams and river stations as well as collecting rainfall amounts. The measurements are displayed on TRCA’s flood monitoring website. Visit the TRCA Flood Monitoring Website at, ( and find the user guide here. Additionally, TRCA has created a series of videos designed as a user manual for the flood monitoring website. Each video includes step-by-step instructions on using different features of the site. Visit and navigate to the “Real-time Flood Monitoring in Your Neighbourhood” section to access the videos.

Nearest Gauges: Little Etobicoke at Dixie (HY098), Rathwood Precipitation Gauge (HY099)

(4) Visit the Frequently Asked Questions section for more information.

David Kellershohn, M.Eng., P.Eng.
Associate Director
Engineering Services | Development and Engineering Services

T: (437) 880-2355
C: (416) 500-9893

Region of Peel Wastewater Information and Resources

Link to the Region’s backwater valve program:

Peel’s wastewater by-law (



Anthony Parente, P.Eng.

General Manager – Water/Wastewater

Public Works

Region of Peel



MiWay announces service increases to meet growing demand

By Announcement, Resources

MiWay is enhancing its services to better meet the demands of public transit users in Mississauga.

August 14, 2024

Starting on Monday, Sept. 2, 2024, MiWay is introducing service changes to improve the customer service delivery:

  • A new Burnhamthorpe Express Route 126 between the University of Toronto Mississauga and the Kipling Bus Terminal in Toronto.
  • Service improvements on Routes 44 and 110 to better serve the University of Toronto Mississauga campus.
  • More buses on busy routes to alleviate overcrowding.

New Route 126 Burnhamthorpe Express

Starting in September, the Route 126 Burnhamthorpe Express will offer express transit services on weekdays, connecting the University of Toronto Mississauga with the Kipling Bus Terminal in Toronto. It’s scheduled to operate every 17 minutes at peak times in the morning and afternoon, complementing the existing Route 26 Burnhamthorpe service with improved weekday and weekend service frequencies. With the introduction of the new 126 Burnhamthorpe Express, Route 76 Burnhamthorpe will be cancelled to prevent service duplication.

Improved service to the University of Toronto Mississauga

To give students more travel options to and from the UTM campus MiWay is launching a new express route and increasing the service frequency on Route 44 Mississauga Road and Route 110 University Express. These service frequency improvements will help meet the increased customer demand during the school year.

More buses on busy routes to alleviate overcrowding

With increased ridership demand and the availability of additional service hours that were approved by City Council at the beginning of the year, the routes below will have increased service:

  • 5 Dixie (weekdays)
  • 26 Burnhamthorpe (daily)
  • 35 Eglinton (daily)
  • 42 Derry (weekends)
  • 43 Matheson (weekdays)
  • 44 Mississauga Road (weekdays)
  • 110 University Express (weekdays)

For more information on these and other MiWay service changes that take effect on Monday, Sept. 2, please visit the MiWay website.