“Build Beautiful” Stormwater Master Plan: Virtual PICs on April 13th, 2021

By March 4, 2021March 10th, 2021Events, Resources, Ward 1

This is to advise you of upcoming virtual Public Information Centres (PICs) to be held on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm as well as 6:30p – 7:30p for the “Build Beautiful” Stormwater Master Plan. Both sessions will cover the same material and have been scheduled to accommodate public availability.

The “Build Beautiful” Stormwater Master Plan will outline actions and recommendations for managing rainwater over the immediate and long-term in Mississauga. This plan will assist in addressing issues facing Mississauga today and into the future, including flooding and water quality. It will chart a course toward protecting our water supply and preserving our natural environment. As a largely “visionary/aspirational” plan, “Build Beautiful” will have limited technical content but rather focus on clear documentation of current and emerging policy requirements, and from this establish details and prioritization of recommended actions as part of the City’s Stormwater Program; actions which will be grouped for delivery through the following categories:

• Policies, Guidelines and Standards
• Plans and Studies
• Projects (one time) and Programs (ongoing)
• Procedures
• Partnerships

To register:

April 13th 2:00 pm – https://bit.ly/3bxpIrE
April 13th 6:30 pm – https://bit.ly/3ch6uWn

At the PICs, staff and its consultant will share background information gathered to-date along with draft recommended actions followed by questions and answers.