Brueckner Rhododendron Park

By September 7, 2020Issues

This fall, a city contractor crew will be working to remove invasive non-native plant species and plant native trees, shrubs and meadow plants in existing naturalized areas in Brueckner Rhododendron Park. This work is part of the City’s efforts to improve and create habitat in the City’s natural areas.

Selective herbicide treatment will occur during (the month of September) to remove non-native invasive plants. Herbicide will be applied directly to the base of plants to minimize impacts to surrounding area. The contractor will post signage at all entrances to the area at least 24 hours before treatment and will remove signs 48 hours after treatment.

In addition, native plants will be planted in these areas. These native plants will not only provide food and habitat for wildlife (such as birds, bees and butterflies), but they will help with water uptake, CO2 intake, and air quality.


Any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Stephen or the office.