Get involved and enjoy the many pleasures of our fantastic Ward 1 and City of Mississauga by cycling.
Mississauga Cycling Maps are available. The link to the online Mississauga Cycling Map
Get involved and enjoy the many pleasures of our fantastic Ward 1 and City of Mississauga by cycling.
Mississauga Cycling Maps are available. The link to the online Mississauga Cycling Map
June 2019
The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is undertaking improvements of the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) from east of Dixie Road to The East Mall. The Construction Contractor is Toronto Zenith (TZ) and the Construction Contract Administrator, working on behalf of the MTO is GHD Limited. The project commenced in September of 2018, and is anticipated to reach completion in November of 2021. The total construction value of the assignment is $57,467,000.00.
Work in 2019 will include the following:
To-date, all of the above activities have commenced, and upgrades to the Peel Region Sanitary Sewer are nearly complete. The QEW widening work to the north, scheduled to be complete this season, in 2019, includes construction of a series of Retaining Walls and Noise Walls behind the residents backing onto the QEW off of Brentano Boulevard.
Questions regarding construction may be directed to Mr. Graham Sled, P.Eng., Contract Administrator, GHD Limited, at
I always encourage, should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly
July 3, 2019
Today, City Council endorsed The plan, to be implemented over 10 years, addresses the active living needs of the 200,000 Mississauga residents who are 55 years of age and over.
“This Older Adult Plan for Recreation focuses on program and service delivery for older adults,” said Shari Lichterman, Director, Recreation. This included a close look at older adult demographics, participation rates in City programs and how space is used in our facilities. We consulted with our older adult users to better understand their interests and needs.”
The 55+ age group currently accounts for 27 per cent of the City’s population. Growth projections show this age group increasing to 45 per cent by 2031.This will make the older adult population the largest demographic in the city. The greatest density of older adults is in the City’s central/east and northwest areas.
The plan’s recommendations are organized into four key areas; highlights include:
Funding requirements for the Older Adult Recreation Plan will be considered through the annual budget process.
The purpose of this Community Public Information session is to give you an opportunity to bring you up to date regarding traffic calming measures within the Port Credit HCD in response to the West Village development.
The date of the Community Public Information session is Thursday, July 4th from 5 pm to 7 pm. at Clarke Hall.
Please drop in as there will be display boards illustrating the various traffic calming options. Staff will be there as well to discuss the options and answer questions on a one-on-one basis.
Please see the following link to the notice:
As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
Dear Residents,
I hope you will take the opportunity provided to come and review the information on 1 Port Street East Proposed Marina project. Please visit the link below for complete details.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns.
June 24, 2019
Let’s Play in the Park is back for its sixth season this summer. The City-run program provides kids ages six to 12 with the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, be active and make new friends.
The nine-week program is free and runs weekdays from Tuesday, July 2 to Friday, August 30. The program takes place at 13 parks across Mississauga and includes two parks that are new to the program this year: Barondale Green Park and Hillside Park.
Supervised by qualified staff trained in HIGH FIVE® principles of healthy child development, kids in the program get to participate in fun recreation activities including organized games and sports, arts and crafts, theme days and more.
Registration for the program is required however residents can register for as many Let’s Play in the Park programs as they would like.
Program Details:
What: Let’s Play in the Park ; Who: Kids ages six to 12; When/Where:
1 to 4 p.m.* | Barondale Green Park
Serson Park– Ward 1 |
Weekdays – Monday to Friday from July 2 to August 30, 2019 (exception date August 5, 2019)
June 25, 2019
Today, we reached a milestone in the Digital Modernization Initiative and launched the new Mississauga Library website to the public. Following months of design, planning, and testing, staff activated the site smoothly today at 10:00 am, without any problems or disruptions to services.
We created the site by using public input to improve our work, and by following our new Digital Service Standard. Our goal was to make the site accessible and easier to use by creating better search, clear navigation, and simplified content. The site works on a wide range of devices: mobile, tablet, and desktop.
We will continue to measure and improve our work in the following ways:
The site was developed through a collaborative effort between the Strategic Communications, IT, and Mississauga Library teams. Led by the library’s Master Plan, Future Directions, the site helps move towards the goals of bridging the digital divide, ensuring barrier free access to technology and continuing to invest in a 24/7 virtual branch.
Should you require any additional information please let me know.
Jun 24, 2019
The existing trail is in poor condition and is due for lifecycle replacement and will also be upgraded to 3.0m wide where possible to meet our current trail standard. We anticipate completion of this work within three (3) weeks pending weather. Staff will be posting “Notice of Service Disruption” at all the access locations for resident awareness. Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me.
In an effort to remove and prevent barriers for persons with disabilities, the City is making Mississauga’s waterfront more inclusive and accessible for all with the Accessible Beach Routes pilot project. Accessible Beach Routes will roll out at Lakefront Promenade and Jack Darling Memorial Park on July 1, 2019, weather permitting.
Accessible beach mats provide a nonslip, accessible surface and allows individuals with mobility aids, such as wheelchairs and walkers, older adults and parents with strollers, easier to access to the beach.
Parks Operations staff will install the mats and directional signage at both park locations. The mats are secured in place with pins, allowing for easy maintenance without requiring the mats to be removed or the facility closed for an extended period of time. The beach access route will remain in place for the season and the mats will be removed annually in the fall and over winter.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
© 2025 Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1.