All Posts By

Stephen Dasko

Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services Tackle Mental Health with the Pawfect Furry Addition

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September 11, 2019  

Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services (MFES) has added a furry member to their Wellness-Fitness Initiative (WFI) team, Ajax – a facility dog who will support Mississauga firefighters’ mental health and help them process trauma. MFES is the first fire service in Ontario to have an accredited facility dog for their personnel.

“We’re beyond excited to welcome Ajax to the City of Mississauga family. Our furry friend will provide comfort to our fire team and promote open and honest conversations around mental health,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “As a leader in first responder mental health services, we’re hoping to set an example for other municipalities to follow. In the short time that Ajax has been on the job, we’ve already seen his uncanny ability to break barriers and encourage our firefighters to speak more freely about how they are feeling.”

Ajax is a new resource who will help MFES staff by normalizing difficult conversations, reducing anxiety, alleviating fears as well as encouraging firefighters to speak openly about their experiences and stressors. Ajax is inclusive to all staff, not just the first responders of MFES. He will also assist the Peer Support Team when they visit MFES staff.

“Ajax will not only help our staff with stress relief but also provide them with the mental health support they need in a high-stress environment,” said Tim Beckett, Mississauga Fire Chief. “We want our firefighters and staff to understand there’s no shame in asking for help. Having Ajax will provide the team the emotional comfort they need to get through difficult experiences.”

The City of Mississauga also offers a Road to Mental Readiness (R2MR) training program. The program helps firefighters address stigmas and identify the signs and symptoms of occupational stress injuries. The R2MR training program uses a mental health model that identifies signs and symptoms associated with four stages of functioning: healthy, reacting, injured and ill.

Ajax was generously donated to MFES by National Service Dog where Ajax was bred and trained for two years. Ajax will provide Canine Assisted Interventions to those who need support and has already started making a positive impact with MFES staff.


Ajax graduated from a National Service Dogs (NSD) for the purpose of reducing stress and providing mental health support by enhancing the ability of people to speak openly while providing emotional comfort in a high stress environment.

Facility dogs are specially trained to provide goal directed interventions which promote improvement in physical, social, emotional or cognitive abilities. A facility dog is directed by a professional with specialized expertise. These dogs may work in a variety of settings, groups or individual in nature. When not at work, the dog lives with their primary handler as part of their family.


  $18,000 Grant for Build Pollinator-friendly Gardens

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The City of Mississauga was awarded a total of $18,000 by Scotts Canada and Communities in Bloom to build three pollinator-friendly gardens: Streetsville Pollinator Showcase Garden, Dr. Martin L. Dobkin Park Pollinator Garden and the Port Credit Library Pollinator Garden. The pollinator-friendly gardens will contain perennial flowers and plants to attract butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinators. For more information, visit here.






By Events, Issues, Resources

September 9, 2019

Please be advised that Stanfield Road will be closed at the CP Rail tracks (south of Dundas Road).

When:  Monday, September 9th, 2019 until Monday, September 16th, 2019.

Where:  Stanfield Road at CP Rail tracks. 

Why:  A temporary road closure is required for the purpose of tracks and road rehabilitation.

Road closure signs will be installed to advise motorists of this closure.

Should you have any questions or comments regarding the above, please contact Alex Liya at 905-615-3200, ext. 4536 or myself directly.



Dogs Only Swim event on Saturday, September 7 at the Lion’s Club of Credit Valley Outdoor Pool

By Events, Issues

September 4, 2019

We’re excited to share that the Recreation Division, in partnership with Animal Services, will be hosting a Dogs Only Swim event on Saturday, September 7 at the Lion’s Club of Credit Valley Outdoor Pool from 10am until noon. The event is the first of its kind and marks the end of the City’s summer swim schedule.  We are piloting it at the Port Credit location as it has zero depth entry for ease of access in and out of the pool.


During this free event the outdoor pool will be open exclusively to dogs  and donations will be accepted for the Mississauga Animal Services SCARF program. As space is limited, dog owners are asked to register prior to the event. Additional information is available online at  As of today, we are at 33 dogs registered out of 45 maximum spots.


City Council Shares Mississauga Priorities at the 2019 AMO Conference

By Events, Issues, Uncategorized

August 2019

Mayor Bonnie Crombie and Councillors Stephen Dasko (Ward 1), Chris Fonseca (Ward 3) and Matt Mahoney (Ward 8) attended the Association of Municipalities of Ontario’s (AMO) 2019 Conference in Ottawa August 20th. They represented the City to discuss priorities and issues facing Mississauga such as affordable housing, transit and infrastructure.

“Affordable housing, transit and infrastructure are issues Mississauga faces,” said Mayor Crombie. “AMO encourages municipalities to share information, priorities and concerns while working with colleagues to discuss viable solutions and opportunities to similar challenges. For example, there is great potential to grow the Southern Ontario network into the largest aerospace cluster in Canada. There is economic value in working together. We must unlock this potential and be intentional in our collaboration. We must also continue to look for ways to secure affordable housing and prepare for our transit to go beyond borders for the growth that is to come.”

At the beginning of the conference, Mayor Crombie chaired a second Southern Ontario Municipal Aerospace Council (SOMAC). SOMAC is a forum to raise awareness for Southern Ontario’s aerospace sector and collectively advocate for policies to attract investment in the aerospace industry.

Mississauga City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer Janice Baker also participated in the conference.

For more than a century, Ontario’s largest municipal conference has brought together municipal, provincial and federal officials to work collectively to overcome municipal challenges and plan for the future.


AMO is a non-profit, non-partisan organization representing almost all of Ontario’s 444 municipal governments. AMO supports strong and effective municipal government in Ontario and promotes the value of municipal government as a vital and essential component of Ontario’s and Canada’s political systems.




Link to eCity:


Tweet: .@citymississauga represented at 2019 AMO Conference to discuss #Mississauga priorities and issues like affordable housing, transit & infrastructure and new opportunities:


Media Contact:

Catherine Monast

Senior Advisor Media and Public Information

City of Mississauga

905-615-3200, ext. 5046

TTY: 905-896-5151


Awards of Excellence – Deadline September 30, 2019

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Community Excellence Awards

As Councillor for Ward 1, I was pleased to launch the First Annual Community Excellence Awards for 2019.  This brings well deserved recognition and awareness to those being honoured within our community neighbourhoods, businesses, entrepreneurs and for their volunteerism.

Please visit the site and questions, please let me know !



City of Mississauga Launches 2020 Culture and Community Grant Programs

By Issues, Uncategorized

August 27, 2019

Starting today, applications are being accepted for the City’s 2020 Culture and Community Grants Program. Mississauga-based arts, culture and community organizations that require financial support for 2020 are encouraged to apply.

Organizations are encouraged to review the Culture Program Guidelines and Community Grant Program Guidelines before applying.

All applications must be submitted online at by Friday, October 11, 2019 at 4:30 p.m.


Arts and Culture Grant Program

This program provides funding for Mississauga-based, not-for-profit cultural organizations. The grant helps organizations advance knowledge and develop outstanding programs and services that further participation, understanding and the appreciation of culture and heritage for Mississauga residents.  

Culture Festivals and Celebrations Grant Program

This program assists Mississauga-based organizations by providing funding for costs associated with providing clean and safe venues for the presentation of arts, heritage and cultural festivals and celebrations.

Culture Projects Grant Program

This program supports cultural events, projects or activities taking place between January 1 and December 31, 2020.

Community Grant Program

This program assists Mississauga-based and active, not-for-profit community groups; it provides one-year operating and project grants. This grant focuses on facilitating the delivery of recreation and sport, parks and forestry and environment programs as well as projects which improve the quality of life for Mississauga residents.

Information sessions are available for organizations interested in applying for the City’s grant programs. Sessions are mandatory for organizations that have not received funding from the City within the last two years.


Information Sessions Date and Time Location
Arts and Culture Grant Information Sessions
[In person only]    
Wednesday, August 28 from 9 to 11 a.m.


Wednesday, September 4 from 6 to 8 p.m.










Mississauga Central Library, Noel Ryan Auditorium

301 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W.

Mississauga, ON



For more information and to register, contact 905-615-3200 ext. 5476 or email


Applications and guidelines are available at

All applications must be submitted online.

Cultural Festivals and Celebrations Grant
[In person only] 
Thursday, August 29 from 6 to 8 p.m.


Thursday, September 5 from 9 to 11 a.m.


Mississauga Central Library, Noel Ryan Auditorium

301 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W.

Mississauga, ON



For more information and to register, contact 905-615-3200 ext. 5476 or email


Applications and guidelines are available at


All applications must be submitted online.

Community Grants Webinar [Online only]


Wednesday, September 11 at 2 p.m.



A link will be provided once registration is complete.

For more information and to register, contact 905-615-3200 ext. 5476 or email


Guidelines are available at


All applications must be submitted online.


By Events, Issues, Resources

Report a problem using Pingstreet – a free mobile app!

Have you noticed long grass that needs cutting on private property? Perhaps you’ve noticed litter, tall grass or washroom facilities not functioning properly in one of our Parks? You can now report these issues and many more using Pingstreet – a free mobile app.

Using a smartphone or tablet, residents can now report lighting concerns and long grass/weeds on private property.

In addition, they can also report on the following for City parks:

  • Litter and dumping
  • Grass cutting (height exceeds 3 inches (7.5 cm))
  • Washroom maintenance (hand dryer malfunctions, plumbing issues)
  • Sports field maintenance (debris clean up, supplies replenishment, irrigation issues)
  • Overflowing garbage cans

Residents will easily be able to identify these issues within a park by either entering the park name or selecting it from a map.

With the addition of these new services, residents can now report on 28 service areas in total. In addition to using the reporting feature, the Pingstreet app also provides news updates, access to Mississauga’s Twitter feed, Mayor and Council contact information, waste collection schedules from the Region of Peel and much more. Including, requesting a temporary parking permit to park on a residential street for more than 5 hours.

Pingstreet is available for download at the following stores: Apple Store, Google Play and BlackBerry World.

For more information, visit



Be Alert and Drive Safe as Students Head Back to School

By Events, Issues, Resources

Be Alert and Drive Safe as Students Head Back to School

With school starting next week, there will be a lot more traffic on the roads and thousands of students commuting to and from school. The City of Mississauga wants to remind all residents to be alert and cautious when using roadways.

“Back to school brings excitement to our students and parents.  However, it is very important to be aware that higher levels of vehicle traffic, pedestrian and cycling activity on the streets will increase.  Please be mindful of everyone’s safety.” says Councillor Stephen Dasko, member of the Road Safety Advisory Committee.

Safety tips for students and drivers:


  • Crossing Guards:The City has more than 200 school crossing guards who will be ready on the first day of school to help students at designated crossings around Mississauga.
  • Please Slow Down Lawn Signs:Residents are encouraged to post a Please Slow Down lawn sign to encourage safe driving habits and lower vehicle operating speeds on neighbourhood streets. These signs are available at the Customer Service Counter at 3185 Mavis Rd. or through Councillors’ offices, free of cost.
  • Traffic Calming:City staff are currently planning the construction of traffic calming projects in five neighbourhoods to change driver behaviour, with additional traffic calming projects anticipated this fall. Staff are also implementing a number of passive traffic calming techniques in the form of white painted edge lines and a yellow centreline. These markings have been successful in other areas by visually reducing the travelled width of the roadway, making it less comfortable for motorists to increase their operating speeds.
  • Pedestrian Crossovers: The City installed five new pedestrian crossovers in various neighborhoods last year. Apedestrian crossover is a type of crossing where by law, drivers are required to stop for pedestrians intending to cross the road. Crossovers allow pedestrians to cross roads safely, and all have specific signs and pavement markings. Pedestrian crossovers have proven to be an effective way to assist pedestrians in crossing the road safely.
  • Vision Zero:In early 2018, Council approved Vision Zero, a framework which focuses on the prevention of fatalities and injuries due to motor vehicle collisions. It is based on a system of shared responsibilities among all partners involved in the road system, including governments, planners, police and community organizations.
  • Transportation Master Plan: The City’s firstTransportation Master Plan (TMP) was endorsed by Council this year. The plan outlines a vision, six goals and over 90 action items to guide the future of the City’s transportation system from today to 2041. Inherent in the plan is a commitment to advancing Vision Zero, a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and injuries.

The City has two safety advisory committees: Road Safety Committee and Traffic Safety Council. Students are encouraged to walk to and from school, which is a great form of daily exercise and helps to ease traffic congestion in school zones.

For more road safety information or additional safety tips, please visit: