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Stephen Dasko

City Convenes Meeting with Mississauga’s Business Community to Discuss Impacts of COVID-19

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Mayor and Council strike emergency meeting with City of Mississauga’s Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB) to explore possible supports for local business community.

Business and innovation | March 18, 2020

Today, Mayor Bonnie Crombie and City Councillors along with the City of Mississauga’s Economic Development Office met virtually with nearly two dozen members of Mississauga’s business community to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the local economy, as well as possible solutions to this economic challenge.

Leadership from the Mississauga Board of Trade (MBOT), local Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) and businesses representing Mississauga’s key sectors, including Life Sciences, Aerospace, Clean Tech, Advanced Manufacturing and Information and Communications Technology were in attendance.

“I understand this is a very challenging time for our businesses. COVID-19 has impacted their livelihoods and their bottom lines. I want our City’s business community to know that we are here for you. The sacrifices you are making for the greater good of our city have not gone unnoticed,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie.

During the round table discussion, businesses raised concerns about:

  • The impact that full and partial closures will have on their long-term sustainability
  • Local and global economic impacts including trade, supply chain continuity and access to products and services
  • Human resources implications and;
  • Tax payment deferral for business while this crisis continues

Following today’s meeting, Mayor Crombie committed to reporting back recommendations and discussing possible supports at tomorrow’s special Council meeting. Mayor Crombie committed to meeting with EDAB moving forward as the crisis unfolds.

“While both the federal and provincial levels of government have announced generous fiscal stimulus packages to support workers, businesses and the economy, it’s important that as a City, we do our part to help our local businesses weather this storm. I want to thank our local businesses, small and large, for their efforts to help us flatten the COVID-19 curve and keep Mississauga safe,” added Mayor Crombie.

“Our Economic Development Office is committed to ensuring businesses can continue to connect with our business advisory staff virtually and receive support during regular business hours,” said Bonnie Brown, Director of Economic Development. “We will continue to work closely with all levels of government and stakeholder agencies to provide the most up-to-date information for companies to learn how they can gain access to the programs and relief packages available at this time.”

Information about provincial and federal supports for businesses can be found at

To learn about the latest updates on actions taken by the City of Mississauga visit or follow @CityMississauga on Twitter.

For health information, please visit

Special Emergency Meeting of Council – March 19, 2020 – 1 p.m.

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March 18, 2020

A Special Emergency meeting of Council is being held on Thursday at 1 p.m. at the Mississauga Civic Centre.

Special Emergency Meeting of Council Agenda

Due to efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 and to protect all individuals, the Council Chamber will not be open to the public to attend Council and Committee meetings until further notice.

The Council meeting will streamed online (view the live stream) and archived on the City of Mississauga’s website.

Public Comments:

The public may submit comments regarding agenda matters to the

Comments submitted by 12 p.m. will be considered as public information and entered into public record.

City of Mississauga COVID-19 Response: Updates and Closures

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City Services | March 18, 2020

Yesterday, the Government of Ontario declared an emergency under s 7.0.1 (1) the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to continue to protect the health and safety of all individuals and families acting on the best advice of our Chief Medical Officer of Health and other leading public health officials across the province.

The City of Mississauga is aligned with provincial and regional public health measures and actions being taken during this pandemic emergency.

Ontario Enacts Declaration of Emergency to Protect the Public

As stated in the Province of Ontario State of Emergency Declaration  media release, establishments such as libraries, restaurants, bars, child care centres, theatres are legally required to close immediately until March 31, 2020, at which point they will be reassessed. In addition, all organized public events of over 50 people are also prohibited, including parades and events and communal services within places of worship.

Service Cancellations, Closures, Updates

·          All facilities, including City Hall and public counters are closed to the public at the end of Wednesday, March 18 through to April 5. Most services that can be, will be conducted via phone or online

·          The Provincial Offences Courthouse located at 950 Burnhamthorpe Road West is closed as of March 17, 2020.

·          Committee Meeting Cancellations (to date): Planning and Development Committee meetings scheduled for March 30 and April 1 are cancelled.

·          In addition, the Region of Peel, in partnership with the cities of Brampton and Mississauga and the town of Caledon, will allow retail deliveries to be exempt from Noise By-laws, to allow deliveries to take place 24 hours a day. The exemption will take effect immediately, for 30 days.

·          The City will continue to deliver essential services including: Fire, Transit, Works Operations & Maintenance, 311 Contact Centre, Animal Services, Regulatory Services, Building Permits/Inspections, Site Plan Applications, OPAs & Rezoning Planning Applications, Security Services as well as Administrative/Technical functions related to preserving safety and public trust.

City of Mississauga Response

The City continues to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic keeping services operating in different formats. 

·          For its part, the City of Mississauga had already cancelled March Break programs and closed recreation, libraries and cultural facilities to the public as of March 14, 2020.

·          Our Emergency Operations Centre is activated and our Incident Management Team is meeting regularly with key City staff, Peel Public Health, and the Region of Peel Emergency Operations Centre to advise Mayor and Council and take all necessary steps to ensure both the safety of employees and the public in accordance with Peel Region Public Health protocols.

·          A special online only meeting of Council is scheduled for Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 1 p.m.

·          A virtual town hall for the public, hosted by Mayor Bonnie Crombie is being planned for Friday, March 20

·          A virtual meeting of the City’s Economic Development Advisory Board has been convened by the Mayor for Council to hear from our business community about the impact of COVID-19

Mayor’s Statement

“We are focused on keeping Mississauga healthy and safe while ensuring we can continue to deliver the essential services our residents rely on,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie.  “We continue to work closely with both Peel Public Health, the province and federal government to coordinate responses and supports. This is now a public health emergency and while we understand these closures will have an impact on residents, protecting the spread of this virus remains our number one priority. We are committed to keeping our residents up to date and informed. Together, we will flatten the curve.”

To learn about the latest updates on actions taken by the City of Mississauga visit

For further COVID-19 information, please visit Region of Peel Public Health.

Please continue to follow our updates on Twitter through @CityMississauga and through our website

Provincial Offences Courthouse Closed

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COVID-19 UPDATE: Closed: Provincial Offences Courthouse – 950 Burnhamthorpe Road West

City Services | March 17, 2020

The Provincial Offences Courthouse located at 950 Burnhamthorpe Road West will be closing today, March 17, 2020 until further notice.

The City’s Emergency Operations Centre has been activated and staff are meeting regularly to monitor, develop and implement response measures as the situation evolves. To learn about the latest updates on actions taken by the City of Mississauga visit

For further COVID-19 information, please visit Region of Peel Public Health. 

According to Peel Public Health, the best way to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses such as COVID-19 is to:

·          Stay home if you are ill.

·          Practice social distancing: reduce physical contact with others (of at least 2 metres apart) to break the pathways COVID-19 uses to move between people, such as shaking hands and direct contact.

·          Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

·          Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose as much as possible.

·          Avoid contact with people who are ill and their items.

·          Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow, not your hands. Wash hands after coughing and sneezing.

·          Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet, exercise and enough sleep, to enhance your body’s immune system.

·          Get a flu shot. You are more likely to contract influenza than COVID-19 and being sick lowers your immunity to other germs.

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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The following release was sent to media today.


With guidance from Peel Public Health and in an abundance of caution for both our residents and staff around the COVID-19 pandemic, the City is Mississauga is responding with the following changes in City operations at this time.

  • The City of Mississauga will be closing all recreation,  library, and cultural facilities starting Saturday, March 14 through to April 5 to the public. This includes the Living Arts Centre, Meadowvale Theatre, Paramount Fine Foods Centre and the Mississauga Seniors’ Centre.  Programming at these facilities will be cancelled.
  • City Hall and the Provincial Offences Court remain open.
  • MiWay continues to provide regular service.

 Program and Service Updates

  • All City of Mississauga programs and activities will be cancelled from March 14 to April 5.  This includes March break programs and activities.
  • The City of Mississauga will be offering full refunds without any administration charge. Please be patient as we work through the process.
  • The majority of Mississauga sports teams/leagues have suspended all activities. Check in directly with your sports organization for further details.

 City Events and Meetings

  • There are no Council or Committee meetings scheduled next week due to March Break.

City of Mississauga Response Activities

  • The City’s Emergency Operations Centre has been activated and staff are meeting regularly to monitor, develop and implement response measures as the situation evolves.
  • Increased cleaning and disinfecting of common contact points in City facilities and transit buses. If an infected individual is or was known to be at a City facility, the City would contact Peel Public Health and follow directions on containment.
  • Wiping down daily with disinfectant, counters and other touch points, washrooms, door handles, elevator buttons, automatic door operator plates, toilet flush handles, faucets, etc. at City facilities.

Message from Mayor Bonnie Crombie

“Given the rise of cases of COVID-19 here at home and around the world, we are taking pro-active measures as a City to ensure the health and safety of our residents. Closing all City recreation, library and culture facilities to the public for three weeks is the right decision and is aligned with measures being taken in public schools and in other jurisdictions. I understand the impact the cancellation of March Break programs will have on families. We will continue to provide updates to residents as they become available. We ask for your patience and understanding. I’d like to thank City leadership, Council, Peel Public Health, our first responders and health care providers for their leadership during this trying time. Together, we will rise to the challenge as a City, a province and a nation to overcome this.”

Public Messages

According to Peel Public Health, the best way to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses such as COVID-19 is to:

  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with your sleeve.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Clean frequently touched objects and surfaces.

For the most up-to-date information on the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) visit Peel Public Health at

Mississauga LeadsGTA with a Comprehensive Healthy Food and Beverage Policy

By Events

March 11, 2020

Residents visiting community centres for a fitness class or going to an arena to watch their kids play hockey will now have healthier snack and drink options. The City is implementing a new Healthy Food and Beverage Policy for Recreation facilities starting September 1, 2020.

“Mississauga’s new healthy food and beverage policy is the strongest stance taken by any municipality in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA),” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie.  “We worked closely with Peel Public Health with a goal of providing better food and beverage offerings that are in line with the Region’s Nutrition Standards. With obesity and diabetes on the rise in our community, this is one way our City can be part of the solution. Health is at the centre of active, thriving and prosperous cities.”

The new policy applies to vending machines and concession stands in all recreation facilities including arenas, activity centres, community centres, golf courses, marinas, outdoor pools, recreation centres and C Cafe, located in the Civic Centre. The policy excludes banquet services, the Paramount Fine Foods Centre and the Living Arts Centre.

“Our new policy supports the City’s 2019 Future Directions Recreation Master Plan recommendation related to providing a wider range of healthy food offerings at recreation facilities,” said Shari Lichterman, Director of Recreation. “We are seeing a shift in consumer demands for more nutritious food and beverages and with our recreation facilities hosting more than 12 million visitors annually, this policy will have a significant impact in contributing to healthy living for our residents.”

Lichterman added, “There are a number of recreation facilities that are close to schools. Fifteen of 19 community centres, arenas or activity centres are within 500 metres of schools. Having a policy that is supportive of the Ministry of Education’s School Food and Beverage Policy is critical to promoting a healthy lifestyle for students.”

The policy will be implemented in two phases:

Phase 1 – Beginning September 1, 2020

  • Highly processed foods such as processed meats, prepackaged foods such as chocolate bars and deep-fried foods such as french fries will be eliminated immediately

Phase 2 – Beginning May 1, 2021

  • At least 75 per cent of beverages will be water and carbonated water, unsweetened milk and plant-based

Upcoming beverage and vending purchasing agreements will comply with these nutrition guidelines. They will also be used as an opportunity to address priorities in the City’s Climate Change Action Plan.  Specifically, vendors will be required to eliminate single-use plastics in their food and beverage packaging, in addition to other sustainability factors.

The City’s Healthy Food and Beverage Policy is set to go to Council for final approval on March 18.

In August 2019, City staff worked with Peel Public Health to complete nutritional assessments of vending and concession services at city recreation facilities. The results were compared with the Region’s Nutrition Standards which provided a baseline to measure future results. The assessment found beverage and food offerings needed to be improved to fully meet the Region’s nutrition standards. The City also reviewed other provinces and municipalities who have recently developed healthy food and beverage guidelines, action plans, strategies and policies.



Upcoming Workshops sponsored by Credit Valley Conservation

By Events

Landscaping for Birds
Tuesday, May 5, 6:30-8 p.m.
Small Arms Inspection Building, 1352 Lakeshore Rd E, Mississauga, ON L5E 1E9
For more information, visit:

Beautiful Native Plants
Tuesday, June 9, 7-8:30 p.m.
Small Arms Inspection Building, 1352 Lakeshore Rd E, Mississauga, ON L5E 1E9
For more information, visit:

Filming Production Update

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Please note that the above (“Flint Strong”) has been permitted to park support vehicles and crew at Lakefront Promenade Park (800 Lakefront Promenade, Ward 1) from March 17, 7:00am – March 27, 7:00am. An exemption has been granted to allow overnight parking.

Should you have comments, questions or concerns please contact the Film Office at ext. 4114.