All Posts By

Stephen Dasko

New Ambassador and Police Enforcement Programs for the Community

By Covid-19, Events, Issues, Resources

Dear Residents,

I wanted to update you regarding the litter, noise and speeding that has been problematic in the neighbourhood.

  1. Regarding St. Lawrence Park: I have been and continue to work with City Staff and also the Mayor’s office to address the litter issue and excessive parking even in the “No Parking” areas.  The result is that some of the parking lots to the City’s parks around the City  have been opened to provide alternatives to people from all coming to the waterfront and parking in our community.   I have asked staff for parking enforcement to be continually undertaken in the “No Parking” areas.

Also, the leash free dog parks have been re-opened with protocols and signage to assist with those needing to exercise their dogs, but also discourage people from using ordinary parks where dogs have to be on a leash as leash free areas.  I have been in the area as well, on a regular basis and have also picked up litter to assist with the state of the park and will continue to do so.

  1. The City has implemented a Park Ambassador Program effective immediately.  This involves additional City Staff in identifiable uniforms patrolling all the parks throughout the communities.   Their responsibility is to monitor and inform of any infractions that are taking place. This includes proper social distancing and appropriate conduct.  Having a presence in our community will undoubtedly have a positive impact.   Also, the Peel Regional Police will be coming out soon patrolling our neighbourhoods on bicycles to ensure community safety.
  1. I have been working with City Staff and Peel Regional Police regarding noise by-laws and speeding issues.

At Council this past Wednesday, June 3, 2020,  I have again asked the Commissioner of Transportation and Works to look at options for the Port Street area and also Lakeshore to come up with ways to mitigate speed and to discourage people with modified vehicles from gathering in the neighbourhood.

A pilot program will commence shortly by City staff and Peel Regional Police to have By-law Officers accompany Police Officers to issue noise related tickets directed at loud vehicles in the  Port Credit areas.

Finally, the City’s Noise by-law review will be coming before Council in the near future and I will be advocating to have it passed.  I’ve made my position quite clear to Council and staff and residents that this issue is a top priority of mine.

Please feel free to email me or call me on the contact numbers below at anytime.  This type of activity and behaviour has no place in our community and I will continue to work with you to ensure a quality of life in our active and vibrant Port Credit is enjoyable.

Please feel free to circulate my email to those you feel have an interest or concern with this matter.

Kind regards,





Stephen Dasko

Councillor, Ward 1

T 905-896-5100| M 647-289-2922



Select park amenities and parking lots June 3, 2020

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

Select park amenities and parking lots

Reopened amenities include leash-free zones (Union Park and Community Common remain closed), BMX/skate parks, tennis courts, community tennis clubs, picnic shelters, park benches and seasonal washrooms. View the full list

Golf courses

  • BraeBen will open on May 16
  • Lakeview will open on May 21

Visit for more information and to book tee times.

Community gardens

Mississauga’s nine community gardens are scheduled to reopen on May 22, 2020 to registered garden members only including Garden of the Valley, Hillside Community Garden, Malton Community Garden, Parkway Green Generation Garden, Forest Glen Community Garden, Hancock Community Garden, Churchill Meadows Community Garden, Small Arms Community Garden and Iceland Teaching Garden.


  • Active living centres
  • All public counters
  • Arenas (including Vic Johnston Arena)
  • Banquet halls (C Banquets and Harding Waterfront Estate)
  • City Hall
  • Community centres (impacts on memberships and programs)
  • Film Office
  • Fitness centres
  • Indoor pools
  • Libraries (online resources still available)
  • Living Arts Centre
  • Meadowvale Theatre
  • Mississauga Provincial Offences Courthouse
  • Mississauga Seniors’ Centre
  • Museums (Benares and Bradley)
  • Outdoor rinks (Burnhamthorpe, Celebration Square, Woodhurst)
  • Paramount Fine Foods Centre
  • Park facilities such as playgrounds, sports courts and sports fields (parks and trails remain open)
  • Provincial Offences Courthouse
  • Small Arms Inspection Building

Regional facilities

The Region of Peel has also announced closures and restrictions for accessing regional buildings.

Tele Town Hall on June 9

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

The City of Mississauga is holding a Tele Town Hall on Tuesday, June 9 at 7 p.m. to provide important updates to residents on the latest COVID-19 news.

In these sessions, the City address pandemic concerns and informs the public and local businesses about what the City is doing to protect their health and safety.

Residents are able to listen and ask questions to an expert group of panelists from the City, Peel Region Public Health, Trillium Health Partners, Peel Regional Police and Peel Regional Paramedic Services. City Councillors and senior staff are also available.

How to participate


Residents who wish to participate in the session are encouraged to register their telephone number in advance at the following link:

Join online

To participate live online simply click the following link:

Join by telephone

A random selection of residents will receive a telephone call to participate.If you don’t wish to participate simply hang up.

If you didn’t receive a call and wish to participate by telephone dial 1-877-229-8493 and enter the ID number 115911.


Virtual Committee Meetings & Library Recovery Plan

By Covid-19, Events, Planning & Development

City of Mississauga COVID-19 Response Continues: Virtual Committee Meetings & Library Recovery Plan

COVID-19 | June 3, 2020

Today, Mississauga City Council approved several initiatives in relation to COVID-19 including virtual meetings for Planning and Development Committee (PDC) and Committee of Adjustment and a Library recovery plan.

“We are very pleased to be taking further steps toward recovery in Mississauga. Our Library has plans to reopen in a phased approach and our Planning and Development Committee and Committee of Adjustment meetings will resume in a virtual format. Enhanced public notification will complement the change of format,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “I would like to note our Planning and Legislative Services staff have remained fully operational during the pandemic and will resume holding required public meetings in association with development and Committee of Adjustment applications in order to keep our City moving.”

During the pandemic, on April 22, 2020 Council suspended PDC and Committee of Adjustment meetings. Since the closure of City Hall, Planning and Building Department services have remained fully operational, including accepting and processing development and building permit applications with online submission processes including fee payments and scheduling building and site inspections. Public meetings will resume in association with development and Committee of Adjustment applications. PDC meeting notices provide a range of options for residents and businesses to access additional information, including how to contact the city planner and how to provide written comments by mail or email.

Planning and Development Committee and Committee of Adjustment Virtual Meetings

Virtual PDC meetings will occur in the same format that Council is currently meeting with public engagement through telephone, computer or mobile device. Applicants will be able to present their development proposals to PDC and the public and respond to questions or comments from Council and registered deputants. Information reports will outline resident concerns received up until the report is prepared. Recommendation reports will continue to summarize and respond to resident concerns. PDC meetings will be held in evenings at 6 p.m. The first virtual PDC meeting will be tentatively held on July 13, 2020. Visit the Council and Committees Calendar for updates.

Which Applications Can Proceed to a Virtual PDC Meeting?

Development applications and City-initiated projects that are eligible can be scheduled for a virtual PDC meeting. Only applications deemed to be non-controversial or expected to attract limited public interests will be advanced. If public interest is limited, an information report with enhanced public notice would proceed to a PDC meeting. If additional public engagement is required during the public meeting, the committee may direct staff to either hold a second public meeting once in-person meetings resume or provide full public notice when the Recommendation report is presented at a later PDC meeting. Recommendation Reports for development applications and/or City-initiated projects that have already had a public meeting and which generated minimal resident concern should also be scheduled for a virtual PDC meeting. If the committee subsequently determines that additional public engagement is needed during the recommendation report meeting, it may defer the matter to a later meeting once in-person meetings resume.

Committee of Adjustment Meetings

Similar to Council and PDC, the Committee of Adjustment virtual meetings will allow the public and applicants to engage in the process and meeting through telephone, computer or mobile device. The public notices will provide details about how to register as a deputant to speak at a meeting or other means of providing input about an application. The next Committee of Adjustment meeting will start the week of June 22, 2020. The committee is to meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays to address applications. Visit the Council and Committees Calendar for updates.

Electronic application submission and payment has continued since the closure of the Civic Centre.  Details related to the Committee of Adjustment can be found at


Marriage Licences

The City will resume issuing marriage licences effective June 10, 2020 at the Provincial Offences Courthouse, 950 Burnhamthorpe Road West by appointment. For details please visit:

Library Recovery Plan

Council endorsed a phased re-opening plan for library facilities.

The library will use a phased approach to resuming services following the Government of Ontario’s announcement on May 14 allowing public libraries to offer curbside pickup. Details on timing and the service will be shared on City channels at a later date.

Library due dates and fines continue to be suspended until further notice.

Customers can continue to use their library card or virtual card to explore our vast collection of ebooks, audiobooks and other online virtual resources.

For more information, visit and follow Mississauga Library on InstagramFacebook and Twitter.

To stay informed on COVID-19 impacts on City services, please visit: or call 311.


Tourism Mississauga Launch

By Events, Issues, Resources

June 3, 2020 – Today, Tourism Mississauga, in partnership with EDO, will be launching the Mississauga Made Campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to promote businesses and services that are locally made, established and produced in Mississauga. The first phase of the campaign is to encourage businesses to join the local movement and provide us with information that makes them Mississauga Made.  All information collected in this phase will be added into  a centralized “one stop shop” online tool where residents, potential visitors and other local business owners can source from and buy local.

The second phase will be starting in July with targeted consumer campaigns using traditional and digital platforms.

City of Mississauga Invites Residents to Tele Town Hall

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

June 1, 2020

On Tuesday, June 9, residents are invited to participate in the City of Mississauga’s fourth Tele Town Hall session at 7 p.m. In consultation with Peel Public Health, Mississauga is actively planning a measured and phased approach to reopening facilities and resuming services and programs. The Tele Town Hall will provide residents with the latest updates on COVID-19 in Mississauga as well as important information on what recovery will look like in the city.

Residents will be able to listen and ask questions to an expert group of panelists from the City, Peel Region Public Health, Trillium Health Partners, Peel Regional Police and Peel Regional Paramedic Services. City Councillors and senior staff will also be available.

Panelists will include:

  • Mayor Bonnie Crombie, City of Mississauga
  • Paul Mitcham, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, City of Mississauga
  • Tim Beckett, Fire Chief and Director of Emergency Management, City of Mississauga
  • Dr. Lawrence Loh, Medical Officer of Health, Region of Peel Public Health
  • Michelle DiEmanuele, President and CEO, Trillium Health Partners
  • Nancy Polsinelli, Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Region of Peel
  • Chief Nish Duraiappah, Peel Regional Police
  • Peter Dundas, Chief and Director, Peel Regional Paramedic Services

Residents who wish to participate in the session can do so in the following three ways:

  1. Pre-register: residents who wish to participate in the session are encouraged to register their telephone number in advance at the following link:
  2. Participate online: to participate live online, simply click the following link:
  3. Join by telephone: a random selection of residents will receive a telephone call to participate. If you don’t wish to participate, simply hang up. If you don’t receive a call and would like to participate, dial 1-877-229-8493 and enter ID number: 115911 followed by the # key.


City of Mississauga Tele Town Hall to update the community on COVID-19 recovery.


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

7 to 8:30 p.m.


To learn about the City of Mississauga’s measured and phased approach to reopening, join the fourth Tele Town Hall meeting on June 9 at 7 p.m. Visit or follow @CityMississauga on Twitter for all updates.

For health information, please visit


Virtual activities for older adults

By Covid-19, Events, Issues, Resources

You’re invited to join us for a variety of activities through your computer, tablet, or phone! During this time of physical distancing, we can all use more ways to make connections.  Anyone 60+ years of age is welcome to join in on the fun.  Each activity is offered on a weekly basis.

Mississauga Seniors Centre weekly activities for older adults

Day & Time Activity Description Computer/tablet link Phone-in details
Mondays1:30 – 2:30 pm Yarn Crafters Join us for some time to connect and show off your current projects or start a new one. We would love to see and chat with you. Even if you don’t have a project on the go. Click here to join 1-647-484-1596When prompted, use meeting number

475 670 876

Tuesdays11 am – 12 pm Coffee Talk Bring your favourite cup of coffee or tea and let’s chat.June 2 – Councillor Stephen Dasko will be joining us. Plus, participate in fun trivia, and learn how to use Zoom for our Friday Fit Break class. Click here to join 1-647-484-1596When prompted, use meeting number

478 227 408

Thursdays11 am – 12 pm Hot Topics Each week we will present a new topic of interest.  Each guest speaker will discuss topics that matter.May 28 – Fire Safety: Mississauga Fire Captain of Public Health Education will be joining us to provide fun fire safety tips

June 4 – Meditation: Learn how to use meditation to cope and assist in both physical and mental health. A certified instructor to join us at 11:30 am

Click here to join 1-647-484-1596When prompted, use meeting number

479 444 995

Fridays1 pm – 2 pm Fit Break Join our certified fitness instructors for a variety of fun, fitness classes for all levels. No fitness equipment required, but we will be making use of things you have at home.May 29 – Sit Fit: Cardio and Muscle conditioning seated in a chair Click here to join on May 29 1-647-484-1596When prompted, use meeting number

474 862 476

Fit Break June 5 – Low and Tone: Low impact cardio followed by toning exercisesStarting June 5 – our fitness classes be on Zoom! Click here to join on June 5

Please be advised that by clicking this link you will be leaving the City of Mississauga Recreation website and launching the Zoom registration page
1-647-484-1596When prompted, use meeting number

474 862 476

Fit Break home equipment to have on hand: soup cans, books or other items to add weight (or light dumbbells if you have them), medium sized towel (3 ft long), face cloth, a chair and water.

Virtual sessions open 5 minutes before the designated start time. If you require support to either join by computer or by phone, we will be available up to an hour before the program start time to help walk you through the process. Contact:

Madison Piette at 905-615-4800 ext. 2667

Jackie Ellicott at 905-615-4810 ext. 2652

Mississauga Joins Digital Main Street’s ShopHERE Powered by Google Program to Help Small Businesses Get Online for Free

By Covid-19, Events, Issues

May 29, 2020

To help support our local small businesses, Mississauga is proud to announce it will be joining the ShopHERE, powered by Google program. The program will provide independent businesses and artists with resources to develop and launch an online store at no-cost, with the support of local post-secondary students.

“The vast majority of businesses in our city are small businesses and their survival will be key in our efforts to reignite the economy. COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of e-commerce and having a digital presence, especially for our local independent businesses,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “This program comes at a critical time in our efforts to help our small business community recover from this crisis. We encourage people to buy local and this program will provide consumers with even more options to do so. I want to thank Digital Main Street, Google Shopify, Mastercard, Microsoft, and Magnet for providing this program and encourage all eligible businesses to apply.”

Launched originally on May 12, 2020 for the Toronto business community, Digital Main Street is now working with Google to expand ShopHERE powered by Google across Canada with a goal of building 50,000 online stores by the end of 2020.

The City of Mississauga will leverage the infrastructure created by the City of Toronto with Digital Main Street and will cover a portion of the student costs to get the program running. As part of the program, local students will be trained to build and launch online stores.

Local businesses and artists can apply for the program at to get their online store built at no-cost.

The program will provide independent businesses and artists with:

  • Their choice of an online store customized with their information, branding, logo etc.
  • Hands-on assistance setting up and launching their online store
  • Training to support their online store, including topics such as digital marketing, shipping and inventory management
  • Access to free tools to help support the launch of their online stores

The ShopHERE powered by Google program is open to businesses and artists providing they are a registered business, have a commercial or home-based location, have fewer than 10 employees or fewer than 25 employees if a restaurant or bar and they are not a corporate chain or franchise.

“We have heard first hand through round table discussions with local businesses about the impacts COVID-19 has had on our small business community. We remain committed to offering support and solutions to address the hardships of our local businesses,” said Bonnie Brown, Director, Economic Development. “In addition to joining ShopHERE powered by Google program, our Economic Development Office has assembled a dedicated team of business advisors that provide one-on-one support and guidance to entrepreneurs and business owners and help identify digital solutions that best meet their needs.”

Information about provincial and federal supports for businesses can be found at

To find out more about Digital Main Street’s ShopHERE powered by Google program, visit:


City of Mississauga Reopens Select Park Amenities and Parking Lots

By Covid-19, Events, Issues, Resources

June 1, 2020

Beginning today, the City of Mississauga is reopening select park amenities and parking lots as part of its Phase 2 COVID-19 recovery plan. The reopened amenities include leash-free zones (Union Park and Community Common remain closed), BMX/skate parks, tennis courts, community tennis clubs, picnic shelters, park benches and seasonal washrooms.

“As we work to slowly reopen our park amenities, we understand that some of our parks, such as those along our waterfronts, will see an increase in visits and use,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “We encourage residents to continue to stay local, stay apart and to use their common sense. If you arrive at a park and it is busy, please turn around and go home. We will continue education and enforcement at our outdoor facilities to keep you safe with added bike patrols and a Parks Ambassador Program. As per the Provincial Order, people must continue to maintain a safe physical distance of 2 metres and avoid park amenities such as playgrounds that remain closed. We appreciate your patience and commitment to helping us keep Mississauga safe and healthy.”

The list of reopened park amenities and parking lots is available online.

The City will put in place additional safety measures to ensure that the public follows physical distancing guidelines and avoid areas that remained closed. Signs will be posted with health and safety guidelines, and park ambassadors – who will be clearly identified – will be available to educate and inform the public. Enforcement staff will also continue to patrol areas.

“We are glad to be able to reopen some of our amenities for the public to use and enjoy,” said Jodi Robillos, Director of Parks, Forestry and Environment. “While we encourage residents to go outside, we are also reminding residents to follow the health and safety guidelines and closures that are still in place.”

The following park amenities remain closed:

  • Sport fields
  • Multi-sport, basketball and bocce courts
  • Union Park and Community Common leash-free zones (size cannot meet physical distancing requirements)
  • Boat launch at Marina Park (due to high water levels)
  • Playgrounds and outdoor fitness equipment (under Provincial Order)
  • Spray pads and wading pools (under Provincial order)

To stay informed on COVID-19 impacts on City services, please visit