All Posts By

Stephen Dasko

Information on Stage 2 Openings

By Covid-19

If you live in a region that is entering stage 2

While Stage 2 businesses and workplaces can open, dates and approaches may vary based on each community’s local needs and the ability of each business or service to meet workplace safety guidelines and public health advice.

By following general public health advice and implementing workplace safety measures, workplaces and people can help make Stage 2 a success.

Places that can open in Stage 2



Personal care services

Establishments providing personal care services can open with the proper health and safety protocols in place.

  • Examples include:
    • Hair services (including barber shops, hair salons, hairdressers/stylists, colour consulting services, scalp treatment services, hair weaving services, and hair replacement services)
    • Beauty salons, shops and parlours (including beauticians, estheticians, cosmetology shops or salons, manicure and pedicure salons)
    • Hair removal services
    • Diet centres (non-medical), diet workshops, weight control clinics, and weight-reduction centres (non-medical)
    • Piercing services
    • Day spas
    • Tanning salons
    • Tattoo studios
  • Where physical distancing cannot be maintained, personal care service providers should ensure that:
    • Patrons wear face coverings at all times.
    • Workers wear face coverings and other appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves.
  • Personal care services must take measures to enable physical distancing between patrons, such as limiting the number of people who may be in the business at any one time.
  • Businesses should also consider operating by appointment and/or recording each patron’s name and contact information for the purpose of contact tracing.
  • Restrictions include:
    • Prohibiting services that tend to a customer’s face, such as facials, facial hair grooming, eyebrow grooming and makeup, as well as oxygen bars.
    • Steam rooms, saunas and bath houses must remain closed.
    • Baths, hot tubs, floating pools and sensory deprivation pods are closed except for therapeutic purposes prescribed by or administered by a regulated health professional. Change rooms and showers for water amenities will be available to the public if operators have the ability to adequately sanitize and disinfect the facilities.
  • For clarity, a business can open to offer other permitted services even if a restricted activity is its primary service (e.g., a facial salon can open to provide other services).





Personal services

Businesses primarily engaged in providing other personal services can open with the proper health and safety protocols in place. All services must be provided with physical distancing of at least two metres.

  • Examples include:
    • House sitting
    • Party, wedding planning and consulting services
    • Personal organizer services
    • Personal physical fitness trainer and sports trainers (outside of gyms only)
    • Personal shopping services
    • Porter services
    • Shoe services (e.g., shining, repair)
    • Check room services (e.g., coat check, suitcase storage)
    • Wedding chapels
  • Personal services should use measures to enable physical distancing, such as limiting the number of people who may be in the business at any one time.
  • Businesses should also consider operating by appointment and/or record each patron’s name and contact information for the purpose of contact tracing.

Restaurants & bars

Restaurants, bars, food trucks and other food and drink establishments (e.g., wineries, breweries and distilleries) can open for dining in outdoor areas only, such as patios, curbside, parking lots and adjacent premises.

  • Establishments must take appropriate measures to ensure physical distancing of at least two metres between patrons from different households, including:
    • Using reservations.
    • Limiting number of patrons allowed in the outdoor space at one time.
    • Ensuring enough space between tables, including to allow for movement.
  • Access to indoor facilities is limited to patio/outdoor dining area access, food pickup, payment, washrooms or other health and safety purposes.
  • Liquor sales licensees who wish to temporarily extend the physical size of their existing licensed patio, or temporarily add a new licensed patio within the approved period are authorized to do so, if all the following criteria are met:
    • The physical extension of the premises is adjacent to the premises to which the licence to sell liquor applies.
    • The municipality in which the premises is situated does not object to an extension.
    • The licensee is able to demonstrate sufficient control over the physical extension of the premises.
    • There is no condition on the liquor sales licence prohibiting a patio.


Shopping malls & centres

In addition to providing online, curbside pickup and delivery services, all shopping centres, malls and markets may open. Stores in these facilities must follow the same guidance as those set out for other retail services.

  • Food services and restaurants with mall-only entrances may open for outdoor dining spaces, delivery and takeout. Dine-in at indoor food courts is prohibited.
  • Entertainment amenities not permitted in Stages 1 or 2, such as movie theatres and waterparks, remain closed.
  • Malls may need to institute the policies that were put in place by retail outlets that remained open as essential businesses or were permitted to reopen during Stage 1, including engineering and administrative controls, such as:
    • Alternative operating hours to address increased cleaning demands.
    • Enhanced security and limiting entrances.
    • Creation and enforcement of walking traffic patterns.
    • Operating by appointment or reservation.
    • Limiting the number of people who may be in one business at any one time.
    • Restricting fitting room access and implementing cleaning process between fitting room customers.
    • General building management, including signage and hand sanitizer at the entrance of building, and removing gathering settings (e.g., benches).
  • Industry associations recommend that efforts to screen people for COVID-19 symptoms at shopping malls is best performed at the entry point of the shopping centre rather than at individual shops.


All photography studios and services, including portrait, aerial, special event, commercial and industrial photography can reopen.

  • Physical distancing must be maintained between all individuals on set whenever possible and must be taken into consideration when organizing the layout of the set.

Film & TV

All film and television production activities will be allowed to resume.

  • Physical distancing must be maintained between all individuals on set whenever possible and must be taken into consideration when organizing the layout of the set.




Tour & guide services

Indoor and outdoor tour and guide services will be allowed to resume.

  • This includes:
    • Resource-based tours (e.g., hunting, fishing and similar excursions)
    • Tastings and tours for operators of on-site retail stores at manufacturing sites (e.g., wineries, breweries and distilleries)
    • Trail riding, walking and bike tours
    • Motor vehicle and boat tours (e.g., for sightseeing)
  • Businesses should consider operating by appointment and/or record each patron’s name and contact information for the purpose of contact tracing.
  • Patrons must adhere to physical distancing measures and limits to public gatherings.
  • Equipment may be rented as needed as part of the tours. Equipment should be properly cleaned and disinfected in between rentals.
  • Access to production areas for tours of food and beverage manufacturing sites is permitted, as long as operators can follow workplace guidance and public health advice to ensure quality and cleanliness of products. Eating or drinking can occur in licensed outdoor spaces but is not permitted indoors.

Water recreational facilities

All indoor and outdoor swimming pools and outdoor splash pads and wading pools may open to the public with no access to high-contact aquatic features such as slides and climbing structures.

  • This includes public pools as well as pools situated in hotels, motels, condo parks, resorts and other private facilities.
  • Waterparks, wave pools and water slides will not be permitted to reopen in Stage 2.
  • Change rooms and showers will be available to the public if operators can adequately sanitize and disinfect the facilities.
  • Persons in the place of business shall maintain physical distancing of at least two metres from each other at all times by:
  • Reducing resting areas and pool capacity.
  • Limiting and distancing pool-side seating.
  • Timed entry (e.g., appointment only).
  • Equipment rented or loaned must be disinfected or quarantined appropriately between uses.
  • Aquatic activities such as fitness classes and swim lessons must be in line with physical distancing measures. For example, only other household members can assist swimmers with physical contact.




Outdoor recreational facilities

Outdoor-only recreational facilities that operate low-contact attractions and activities will be allowed to reopen.

  • This includes activities such as paintball, mini-golf, archery ranges, go-cart tracks and other adventure activities.
  • Locker rooms, change rooms, showers and clubhouses will remain closed, except to the extent they provide access to a washroom or a portion of the facility that is used to provide first aid.
  • Equipment rented, loaned or utilized for outdoor adventure elements (e.g., ladders, ziplines, hand cables) must be disinfected or quarantined appropriately between uses. Activities where equipment cannot be sanitized are not permitted.
  • Recreational activities or areas that do not allow for two-metre physical distancing between patrons are not permitted.
  • Indoor recreational activities are not permitted except for indoor driving ranges and rod and gun clubs.
  • Amusement parks and waterparks (including those attached to hotels) will remain closed.
  • Playgrounds, play structures and outdoor fitness equipment will remain closed.

Beaches, parks & camping

In Stage 1, Ontario Parks opened limited backcountry camping including paddle and portage routes, access points and hiking trails. In Stage 2, Ontario Parks campgrounds and private campgrounds can also open for recreational vehicle, car camping and all other types of camping.

  • Campers must adhere to social gathering size restrictions and maintain two-metre physical distancing with people outside their household and when outside of their campsites.
  • Beach access at Ontario Parks will be permitted as part of Ontario Parks’ gradual reopening, although measures including limited capacity will be taken at some parks to enable physical distancing.

Outdoor recreational team sports

Outdoor team sports may resume, if physically distanced, for training only and with no scrimmages or games.

  • This includes limited access to facilities (e.g., no locker rooms, no change rooms and no showers).
  • Access to clubhouse and other amenities will be limited to washrooms, emergency aid and equipment management.



Drive-in & drive-thru venues

All existing and new drive-in and drive-thru venues can open for a variety of purposes, such as theatres, concerts, animal attractions and cultural appreciation, such as art installations.

  • Food services are restricted to delivery to vehicles and drive-thru only.
  • Operators must have in place procedures for staff to ensure people remain in their cars except for using the washroom or in an emergency.
  • In addition to other workplace and public health measures, drive-ins and drive-thru venues should:
    • Limit the number of vehicles and how they are parked to ensure physical distancing.
    • Ensure that any washrooms open for use are cleaned and disinfected as frequently as is necessary to maintain a sanitary environment.

Weddings, funerals and similar gatherings

Venues not otherwise restricted can open to conduct wedding ceremonies, funerals and similar gatherings within existing public health restrictions.

  • Events will be required to comply with limits for social gatherings of up to 10 people.
  • Dine-in and bar services must be in-line with the related guidelines and restrictions.
  • Indoor and outdoor venues may open for weddings, funerals and similar gatherings, with limited access to facilities.
  • Guests that are not part of the same household should follow physical distancing guidelines.


All libraries can reopen with limited on-site services, such as computer access and contactless book pickup and drop-off.

  • Patrons are not permitted to handle books or materials on shelves.
  • Libraries should operate in adherence with public health guidelines on physical distancing, capacity and hygiene procedures (e.g., disinfecting returns and high-touch areas like computers).





Community centres

Community centres can reopen to the public with limited or modified on-site programs and services that follow workplace guidance and public health advice.

  • Recreational activities are restricted at indoor facilities, but these spaces can be used for other programs and services.
  • Examples of physically distanced programs and services include in-person counselling, group counselling, computer access, education and tutoring.
  • Food services are restricted to takeout, delivery and outdoor dining spaces.
  • Indoor pools may open (see water recreational facilities).
  • Access to locker rooms, change rooms, showers and communal kitchen areas is not allowed.

Attractions & heritage institutions

Museums, galleries, aquariums, zoos outdoor heritage institutions (e.g., landmarks, outdoor historic sites, botanical gardens), and other establishments primarily engaged in preserving and exhibiting objects, sites and natural wonders of historical, cultural and educational value are permitted to reopen with restrictions.

  • Interactive and high-contact exhibits, amusement parks, water parks and conference centres will remain closed in Stage 2.
  • Lockers will remain closed.
  • The opening of commercial areas (e.g., restaurant, cafe, bookshop, giftshop) are subject to the related guidelines and restrictions.
  • Persons in the place of business shall maintain physical distancing of at least two metres from each other at all times by:
  • Timed entry.
  • A limited number of visitors allowed in a place at one time.
  • Managed visitor flow (e.g., one-way flow).
  • Establishments should consider operating by appointment and/or record each patron’s name and contact information for the purpose of contact tracing.

Small outdoor events

Non-essential in-person gatherings of any size continue to be strongly discouraged. Small outdoor events, such as cultural celebrations, animal shows and fundraisers will be permitted in line with gathering-size restrictions, subject to local public health requirements.

  • Event organizers should have in place measures to enable physical distancing for people when in the event space and while waiting to enter, such as one-way traffic, marked lineup areas, and timed entry and length of stay.
  • Large outdoor events, such as concerts, large festivals, parades and amusement fairs, are not permitted.

City of Mississauga Hosts First-Ever Virtual Canada Day Celebration

By Events, Issues, Resources

June 22, 2020

Each year, thousands of residents and visitors come together on July 1 to celebrate Canada Day at Mississauga Celebration Square. This year, the City of Mississauga is inviting the community to gather virtually to celebrate Canada’s 153rd birthday, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the City’s top priority of keeping people safe.

Good Morning Mississauga is a virtual event that will allow residents and online guests to mark this national holiday safely from the comfort of their homes, yards and patios.

Global News’ Farah Nasser and ET Canada’s Sangita Patel will host the online event.


This virtual celebration presented by Tim Hortons will begin at 10 a.m. on July 1, and will feature interviews and musical performances by some of the biggest names to come from Mississauga, including Johnny Orlando, Mia Martina, Fito Blanko, RJ Barrett and Mark Pelli (of award-winning band, Magic!). The program will include Mayor Bonnie Crombie and Members of Council hosting a modified official ceremony, where residents will be invited to take the oath of reaffirmation virtually, as well as recognition of other Canada Day events from across the city. To mark the 40th anniversary of O Canada becoming our national anthem, the Mississauga Children’s Choir and Mississauga Symphony Orchestra will join the celebration through recorded performances of O Canada.

City-Wide Art Project 

Throughout the day, residents are invited to show their Mississauga spirit by decorating their windows for Canada Day using our online Celebration Kit. This interactive community initiative is a partnership with the City’s Public Art program. Local artist DaHye Kim created artwork that you can print and colour for this city-wide public art project. Residents will be able to download the artwork here.

Virtual Fireworks

The City’s Canada Day celebration will be punctuated with augmented-reality fireworks presented by Tim Hortons in collaboration with snapd. Residents are invited to share in this experience anywhere in the city – physical distancing rules apply.

Any time after 7 p.m., point your device of choice to the sky and watch the remarkable firework show unfold. To participate, viewers will need to download snapd’s HUB app.

Virtual Meet and Greet Contest

As another Mississauga Canada Day celebration first, residents have the opportunity to enter a contest to win a virtual meet & greet with award-winning artist, Johnny Orlando. To take part, fans are invited to enter at where they will find additional contest details.

Together, in a virtual environment, Mississauga can celebrate and share their pride in being Canadian!

Additional Information:
Details on the City’s Canada Day celebration can be found here.

Special thanks to our presenting sponsor Tim Hortons, supporting sponsors Bell and Alectra, and our media partners ET Canada and Global News. This virtual Canada Day event has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada through the Canadian Heritage grant.


[Download Hi-Res Photo]


City of Mississauga Hosts First-Ever Virtual Canada Day Celebration

By Events

June 22, 2020

Each year, thousands of residents and visitors come together on July 1 to celebrate Canada Day at Mississauga Celebration Square. This year, the City of Mississauga is inviting the community to gather virtually to celebrate Canada’s 153rd birthday, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the City’s top priority of keeping people safe.

Good Morning Mississauga is a virtual event that will allow residents and online guests to mark this national holiday safely from the comfort of their homes, yards and patios.

Global News’ Farah Nasser and ET Canada’s Sangita Patel will host the online event.


This virtual celebration presented by Tim Hortons will begin at 10 a.m. on July 1, and will feature interviews and musical performances by some of the biggest names to come from Mississauga, including Johnny Orlando, Mia Martina, Fito Blanko, RJ Barrett and Mark Pelli (of award-winning band, Magic!). The program will include Mayor Bonnie Crombie and Members of Council hosting a modified official ceremony, where residents will be invited to take the oath of reaffirmation virtually, as well as recognition of other Canada Day events from across the city. To mark the 40th anniversary of O Canada becoming our national anthem, the Mississauga Children’s Choir and Mississauga Symphony Orchestra will join the celebration through recorded performances of O Canada.


City-Wide Art Project


Throughout the day, residents are invited to show their Mississauga spirit by decorating their windows for Canada Day using our online Celebration Kit. This interactive community initiative is a partnership with the City’s Public Art program. Local artist DaHye Kim created artwork that you can print and colour for this city-wide public art project. Residents will be able to download the artwork here.


Virtual Fireworks


The City’s Canada Day celebration will be punctuated with augmented-reality fireworks presented by Tim Hortons in collaboration with snapd. Residents are invited to share in this experience anywhere in the city – physical distancing rules apply.

Any time after 7 p.m., point your device of choice to the sky and watch the remarkable firework show unfold. To participate, viewers will need to download snapd’s HUB app.

Virtual Meet and Greet Contest

As another Mississauga Canada Day celebration first, residents have the opportunity to enter a contest to win a virtual meet & greet with award-winning artist, Johnny Orlando. To take part, fans are invited to enter at where they will find additional contest details.

Together, in a virtual environment, Mississauga can celebrate and share their pride in being Canadian!

Additional Information:
Details on the City’s Canada Day celebration can be found here.

Special thanks to our presenting sponsor Tim Hortons, supporting sponsors Bell and Alectra, and our media partners ET Canada and Global News. This virtual Canada Day event has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada through the Canadian Heritage grant.


Virtual Public Meeting to Consider Temporary Outdoor Patio By-Law

By Events


June 22, 2020

Temporary outdoor patio regulations will be considered at a virtual Planning and Development Committee meeting on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 9 a.m. prior to the weekly Council meeting.

The public meeting will focus on the temporary Zoning By-law to permit outdoor patios accessory to all types of restaurants on adjacent private and public lands. It also ensures the City meets its statutory notification requirements under the Planning Act regarding the zoning changes.

Virtual Planning and Development Committee meeting. The report will be available online one week prior to the meeting at


Planning and Development Committee

Members of the public

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

9 a.m. (Prior to Council at 9:30 a.m.)

This will be a virtual meeting. Mississauga Civic Centre is closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The proceedings will be streamed online for the public to view at the following link


How to phone in to listen to the meeting:

  • Please call 905-615-3200, ext. 5423 for instructions.


How to participate by providing written comments:

  • In order to be received by the Committee at the public meeting, written comments must be received no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting.


  • Submissions are accepted by email at or by mailing the Planning and Development Committee, 300 City Centre Drive, 2nd Floor, Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1.


  • Please include your name, your address and indicate you are commenting on the temporary outdoor patio by-law.


  • Written comments received before, during or after a public meeting but before a by-law is passed receive the same consideration as verbal comments made during a public meeting.


How to participate in the virtual public meeting to make verbal submissions:

  • Advance registration is required to participate and/or make comments in the virtual public meeting. Please email presentations@mississauga.cano later than Friday at 4 m. prior to the meeting date.


  • Any materials you wish to show the Committee during your presentation must be provided as an attachment to the email. Links to cloud services will not be accepted. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from Clerks’ staff.


  • Residents without access to the internet, via computer, smartphone or tablet, can participate and/or make comments in the meeting via telephone. To register, please call Angie Melo at 905-615-3200, 5423 no later than Friday at 4 p.m. prior to the meeting date. You must provide your name and phone number if you wish to speak to the Committee. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from Clerks’ staff.

Background – Temporary Zoning By-law
The City of Mississauga has introduced a temporary Zoning By-law to allow patios in Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) and other areas where restaurants have direct street frontage and at restaurants located at malls that have their own access. The by-law allows strip mall-based restaurants to use parking areas to accommodate patios, where mall management permits. Restaurants who wish to use the city sidewalk or a public street would need city approval and obtain a modified minor encroachment permit. A patio design guideline and minor encroachment permit application will be available soon.

Patios will only be permitted upon the Government of Ontario providing approval for Mississauga to enter into Stage 2 recovery and meeting all COVID-19 guidelines from Region of Peel Public Health. All patios, temporary or permanent, will continue to be regulated by the Nuisance Lighting By-law (262-12), Nuisance Type Noise By-law 785-80 and the Property Standards By-law 654-98.


Tweet: Temporary outdoor patio regulations will be considered at a virtual #Mississauga Planning and Development Committee meeting on Wed, July 8, 2020 at 9 a.m. prior to the weekly Council meeting. For more details on how to watch online or participate

Based on Environment and Climate Change Canada’s data, the Region of Peel’s Medical Officer of Health has upgraded the Heat Warning to an Extended Heat Warning* for the City of Brampton and City of Mississauga on June 22, 2020. The warning will be in effect until further notice.

By Issues


COVID-19 in Peel

With community spread, treat every interaction like you could be exposed.


Symptoms of heat-related illness include rapid breathing, dizziness or fainting, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, extreme thirst, decreased urination and unusually dark yellow urine.


During heat events, remember to check-in with family, friends and neighbours, especially seniors who live on their own. It’s best to call or video-conference – if that is not possible, practice physical distancing. Many of the locations that provided relief from heat such as shopping malls and community centres are not available due to COVID-19. If you experience any of the symptoms above, cool off as soon as possible by taking a cool bath or shower, move to a shaded area and practice physical distancing and increase your fluid intake and rest. If the symptoms persist, contact your doctor or call 911.

For more information on how to protect your health during the heat, visit the Heat web site or review the various Guidelines which outline steps to help prevent heat-related illnesses.


Learn how to protect yourself and others, and stay up-to-date on COVID-19 in Peel. Some Regional services and facilities are affected or closed until further notice. Check full listing.

New Lakeview Farmers’ Market Launches in Mississauga on Father’s Day 10:00-12:00 p.m.

By Events, Resources




Pre-Order Here


New Lakeview Farmers’ Market Launches on Father’s Day


Fresh produce will now be available from the new Lakeview Farmers’ Market starting Sunday, June 21st. The new market offers an online pre-order and curbside pick-up program.

Organizers have sourced vendors with organic or sustainably grown local produce and small batch products found within a 150 km radius of Mississauga. Vendors who re-sell produce purchased at food terminals or wholesale outlets will not be allowed.

According to Lakeview Farmers’ Market organizer Ian Raymond, “Our focus is locally grown and sourced healthy food, organic and artisanal products that provide an income opportunity for local farmers, producers and artisans. We are a small market that will evolve over time, selecting premium producers who meet our market guidelines and standards of Farmers’ Markets Ontario.

To ensure health and safety, Peel Public Health officials have approved a pre-order and curbside pick-up program. We look forward to a walk-up market in the near future.” said Diane LaPointe, interim Executive Director with CreativeHub 1352.


Pre-orders required



Operates from

June 21 to October 11

on Sundays

(Pre-order, pick-up only)



10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Learn More
Pre-Order Here




For more information and new Vendor Inquiries:


Curbside pick-up from Army, Navy, Airforce Veterans Canada


Parking lot at :

765 Third St. (Cawthra and Lakeshore Rd. area)



Connect with us



CreativeHub 1352 (formerly Small Arms Society) | Small Arms Inspection Building, 1352 Lakeshore Road East, Mississauga, ON L5E 3B2 Canada
Update Profile | About Constant Contact
Sent by info@creativehub1352.cain collaboration with
Try email marketing for free today!


Preparing for Phase @ Recovery Plans

By Covid-19, Events, Issues, Resources

City of Mississauga COVID-19 Response Continues: Additional Amenity Reopenings, Preparing for Stage 2 Recovery with Economic Resiliency Task Force, Summer Camp Update, Temporary Zoning By-law and Fireworks Restrictions Lifted

COVID-19 | June 17, 2020

Today, Mississauga City Council reviewed and approved initiatives in relation to COVID-19 including: additional amenity reopenings, lifting restrictions on fireworks as well as preparing for stage 2 of recovery with an Economic Resiliency Task Force and changes to the Zoning By-law allowing businesses to expand their outdoor patios spaces and seating.

“I know many residents and businesses are frustrated by the province’s decision to keep Mississauga in Stage 1 for now. While Mississauga has made significant progress with an average of 13 new daily cases last week, there is still more to do in terms of a sustained decline across all cities in the Region of Peel,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “Every day our Medical Officers are reviewing the data, and if the trends continue positively, I’m confident we will reopen soon. I know that our businesses, especially our small businesses, including restaurants and bars are feeling this the most. Please get ready. Council continues to do what we can to help with recovery and voted today to allow businesses to easily expand their patios into public areas and parking lots. As part of our economic recovery plan, we are striking an Economic Resiliency Task Force to listen to and assist local businesses with recovery, including how we as a City can make life easier. We also continue to reopen city amenities safely and responsibly and have a plan in place to proceed with Stage 2 reopening as soon as we are given the green light by the province. I know it’s hard but please stay patient, we are almost there.”

Economic Resiliency Task Force                                                                                

The City of Mississauga’s Economic Resiliency Task Force will oversee and offer Council advice on sector specific economic recovery plans including industry, small business, creative industry, and land development and is a refreshed version of the Economic Development Advisory Board (previously formed to provide input into the City’s Economic Development Strategy). The Task Force will coordinate with Tourism Mississauga’s Board of Directors on review of a tourism recovery plan. It will include Mayor Bonnie Crombie as Chair, Councillor Stephen Dasko, Councillor Dipika Damerla, Councillor Pat Saito, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer Paul Mitcham along with a wide range of business sector representatives, educational partners including the Greater Toronto Airport Authority, Mississauga Board of Trade as well as representatives from Peel Public Health, land development, business improvement areas, small business, creative industry and more.

Stage 1 Amenity Reopenings

The following amenities will be reopening on June 19, 2020 as allowed under the Province’s Stage 1 recovery currently in effect for Peel Region:

  • City of Mississauga and School Board track facilities
  • Bocce courts
  • Beach volleyball courts

These reopenings are in addition to amenities already reopened including community gardens, marinas and Lakefront Promenade public boat launches, golf courses, leash-free zones, BMX and skateboard parks, public and community tennis courts, benches, shelters and shade structures and seasonal washrooms.

Temporary Zoning By-law
The City of Mississauga has introduced a temporary zoning by-law to allow patios in Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) and other areas where restaurants have direct street frontage and at restaurants located at malls that have their own access. The bylaw allows strip mall based restaurants to use parking areas to accommodate patios, where mall management permits. Restaurants who wish to use the city sidewalk or a public street would need city approval and obtain a modified minor encroachment permit. A patio design guideline and minor encroachment permit application will be available soon. Patios will only be permitted upon the Province providing approval for Mississauga to enter into Stage 2 recovery meeting all COVID-19 guidelines from Region of Peel Public Health. Fees with respect to temporary patios will be waived during this time.

The final step will be to hold a Planning and Development Committee meeting on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 9 a.m. prior to the Council meeting. The meeting will focus on the temporary zoning by-law to permit outdoor patios accessory to all types of restaurants on adjacent private and public lands and ensure the City meets its statutory notification requirements under the Planning Act regarding the zoning changes.

Fireworks Restrictions Lifted
Council approved ending prohibition of the sale and use of fireworks that came in effect on April 24, 2020. In order to sell fireworks, stores require a vendor licence which requires a fire safety inspection. In Mississauga, fireworks may be set off only on the following holidays:

  • Victoria Day
  • Canada Day
  • Chinese New Year
  • Diwali

To set off fireworks on private property on any day other than these holidays, please apply for a fireworks permit.

Celebration Square Update
The start date for the Lions Farmers Market is Wednesday, July 8, 2020 and will continue weekly 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., every Wednesday, until October 21, 2020.

The Lions Farmers Market will be barricaded off, with attendants controlling the flow of customers into the Market. Within the Market, vendors will be separated from each other by at least 12 feet/ 3.66 metres and 6 feet/2 metres. Markings on the ground will help customers maintain the proper physical distance when in line. Vendors at the Market will accept both cash and contactless payment. Visitors to the Market are strongly encouraged to wear a face mask.

The start date for Food Trucks will be Friday, July 3, 2020. The trucks will be in place seven days a week with hours between 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Food Trucks will be required to be spaced out between one another by at least 12 feet/3.66 metres. To allow for contactless ordering and payment, customers will be required to use the Ritual App.

Mississauga Celebration Square has removed tables, chairs and picnic tables but will create 48 physical distancing circles painted on the artificial lawn. The circles will be 10 feet/3.05 metres in diameter and will be spaced 12 feet/3.66 metres apart. Hand sanitizer will be available at all vendors as well as entry and exit points into the Market. Public washrooms and parking elevators will be cleaned prior to opening, and twice during operating hours.

Summer Camps Update
To support families with working parents, summer camps will be offered starting July 6 and will run for 9 weeks from 8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. The Summer Fun Camp will run for children ages four and half to 10 years at all 11 community centres as well as Meadowvale Village Hall and Port Credit Arena. Spaces are limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Registration starts on June 22 at 8:30 a.m. Residents can register online at  If camps are full, residents are encouraged to select the waitlist option. Customer Service support is available at 905-615-4100 (Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.).

Safety is a Priority

The City is following the guidelines laid out by the Ministry of Health’s Summer Day Camp Guidelines which include physical distancing, small group sizes only, screening protocols and staff wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when physical distancing of 2 metres/6 feet cannot be maintained.

Each camp will see:

  • 9 children and 1 facilitator for each group
  • groups will not mix or co-mingle with other groups
  • children must bring their lunch
  • no swimming, pizza day or field trips

To stay informed on COVID-19 impacts on City services, please visit: or call 311.

City of Mississauga Awarded for Excellence in Comprehensive Financial Reporting

By Issues

June 16, 2020

The City of Mississauga’s Finance Division has won two awards recognizing excellence in financial reporting – the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting and the Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award from the Government Finance Officers Association GFOA). The City was recognized for presenting financial information in a clear, concise, innovative and informative manner.

“It’s an honour for the City and our Finance team to win these prestigious awards. At such a difficult time for the community, both awards highlight the City’s commitment to share financial information that is accurate, timely and easy to understand,” said Gary Kent, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer. “These awards represent the hard work of a dedicated and collaborative team whose work highlights the City’s efforts to be fiscally responsible and financially prudent.”

The City received the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting for its 2018 Financial Report for the 22nd consecutive year. Mississauga continues to be the longest-running municipality in Ontario to achieve this honour.

The City was also awarded the Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award for its 2018 Financial Report Highlights. For the third year in a row, Mississauga received this achievement by having the highest standards for creativity, presentation, plain language and reader appeal.

The GFOA awards are given to municipalities who have met the highest standards of government budgeting and financial reporting.

To review both reports, visit


The GFOA is a non-profit association serving more than 20,000 government finance professionals throughout North America. The purpose of the GFOA is to enhance and promote the professional management of governments for the public benefit. This is achieved by identifying and developing financial policies and best practices and promoting their use through education, training, facilitation of member networking and leadership. For more information on their award programs, visit