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Stephen Dasko

City Opts Out of Privately-Operated Retail Cannabis Stores

By Issues

The City of Mississauga decided at its Council meeting on December 12, that it will opt out and not allow privately-operated cannabis retail stores in Mississauga. Council made the decision to opt out as it was felt the recent changes to the retail cannabis model occurred too quickly and there are many unanswered questions. The province has not given municipalities any control over where cannabis stores can be located in Mississauga.

As the request of Council, our Mayor, Bonnie Crombie, will be writing a letter to the province to explain our Council’s decision to opt-out and will be asking for greater powers for municipalities to have input into the location and the number of retail stores that are allowed in the City of Mississauga.

The Government of Ontario gave municipalities until January 22, 2019 to decide whether they will opt in or opt out of having retail cannabis stores.

The production, sale and use of recreational cannabis was legalized in Canada on October 17, 2018. Private cannabis stores will be legal starting April 1, 2019 for municipalities who choose to opt in. Until then, residents can purchase cannabis online from the Ontario Cannabis Store. Residents must be 19 years or older to purchase cannabis in Ontario.

To learn more about recreational cannabis in Mississauga, visit

Community Meeting 55 Port St. E

By Events

We have arranged a Community Meeting for Monday February 11th, 2019 at 7:00p.m. at Clarke Hall, 161 Lakeshore Rd. W. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss an Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications submitted to the City by the property owner to permit a ten storey condominium apartment building with 34 units and one level of underground parking at 55 Port St. E.

If you have any questions prior to the scheduled meeting, please contact David Ferro, Development Planner for this application at 905-615-3200 ext. 4554 or by e-mail at

2019-2021 Poet Laureate – Call for Submissions

By Events

The City of Mississauga will recognize its third Poet Laureate in 2019. The role of the Poet Laureate is to elevate the status of poetry, literary arts and writers within their communities and beyond. This honorary position recognizes a poet who writes excellent poetry or spoken word and has written on themes that are relevant to the citizens of Mississauga.

Candidates must be current Mississauga residents.

Term and payment:
The Poet Laureate will serve a 2 year term beginning in April 2019 and will receive a $10,000 honorarium paid in 6 instalments throughout the term. Additional project funds may be available to support Laureate activities dependent upon available financial resources.

Submissions will be accepted between January 18 and March 1, 2019

Friday, March 1, 2019 – 4:30pm

Contact Us
For more information about the Poet Laureate program:
Kathryn Garland
905-615-3200 x4063

Our Community

By Ward 1

In hearing your passion, hope, and ideas for the future of Ward 1, I know more than ever, we must be united to ensure this great community is always our place to call home.