Date: and Time: Wednesday, May 12, 2021 from 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
Location: 970 Beechwood Ave, Mississauga ON
Addresses Affected:
Beechwood Avenue:
#’s 976, 970, 964, 962, 958, 954, 950, 944, 938, 934, 928, 916, 912, 910, 906, 902, 898, 890, 886, 882, 870, 872, 868, 864, 869, 873, 877, 883, 887, 893, 899, 903, 909, 913, 917, 923, 929, 933, 937, 941, 945, 949, 953, 957, 963, 967.
Richey Crescent:
#’s 492, 496, 502, 506, 508, 510, 512, 516, 522, 528, 529, 519 Read More
I am pleased to update you that the Lakefront Promenade Marina ‘A-Dock’ and Fuel Dock replacements are complete; with some minor finishing touches this week.
Enhancements to the new docks also included, facility lighting, dock bumper guards, dock safety features (life saving stations, dock ladders, eye wash station), dock finger solar lights and future considerations for WiFi and kiosk solar power.
Dock B and C will be replaced in subsequent off seasons (fall 2021/2022).
Join Councillor Stephen Dasko and local Residents for a virtual community workshop on Tuesday, May 11 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM to explore in 3D, possible built form, height and density scenarios along the Lakeshore East Corridor in the Lakeview area. The virtual workshop will include a presentation and an opportunity for public feedback.
Miller Tree service will be starting on Monday May 10th, 2021 at 7:00am weather permitting and that the golf course remains closed. Miller Tree service will be removing only infested ash trees. The ash trees have been identified by a certified arborist to be removed as they are in decline or dead. The ash trees have been infested by Emerald ash borer.
The work should take two weeks, weather permitting and that the golf course remains closed. If the golf course is allowed to reopen we will continue the work in the fall and winter.
May 6, 2021
On May 14 and 15, Mississauga Library and Brampton Library are jointly hosting their first online MakerFest, which builds upon their respective maker programs. These maker programs strive to help residents develop their science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) skills. This year, MakerFest brings a variety of online, interactive activities to youth and adults with a passion for STEAM. The collaborative approach allows more residents to access the activities, experts and opportunities to connect with the broader STEAM and maker community. Read More
Information on midges around the water: Read More
I am pleased that the motion I recently brought forward at Regional Council, asking that all of Peel be considered a hotspot, was recognized by the Province as an effort to assist Dr Loh in getting all those 18+ eligible to be vaccinated.
May 5, 2021 —
At today’s City Council meeting, Councillor Stephen Dasko put forward a motion that Council ask the Province to enact further amendments to the Highway Traffic Act to directly target loud and modified exhaust systems. Read More