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Stephen Dasko

City Honours COVID Heroes through Virtual Ceremony

By Covid-19, Resources, Ward 1

April 21, 2021

Today, Mississauga City Council honoured the City’s COVID Heroes, a group of individuals, businesses and organizations that have contributed to the community in a fundamental way during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nominations opened in February for the program, which focused on recognizing those living and working in Mississauga that made life a little brighter for their neighbours since the start of the global pandemic. More than 600 nominations were received. Read More

Mississauga COVID Heroes

By Covid-19, Resources, Ward 1

Congratulations to all Mississauga COVIDHeroes. You make our beautiful City a little brighter just by being you. Please watch the pre-recorded, virtual ceremony dedicated to you and know that you are all appreciated!

With the COVID Heroes segment of Council now complete, the names of all Mississauga COVID Heroes that have provided their consent can now be found on the COVID Heroes landing page. The direct link to the Heroes’ names can be found here. Please feel free to share either link over social media.

Many thanks for your support with this program.