All Posts By

Stephen Dasko

MTO – Notice to Stakeholders – Closure Notification of South Service Road On-Ramp to QEW EB

By Issues, Resources, Ward 1

Please be advised that the on-ramp from the South Service Road to the QEW Toronto Bound will be closed beginning June 15th, 2021 to May 17th, 2022 to facilitate infrastructure works along the QEW.  Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd. has been retained under capital contract by the Ministry of Transportation to complete the rehabilitation of the West Mall off-ramp bridge structures, the removal and replacement of the bridge structure on the QEW over Etobicoke Creek as well as the resurfacing of the highway from east of Dixie Rd to The East Mall.

Additional to their scope of work includes the removal, replacement and rehabilitation of the bordering retaining walls along the QEW.  Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd. will be closing the on-ramp to the QEW Toronto Bound to facilitate the aforementioned works and all necessary detour signage and routes will be in place in advance of this work.

MTO 2018-2001-0140mc – Notice to Stakeholders – Closure of SSR On-Ramp to QEW EB

Free LDD Moth (European Gypsy Moth) Webinar

By Issues, Resources, Ward 1

Toronto Region Conservation Authority is pleased to provide, in partnership with Credit Valley Conservation, a free information webinar on the LDD moth (European gypsy moth).  Webinar participants will learn about the LDD moth life cycle, how to identify them and what actions you can take to minimize their impact to trees. TRCA and CVC experts will be in attendance to answer questions from participants.

You can register at Please feel free to circulate this information with your neighbours.


Mississauga’s Older Adult Expo Offers Online Activities for Older Adults

By Events, Resources, Ward 1

May 28, 2021

Mark your calendars for the 2021 Older Adult Expo. June is Seniors Month in Ontario – a time to recognize Mississauga’s older adults and the contributions they have made to their community. The City of Mississauga is celebrating by dedicating the entire month of June to the older adult community by offering free, informative webinars on weekdays to residents ages 55 and up. Webinars are a blend of both live and pre-recorded sessions.

This year’s expo begins on Tuesday, June 1 and the theme is Stay Safe, Active and Connected. Read More

Message from THP Board Chair – President & CEO Announcement

By Resources, Ward 1

As a valued partner of Trillium Health Partners (THP), I am writing to share some news. As of June 20, 2021, Michelle DiEmanuele will be taking a secondment from THP to the Government of Ontario as the Secretary of the Cabinet and Head of the Ontario Public Service. The appointment was made yesterday by Premier Doug Ford and I expect the appointment will not last longer than 14 months. Read More

Get to Know your Neighbourhood by Bike with Self-Guided Community Rides

By Events, Resources, Ward 1

May 27, 2021

Starting Saturday, May 29, the City of Mississauga will begin to roll out a number of self-guided bike routes across the city with the return of its Community Rides program. The Community Rides program encourages residents, families and those new to cycling to explore their neighbourhood by bike and get outdoor exercise. This year, the City will mark out bike routes across Mississauga so that residents of all ages and cycling abilities can enjoy a route in their neighbourhood either solo or with their household, while following COVID-19 health and safety guidelines. Read More