June 3, 2021
The Region of Peel is revising its Section 22 Order for workplace closures.
Updates to the Section 22 Order, which was issued under the Ontario Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA), include: Read More
June 3, 2021
The Region of Peel is revising its Section 22 Order for workplace closures.
Updates to the Section 22 Order, which was issued under the Ontario Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA), include: Read More
The Central Mississauga area will experience significant growth over the next 20 + years, specifically, within the Mississauga City Centre, Hurontario and Dundas Corridor. We expect these areas to grow by over 40 percent by 2041. The current wastewater infrastructure does not have available capacity to service this increased growth. That’s why the Region is doing an Environmental Assessment (EA) to study how to expand the capacity of the Central Mississauga Wastewater System. Read More
June is Pride month in Peel and we’re recognizing our vibrant LGBTQ2S+ communities and hosting a virtual event on June 23rd.
June 3, 2021
The Region has raised the Pride flag to mark June’s month-long Pride celebration. Events are planned across the Region to recognize and celebrate our vibrant and diverse LGBTQ2S+ communities. Read More
Stantec Consulting Services are set to begin collecting road pavement condition data and photos on every City-owned streets later this month. No street closures, detours or traffic disruptions are expected as a result of the work. The process is expected to last 10 to 12 weeks; throughout the summer and a portion of the fall season. Data collection will begin in the south-east quadrant and rotate counter clockwise through the City. Once completed, the data will be loaded into the City’s road pavement management system to inform the development of the long-range pavement rehabilitation forecast and budget.
The Project Lead for Stantec Consulting Services has provided us with the attached project information sheet. It explains the equipment used and the type of information that will be collected.
City of Mississauga 2021 Pavement Condition Data Collection Project Information Sheet
Dear Resident:
Re: Community Virtual Meeting
958-960 East Avenue (File OZ 20/005 W1)
Peel Housing Corporation has submitted an application to redevelop their existing property at the south-west corner of East Avenue and Lakeshore Road East with a seven (7) storey rental apartment building containing 151 residential units. Read More
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
The City of Mississauga has selected Victoria Clarke as its new Director of Tourism effective May 31, 2021. The Director of Tourism has also been appointed as the CEO of Tourism Mississauga, a position previously held by Shari Lichterman, the City’s Commissioner of Community Services. The position of Director of Tourism was developed to provide dedicated executive leadership for the tourism portfolio in Mississauga and to lead Tourism Mississauga in supporting a strong recovery from the pandemic for the tourism and hospitality sectors. Read More
June 2, 2021
Yesterday, the Government of Ontario announced that all public health and workplace measures will remain in effect until Step One of the province’s Roadmap to Reopen is rolled out. Read More
Local school-based pop-up locations in Peel offer expanded options for COVID-19 vaccine to youth.
June 2, 2021
Beginning Saturday June 5, 2021, youth in Peel can receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at a variety of familiar school pop-up locations. Walk-in appointments are available for youth enrolled in special education programs, or youth seeking a different environment from a mass clinic experience.
Planning was completed in consultation with school boards in Peel. Second doses will be provided at the same location in August. Read More
What work is taking place?
As part of Hurontario Light Rail Transit Project, watermain, sewer and telecommunication infrastructure installation works will be starting on the east side of Hurontario Street at High Street, moving north to Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW). Crews will be working extended overnight hours for two days in early June to paint traffic lines, install construction signs, align traffic signal heads with the intersections and install temporary bus platforms. Upon completion, traffic configuration will be updated to one northbound traffic lane and one southbound traffic lane, with turning lanes where available until Fall 2022 when the roadway will return to two northbound and southbound lanes.
Starting in late June, vehicular traffic will be restricted at the entrance of Eaglewood Boulevard and Hurontario Street. The road will be closed for approximately one week to safely complete watermain installations and may be closed again at a future date to safely complete telecommunications infrastructure. Advanced notice of future closures will be provided to the impacted community once dates have been scheduled for any additional works. Road closure and detour signs will be posted to keep residents and businesses informed of this closure. Residential driveways will not be impacted during this work. Side entrances for the plaza and gas station that face Eaglewood Boulevard will be closed during this work, pedestrian access will be maintained.
• Overnight work is scheduled for two nights in early June, with work hours from at 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
• Eaglewood Boulevard closure will last for approximately one week in late June.
• Watermain work hours are from 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., Monday to Saturday. However, night works may be scheduled as required.
• Work could be rescheduled and delayed due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances.
• Long term lane reductions will be required on Hurontario Street between High Street to the Queen Elizabeth Way.
• Traffic detour signs will be posted in the area during the road closure.
• Watch for slow moving vehicles entering and exiting work areas.
• Remember to reduce your speed when approaching construction.
• Every effort will be made to minimize disruptions.
• Access to properties will always be maintained through at least one driveway or with the assistance of a Traffic Control Person.
• Those near the work site can expect to hear noise caused by trucks, excavators, backhoes, and other construction equipment related to this work.
• Due to lane reductions along Hurontario Street, delays can be expected on MiWay routes 2, 8 and 53.
• Watch for additional signs directing passengers at bus stops as boarding areas may be relocated.
• Please take care when walking or cycling near construction areas and watch for additional signs directing the public such as detours and dismounting.
• Clear and defined walking paths will be maintained during construction to ensure pedestrian safety.
• In 2017, Mississauga City Council approved general exemptions to the Noise Control By-law and selected roadway closures, at the discretion of the Commissioner of Transportation and Works for the duration of Hurontario LRT construction.
• Please ensure any personal belongings, such as signs, benches and underground sprinklers on city-owned land have been relocated prior to the beginning of construction.
June 1, 2021
The City is hosting three virtual community meetings to discuss key directions of Mississauga’s Official Plan Review. Housing, growth, transportation and the environment will be the focus in this phase of public engagement. Read More
© 2025 Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1.