Speeding, and the tragedies that can result from the decision to speed, continues to be a serious issue in Mississauga. In 2021 so far, four people have sadly lost their lives in speed-related collisions in Mississauga. Read More
Please be advised that the above will be filming interior and exterior scenes for a TV Series “Tamarack” at 1550 Caterpillar Rd (Ward 1) on November 1st, 7am-4pm. Prep and Wrap will be conducted entirely on private property (Oct 31, Nov 2 – 7am-7pm daily).
A permit has been issued to allow parking on the following:
- North side of Caterpillar Rd between Ernest Samuel Dr and Caterpillar Rd
Production has been approved for picture vehicle pull up/away shots on Caterpillar Rd with intermittent traffic stoppages (max of 3 min) under the supervision of Peel Regional Police not between the hours of 7am – 9am and 3pm – 6pm. A camera is permitted on the boulevard and sidewalk as long as pedestrian access is maintained at all times.
Please be advised that the above will be filming interior and exterior scenes for a TV Series “Tamarack” ” at 2067 Stanfield Rd (Ward 1) on November 2nd, 7am-11pm. Prep and Wrap will be conducted entirely on private property (Nov 2, 3 – 7am-7pm daily).
A permit has been issued to allow parking on the following:
- One side of Greening Avenue between Tolman Rd and Stanfield Rd
- One side of Hedge Drive between Stanfield Rd and Westfield Dr
- On both streets, only small production vehicles permitted (pick-up trucks, SUV’s, vans – no cube trucks or larger)
Production has been approved for picture vehicle pull up/away shots on Stanfield Rd with intermittent traffic stoppages (max of 3 min) under the supervision of Peel Regional Police not between the hours of 7am – 9am and 3pm – 6pm. A camera is permitted on the boulevard and sidewalk as long as pedestrian access is maintained at all times.
I would like to thank you all who were able to join us virtually for the 3rd Annual Community Excellence Awards.
I would also like to thank those who took the time to nominate someone and for those accepting the nominations.
We received an overwhelming number of nominations this year – over 100 nominations!
It is a true testament of how wonderful our residents and businesses are in Ward 1.
Below is a list of all nominees and winners:
October 28, 2021
The City of Mississauga is seeking public feedback, through an online survey, about parkland within the Lakeview Village Waterfront Development. Residents are invited to have their say on park programming and proposed amenities within the parks. Residents have until Thursday, December 9, 2021, to complete the survey. The feedback collected will be used to inform the park design and development. The Lakeview Village Waterfront Development is a 177-acre mixed-use waterfront development on the eastern edge of Mississauga. The waterfront property will have a significant amount of parkland that includes a planned waterfront park connecting Lakefront Promenade Park to the west and the Jim Tovey Lakeview Conservation Area to the east. The parks will also provide new opportunities to connect with Lake Ontario.
Please note that the above will be filming interior and exterior scenes for a feature “Don’t Hang Up” on private property at 1303 Lakeshore Road E (Green Acres Motel, Ward 1) between October 29th-Oct 31st (not including prep/wrap). The City has not issued a permit for this activity.
A permit has been issued for the following ONLY:
- Sun Oct 31, between 6:30pm-10:00pm:
- Pull up/away of picture vehicle from Lakeshore Rd E into Green Acres Motel
- Camera position on the sidewalk/boulevard on Lakeshore Rd E, South Side (across from Green Acres Motel) as long as pedestrian access is maintained at all times
- Maximum 3-minute intermittent traffic stoppages are permitted for the sole purpose of safely moving crew/equipment across Lakeshore Rd under the safe supervision of Peel Regional Police.
In this light-hearted and unconventional look at how and why we garden, author Lorraine Johnson challenges us to consider the role of gardens in an era of ecological and social change. Highlighting examples of gardeners who push against neighbourhood norms—and who are often subject to bylaws and other forms of social sanction—this talk encourages us to celebrate landscape diversity and the gardeners who challenge deeply held notions of garden convention.
November 17, 2021
7:30pm – 9:00pm
Virtual via Zoom
Pay only $20 to join Cloverleaf Garden Club for the 2022 season and get access to the November speaker and all 8 new speakers in 2022! Visit www.cloverleafgardenclub.org
City of Mississauga Following Provincial Plan to Safely Reopen
On October 22, the Government of Ontario announced a Plan to Safely Reopen Ontario and Manage COVID-19 for the Long-Term which includes lifting remaining capacity restrictions in places where proof of vaccination is required.
“This is a promising sign that we are heading in the right direction and getting life back to normal,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “I know that businesses have had an incredibly difficult 18 months with repeated closures and changing capacity limits. I am hopeful that this plan will provide much needed relief and a light at the end of the tunnel, as well as allow many of our businesses to get back on their feet.” Read More