What are you doing?
The Region of Peel has retained Infrastructure Intelligence Services Inc. to complete a downspout survey within your neighbourhood. The survey area is shown on the map.
Some downspouts may be connected to the sanitary
(wastewater) sewers. Connected downspouts can overwhelm the sanitary sewer pipes during rain events and possibly result in flooding. The downspout survey helps the Region plan for necessary actions.
Some downspouts may be connected to the sanitary
(wastewater) sewers. Connected downspouts can overwhelm the sanitary sewer pipes during rain events and possibly result in flooding. The downspout survey helps the Region plan for necessary actions.
The survey will be performed over Fall of 2021.
What do I need to do?
Nothing, you do NOT need to do anything. This notice is just to inform you that our contractor will be in your neighborhood.
I have a question, who should I talk to?
Some common questions are answered on the next page. Should you have any further questions please contact Laura Gerencser at the Region of Peel at 905-867-6046 or laura.gerencser@peelregion.ca. For general inquiries search peelregion.ca/water/your-home/inspections-surveys.asp, or follow us on Twitter @peelpublicworks.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a downspout?
A downspout is typically a vertical pipe that carries rainwater from your roof to the ground’s surface. It may also go directly into the ground.
2. What is the purpose of the survey?
We are collecting information about downspouts. This survey is to see whether the Region needs to do something about them or not.
3. What information are you collecting?
Mainly the location and condition of the downspouts. Field staff will be taking pictures of the downspouts.
4. How do I know if it is the Region’s contractor?
If asked, Regional staff or regional contractors will provide identification, and business card for follow up.
5. Do you need to enter my house?
No, we do not need to enter your house. Regional staff and its contractors will NOT ask to enter your house.
6. Do I need to be home for the survey?
No, you do not need to be home when the survey is being performed. You may not even notice the work has been performed.
7. Where can I get more information?
For general inquiries please visit peelregion.ca or contact Region of Peel at 905-791-7800, ext. 4409.
8. What is next?
You will be contacted only if we found something to report.