All Posts By

Stephen Dasko

Carmen Corbasson Community Centre – Opening March 31st, 2025 – Program Update

By Announcement, Resources, Ward 1

Carmen Corbasson Community Centre will be reopening on March 31st, 2025!

On Monday March 31st :

We invite the community to join us for our soft opening, where they can enjoy a variety of activities at no cost. This is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to explore the new building and try out a few programs. Here is a sneak peak of programs we will be offering;

March 31st Drop In Programming Schedule
Time Activity Location LOB
8:30 – 10:30 Drop-In Older Adult Basketball Gym Community Programs
9:00  – 10:00 Walk Fit Walking Track Fitness
9:15 – 10:15 Total Body Workout Fitness Studio Fitness
11:00 – 1:00 Drop-In Badminton Gym Community Programs
10:20 – 11:20 Pilates Fitness Studio Fitness
1:15 – 3:15 Drop-In Badminton Gym Community Programs
3:30 – 5:00 Drop-In Youth Sauga at Play Badminton Gym Community Programs
6:15 – 7:15 HIIT Fitness Studio Fitness
7:20 – 8:20 Zumba Fitness Studio Fitness

Note: The walking track will be open from 6:30am-9:30pm, with some exemptions during scheduled programming ( I.e. 9 am-10 am Walk Fit class)

Registration will open on ActiveNet on the following dates:

Registration Window for Carmen Corbasson Programs for Spring 2025 & Summer Camps 2025:

    • March 24, 2025 @ 7:00 AM – Programs on ActiveNet will be viewable to all.
    • March 31, 2025 @ 7:00 AM – Online and in-person registration opens for residents.
    • April 7, 2025 @ 7:00 AM – Online and in-person registration opens for non-residents
    • March 31, 2025 – Spring Drop-In Session begins.
    • (TBC) – Spring Aquatics Drop-In Session begins.

Summer 2025:

    • May 13, 2025 @ 7:00 AM – Programs on ActiveNet will be viewable to all.
    • May 20, 2025 @ 7:00 AM – Online and in-person registration opens for residents.
    • May 27, 2025 @ 7:00 AM – Online and in-person registration opens for non-residents.
    • June 30, 2025 – Summer Session begins.

Trade and US Tariff Information & Support for Businesses from Invest Mississauga

By Resources

The City of Mississauga is committed to supporting Mississauga’s businesses, entrepreneurs, and residents through the uncertainty and disruptions related to changes in US trade policy towards Canada and the world.

While trade policy falls outside municipal jurisdiction, the City is taking action to support the local business community, including direct outreach to impacted businesses, supporting business access to available resources and advocating for local business interests to higher levels of government. In addition, the City has launched a Choose Canada initiative, encouraging residents and businesses to support the local economy by purchasing Canadian-made or produced, products and services.

Please read Mayor Parrish’s statement on U.S. tariffs here and an overview of the City’s Partners in Trade response plan here.

Invest Mississauga has a team of dedicated staff with information, services and connections that can help you navigate these challenging business conditions. Whether you are just starting or an established business, we understand that each situation is unique, and we have services that can be tailored to your specific needs.

We have developed a list of resources that can help businesses stay informed and respond to trade flow disruptions with the U.S. Access these resources here.

MiWay Five Plus: Shaping the Future of Transit

By Food for thought

MiWay Five Plus, the new transit service master plan, will include short-term (2026-2030) and medium-term (2031-2035) improvements for MiWay aimed at growing the system and improving connectivity to deliver a fast, efficient, and easy-to-use transit service.

The development of MiWay Five Plus includes:

  • Reviewing current transit services and infrastructure.
  • Gathering feedback and data to identify trends.
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to deliver sustainable solutions for a more transit-friendly city.

Your input, collected through a survey from March 17 to 28, will play a key role in shaping MiWay Five Plus into a service plan that works for you.

Stay updated on the latest announcements and access the survey link when it becomes available by visiting the MiWay webpage.

Fireworks By-law review

By Food for thought

The City is seeking your opinions on the use of fireworks in Mississauga. Currently, fireworks without permit can be used at home on private property from dusk until 11 p.m. on Lunar New Year, Victoria Day, Canada Day and Diwali, and until 1 a.m. on New Year’s Day. You must apply for a permit from the City to use fireworks in a public street or park, or at home on your private property on any day other than these designated holidays.

Until March 31, you can participate in an online survey to share your experiences and opinions regarding fireworks. Feedback will help shape recommendations for potential by-law changes.

For more information and to take the survey, visit


By Construction, Ward 1

As a part of the Lakeview Village project, a temporary road closure is being implemented for Rangeview Road at Lakefront Promenade to facilitate works related to asphalt cuts, excavation and watermain installations.

When:   March 17th, 2025- March 27th, 2025

Where:  Lakefront Promenade at Rangeview Road (north leg of intersection and east leg of intersection)

Advance warning signs and detour signs are in place. Emergency services access will not be permitted.

Spring Flooding: Flood Preparedness

By Resources, Ward 1

Stay informed about potential flooding. Be prepared for flooding by signing-up for TRCA’s Flood Messaging Service. If flooding from a river is forecasted, TRCA issues flood messages to designated individuals within municipalities, local agencies, school boards, the media, and members of the public who self-subscribe. To sign-up for flood messages, click here.

For areas served by CVC, we recommend sharing the flood notification system they have in place.

SCHEDULED WATER SUPPLY INTERRUPTION NOTICE – 25A/25B Pine Avenue North – Thursday, March 13th, from 9:00am to 5:00pm

By Resources, Ward 1

The Peel Region Public Works department regularly maintains and repairs the water system to make sure you have a consistent supply of quality drinking water. Sometimes we must turn off your water supply while we do this work.

Your water will be turned off on Thursday, March 13th, from 9:00am to 5:00pm. If we need to reschedule this work due to weather or other circumstances, we will let you know the new date and time.

Property owner/manager responsibilities during a water interruption

As a property owner/manager, it is your responsibility to:

  • Ensure maintenance, mechanical or plumbing staff are on site during the water interruption, as it may affect internal systems that rely on water such as boilers, fire suppression, and alarms.
  • Notify the fire alarm company if the interruption could affect an alarm system.
  • Have a fire watch completed during the water interruption, as the building’s sprinkler protection system will not function when the water supply is shut off.

After the water interruption

When we turn the water back on, air in the pipes may make the water cloudy and your plumbing may vibrate or make noise. We recommend removing the air by slowly turning on your taps from the lowest to the highest faucet in the building (that is, starting in the basement/first floor, and finishing on the top floor). You will likely need to run the water for 10 to 30 seconds. Run the water until it is clear, and any vibration or noise has stopped.

Important note

After the water is turned back on, we recommend checking the water meter (usually located in the basement). If it is leaking, call Water Meter Installations Dispatch at:

  • 905-791-7800 extension 3226 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Monday to Friday)
  • 905-791-7800 extension 4409 (after hours or statutory holidays)

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Construction Inspections

Engineering Technical Services Division

Operations Support, Public Works


Phone: 905-791-7800 extension 3246 / 3247 (8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. – Monday to Friday)

Phone: 905-791-7800 extension 4409 (after hours or statutory holidays)


Date and Time:         Thursday, March 13th, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Location:                    25A/25B Pine Avenue North

Addresses Affected: 43 – 5 Pine Avenue

332 – 320 Lakeshore Road West

Project #:                   C-603491

Regional Inspector: Phemelo Mpoloka

Telephone #               437-220-8917

905-791-7800 ext. 3246/3247

SCHEDULED WATER SUPPLY TEST SHUTDOWN – 1363 Wendigo Trail – Thursday, March 13th, from 9:00am to 11:00am

By Resources, Ward 1

The Region of Peel Public Works department regularly maintains and repairs the water system to make sure you have a consistent supply of quality drinking water. Sometimes we must turn off your water supply while we work on the system or conduct tests.

On Thursday, March 13th, from 9:00am to 11:00am, please expect a brief water outage and loss of water pressure while we work in your area.  If we need to reschedule this work due to weather or other circumstances, we will let you know the new date and time.

Property owner/manager responsibilities during a water interruption

As a property owner/manager, it is your responsibility to:

  • Ensure maintenance, mechanical or plumbing staff are on site during the water interruption, as it may affect internal systems that rely on water such as boilers, fire suppression, and alarms.
  • Notify the fire alarm company if the interruption could affect an alarm system.
  • Have a fire watch completed during the water interruption, as the building’s sprinkler protection system will not function when the water supply is shut off.

After the test shutdown

When we turn the water back on, air in the pipes may make the water cloudy and your plumbing may vibrate or make noise. We recommend removing the air by slowly turning on your taps from the lowest to the highest faucet in the building (that is, starting in the basement/first floor, and finishing on the top floor). You will likely need to run the water for 10 to 30 seconds. Run the water until it is clear, and any vibration or noise has stopped.

Important note

After the water is turned back on, we recommend checking the water meter (usually located in the basement). If it is leaking, call Water Meter Installations Dispatch at:

  • 905-791-7800, extension 3226 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Monday to Friday)
  • 905-791-7800 extension 4409 (after hours or statutory holidays)

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Construction Inspections

Engineering Technical Services Division

Operations Support, Public Works


Phone: 905-791-7800 extension 3246 / 3247 (8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. – Monday to Friday)

Phone: 905-791-7800 extension 4409 (after hours or statutory holidays)



Date and Time:         Thursday, March 13th from 9:00am to 11:00am

Location:                    1363 Wendigo Trail

Affected Addresses: 1335 – 1395 Wendigo Trail

 289 Mineola Road

Project #:                   C-603707

Regional Inspector: Phemelo Mpoloka

Telephone #               437-220-8917

905-791-7800 ext. 3246/3247

Bus Stop Impacts – Dundas Street East (Stop #1192)

By Resources, Ward 1

Please be advised that stop #0878 on WB Dundas Street at Neilco Court has been reopened for service.

Please also note that stop #1192 on WB Dundas Street at Jarrow Avenue will be out of service effective immediately until further notice for continuing watermain construction works.

Patrons will be directed to the now opened next stop #1192 at Jarrow Avenue which is approximately 170 metres west.

Stop #1192 is serviced by Route 1W and 1CW with continued accessible bus service at Stop #0878.

Renoviction Bylaw – Community Engagement

By Issues, Planning & Development

The City is developing a renoviction by-law to help protect tenants and promote lawful rental unit practices while balancing the needs of landlords.

An unlawful renoviction happens when landlords evict tenants to complete renovations and fail to follow the N13 process under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA). Landlords may be unclear or unaware that they must follow the N13 notice process and have a building permit from the City if they want their unit to be vacated to complete a renovation. Additionally, tenants may not know or understand their rights, including their right to secure a return after renovations are complete.

A renoviction by-law can help protect tenants from unlawful evictions by requiring landlords to follow the N13 notice process and obtain the necessary building permits from the City to complete their renovation.

Consultation and engagement

Throughout March and April, the City will be conducting public engagement and community consultations. Legal Services, in collaboration with Planning & Building and Strategic Communications & Initiatives, has developed an engagement framework that includes both general and focused consultations.

Residents will have the opportunity to provide input through a virtual community meeting and survey:

  • The virtual community meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at 6 p.m. Please register if you would like to attend.
  • The online survey is available until Wednesday, April 16, 2025.

More information about the public engagement can be found at A project page is also available.

Reporting back to Council

All information and research collected will be summarized in a corporate report. City staff are expected to report back to Council in Q4 with a detailed analysis and the proposed by-law.