Approving Units Must Lead to Building Units

I am pleased to hear the Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister, Paul Calandra is looking at addressing time lines for getting shovels in the ground after building applications have been approved.

Currently there are approximately 80,000 existing and ‘As of Right’ (no zoning changes need to be made) units available across the city, that could house approximately 244,000 people. At this time there is no sunset clause or tools available to encourage the expeditious development of those properties.

I would like to share one example, of many.  In my Ward, there are 400 units that were approved on a piece of property 31 years ago, with no permit to date ever filed to be built.  This is the issue that needs to be addressed…how to get shovels in the ground faster.

I look forward to hearing more on the “use it or lose it” (Sunset Clause) from the Ministry in the spirit of collaboration in working towards getting shovels in the ground faster once applications are, in fact, approved.