Approval of Etobicoke Creek Watershed Plan 2024-2034

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
(TRCA) is pleased to announce that the Etobicoke Creek Watershed Plan (ECWP) 2024-2034 was approved by TRCA’s Board of Directors on November 22, 2024, and implementation of the watershed plan will now begin.

Prior to approval by TRCA’s Board of Directors, the ECWP was adopted / endorsed by partner municipalities within the watershed including the City of Toronto, Region of Peel, City of Mississauga,
City of Brampton, and Town of Caledon.

The development of the ECWP was a collaborative effort between these partner municipalities, TRCA, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, and the Greater Toronto Airports Authority. Additional First Nations and Indigenous communities as well as stakeholders and members of the public were engaged throughout the process.

The new watershed plan outlines current and potential future watershed conditions and identifies the
priority actions needed to protect, enhance, and restore the health of the Etobicoke Creek watershed
and improve community well-being over the long-term. The actions in the plan will also help to build
resiliency to land use and climate changes and inform decision making in the watershed.

The ECWP will be in effect for 10 years from 2024-2034. A comprehensive, coordinated, and collaborative approach to implementing, tracking, and reporting on all aspects of the watershed plan will be essential to fully realise the vision for the watershed. An Implementation Steering Committee consisting of the same partners noted above will be established in 2025 to guide and support implementation. We will work together to achieve the shared commitments outlined in the plan and to demonstrate accountability towards improving watershed health and building safer communities.

More information about the ECWP can be found on the project webpage including an ECWP Factsheet,
the online interactive ECWP, an ECWP highlights video, and the Engagement Summary documents (which outline engagement activities that took place throughout the watershed planning process). As ECWP implementation progresses, regular updates will be provided on the project webpage.
If you have any questions about the ECWP or its implementation, please email us at