Alectra – Railway Crossing Overhead to Underground Conversion Project

By June 30, 2021July 2nd, 2021Issues, Resources, Ward 1



SUBJECT: Alectra Railway Crossing Overhead to Underground Conversion Project

– Haig Boulevard, between Carnegie Dr and Lakeshore Rd E (Lakeshore West Railway line)                 

Dear Customer:

Alectra Utilities, your local Hydro Distribution company is committed to providing quality service and a reliable supply of electricity to all our customers. In keeping with this commitment, Alectra Utilities will be removing overhead conductor crossings over the railway along the Lakeshore West Line and installing underground cables under the railway.

Alectra Utilities will be working primarily on the north side of the tracks, approximately 100m south of Carnegie Dr, and South side of the tracks, along Haig Blvd.

The surrounding areas of Haig Boulevard, between Carnegie Dr and Lakeshore Rd E will be impacted minimally by construction activities. In addition, a road closure will be required for approximately 8 weeks during construction at the railway crossing on Haig Boulevard. The pedestrian walkway over the railway will remain open during this time.

This project will require the significant excavation along the Municipal Road Allowance to relocate the underground and overhead electrical distribution equipment. Additionally, construction vehicles and equipment will be apparent, and present during construction. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Alectra Utilities will adhere to best construction practices, ensuring a safe work zone

Furthermore, entrance to driveways may be impacted during construction; however, every effort to coordinate safe vehicular passage during construction will be made.

Scheduled power interruptions will be required to safely complete the electrical changeover and every attempt will be made to notify you in advance of any interruption of hydro service

Construction is scheduled to begin JULY 2021 and will last approximately 3 months.

Scheduled outage notification will be by phone, please ensure that your primary contact phone number attached to your Alectra Utilities account is current.

Alectra Utilities would like to thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding field and construction related issues, please contact Mark Bobanovic, Alectra Inspection Supervisor: 416-553-4314. For all other project inquiries, please contact Phil Khuu, Transit Project Design Technologist: 416-938-6793.


Philander Khuu, B.A.T., C.E.T., M.E.P.P.
Design Technologist, Distribution Design – Transit Projects

3240 Mavis Road, Mississauga, ON L5C 3K1

t 905.798.2910 | m 416.938.6793